"Laugh, do you have to leave?"

Haruno looked at her daughter's happy little face after getting the necklace, and then she turned her gaze to Haruno Xiao, and then said with a complicated face.

"Aunt, it's not that I want to leave! But now it's the top that is forcing me to leave!

"If you can, I hope you can consider it!"

"Don't worry! Follow me absolutely safely! No one will hurt you..."

Haruno Xiao also understood what his aunt meant, so he withdrew his smile and said with a solemn expression. I don't know when, Sakura in his arms actually fell asleep.

"Sakura, she..."

Haruno Zhao, who noticed this scene, hurriedly stepped forward to check the situation, he was not only a strict wife, but also a daughter slave.

"It's okay! I just let her sleep quietly... After all, there are some things that are better not to let children know too much.

"I hope you will think carefully! Konoha is not as beautiful as you think! And there will be many disasters in the future... If you are not careful, you will die!

Haruno smiled and put Sakura in her uncle's arms, and then continued to persuade her uncle and aunt with a serious expression.

"Hey! Konoha is actually pretty good! The outside world is not easy to mix!

Haruno understood what the other party meant, but she was also iron-hearted and did not want to venture out into the outside world.

"yes! Oh, yes! "

Since his wife has already expressed her position, then Haruno Zhao can only follow up. If their family was really implicated in the matter of their nephew, then he had to admit it. But deep down, he still didn't quite believe what Konoha would do with them.

After all, it is not a disaster for the family, and they and Haruno Xiao are only relatives, and they are not direct relatives.


"But you should be careful when you are outside, and don't mention my name in the future."

"This is my gift to you, if your life is in danger, press the gem in the middle vigorously, it will take you out of danger..." Seeing

that the other party really didn't want to go with him, Haruno Xiao also looked very helpless, so he had to take out the gift that had been prepared long ago and gave it to them.

These are a pair of arm rings, both set with an emerald, which, once activated, will activate the teleportation spell above, and then take them to Fuzi Village.

"Oooh..." "

Thank you!"

Looking at the pair of delicate armbands, Haruno Zhao quickly signaled his wife to do something. The other party took it after giving his husband a blank look, looked a little softened, and then bowed to his nephew to thank him.

Even if they are not ninjas, they can understand the value of such a precious thing.

This is a good thing to save your life!

Is it just Sakura's?

"It's okay! Sakura's necklace has a similar function, just press the gem in the middle hard..."

"You need to explain it to Sakura later!"

"Once these jewels are activated, they will immediately teleport you to my territory. And I'll be the first to notice..."

Noticing his aunt's gaze, Haruno immediately noticed, and then explained to them with a smile.

"So powerful!"

"What is your strength now?"

Haruno Zhao obviously couldn't imagine that a few pieces of jewelry could do such a thing, so he couldn't help but inquire about his nephew's strength at this time.

"Haha... No one in Konoha Village has been able to keep me, not even the third generation!

Haruno laughed and did not take off the bottom compass, but his confident words also shocked the two.

The third generation of Hokage was advertised as the strongest Hokage, and his nephew turned out to be...

If the other party is not bragging, then his strength is indeed not simple! Even outside, with such strength, you may be able to mix well!


In the Konoha cemetery, Kakashi, who had just swept the tomb with soil for Rin Nohara and Uchiha, suddenly saw a strange pair passing by not far away.

Looks like a merchant and each other's concubines! It's just that why do people like them come to Konoha Cemetery?

The suspicious Kakashi immediately disappeared in a flash, and in the blink of an eye lurked in the nearby treetops to continue observing the combination below.

"Wow! What the hell is this guy Kakashi doing?

Kakashi's sudden action also startled Uchiha Obito, who had been lurking secretly using Kamui, and thought that he had revealed some flaws.

"Someone is coming! It's just that the merchant has something so strange..."

"Hmm! This woman is a bit weird!

When he realized that Kakashi was not targeting him, he shifted his gaze to the strange combination of Haruno Laugho and Fujimoto Izumi in the distance.

Just by looking at it, Uchiha Obito felt the strangeness in that beautiful concubine. It was an indescribable feeling that grabbed his attention.

"Nope! What I like is Lynn!

"This kind of enchanting color is not worthy of being compared with Rin at all..." Thinking

that this is the Konoha Cemetery, and Nohara Rin's tombstone is not far away, Uchiha took the soil and quickly disappeared in place, not daring to see Fujimoto Izumi!

He was afraid that he would mutate his thoughts... Then it affected his love for Rin Nohara!

Haruno didn't notice this, but he found Kakashi Kiki. Feeling embarrassed, he quickly exchanged information with his apprentice secretly, even if he walked to Fujimoto Kai's tomb.

"Someone is lurking nearby!"

Haruno smiled and leaned over his apprentice's ear and smiled, as if the two were laughing.

"Ah! What people? Where is it? When

Fujimoto Izumi heard this, he immediately put on a look of wanting to refuse and welcome back, and leaned in to Haruno to laugh in his ear.

"Kiki Kakashi, a troublesome Kami-Shinobi! It's in the nearby treetops..."

Haruno smiled and felt that the anxious apprentice was becoming more and more mature, so he held her in his arms with satisfaction, and the smile on his face became more and more bright. That lewd look made others want to punch him in the face, and he looked like a disgusting and lecherous businessman.

"Then let's go! I've already seen my father! Izumi

was in Haruno Xiao's arms, holding his hand on the other's chest, looking like he was picking by Renjun. I don't know where she learned her acting skills, and she acted vividly.

"Huh... I'll lead him away later! You better worship your father!

Haruno Xiao knew that it would be very difficult for his apprentice to go to Konoha, so after thinking about it, he decided to lure Kakashi's troublesome essence away. But the hands seem to have become dishonest, and they began to move around Izumi's body, with the appearance of a nouveau riche businessman, which is really obscene.

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