"Still don't!"

"I don't want to be a burden to the teacher... Let's leave! Izumi

looked panting, his eyes were warm and seemed to be dripping water.

This acting is absolutely superb! In the future, I may be able to compete for the Ninja Shadow Empress....

Such a familiar scene made Kakashi, who was silently observing on the side, suddenly remembered a certain toad fairy's intimate heavenly new work.

Although it is not completely copied, the plot similarity is 780%, and he is now almost watching a live-action blockbuster.

Suddenly, Kakashi inexplicably gave birth to a sense of excitement, and at the same time forgot the original idea, a little looking forward to the performance of the pair later.

"Alright! But I can't make Kakashi's guy feel better, it's indispensable when you fight..."

Haruno didn't continue to make any outrageous moves in Konoha Cemetery as Kakashi wished, and after some ridicule, he walked towards the gate with the limp beauty in his arms.

This made Kakashi not know whether to rejoice or be disappointed, after all, if the other party really did it openly in the Konoha Cemetery just now...

Is he hiding to the side? Or go and stop it?



Suddenly, Kakashi felt a murderous aura coming, so he immediately used the teleportation technique to leave his original position.

The next moment a thousand books streaked through there and then inserted into the trunk of the tree in the rear. Kakashi fixed his eyes and spotted a familiar stranger.

"Haruno laughter, what do you want to do?"

"It's okay! Just say hello to you... After all, you were so fascinated just now, I didn't even notice when I got closer..." Throwing

the thousand books in his hand, Haruno's laughing shadow doppelganger smiled and looked at the unlucky one not far away.

This guy can also be regarded as a lone star in the early stage, and whoever is close to him will not have a good end. Therefore, Haruno Xiao also had a respectful attitude towards him before, and easily did not communicate with him.

But today he always has to teach the other party a lesson, so as to wake up this ungrateful guy.


Saying that, Haruno smiled and kept smiling, and threw out the Senbon in his hand again, shooting straight at Kakashi, who was on guard not far away.

"Hmph! Stubborn... It just so happens that the three generations want to see you, Miku obediently come with me! "

The previous three generations of Mekai Hibiki had already explained the mission, and wanted him to lead the team to negotiate with Haruno Xiao, who was out on a mission, but he didn't want to encounter the defection of Orochimaru, so he delayed.

After all, compared to the big snake pill, a Haruno smile seemed insignificant, but he didn't want him to meet each other here today. And this person's attitude seems to be very unfriendly, it seems that he has an opinion about Konoha Village!

So Kakashi once again used the teleportation technique to dodge Senbon's attack, and then quickly approached Haruno Laugho, wanting to quickly control his opponent.


However, the next moment, Kakashi ate Haruno Laugh's quick side kick and flew out, and it took several heels to offset the strength.

"So fast! It's really that powerful..."

Kakashi touched the mentioned face, feeling the hot pain on it, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. At this time, he had to pay attention to the strength of the medical director of Konoha Hospital in front of him, and immediately pulled his forehead away, revealing his three-hook jade chakra eyes.

Although he was indeed a little careless before, the speed of the other party just now really surprised him, just like facing Kai, who opened the eight doors of Dun Jia.

"Come here!"

Haruno smiled and hooked his hand towards Kakashi, who was not far away, and motioned for the other party to continue.

That arrogant look was really infuriating, but Kakashi was also very calm and unimpulsive, but quickly sealed the ugly - Ichishin, and made Ratchet.


..." Then he sparked with a grim face and slammed towards Haruno on the opposite side, and his speed seemed to have been greatly enhanced, appearing majestic and imposing.

"Huh... You also only have this trick a bit of a look! Looking

at Kakashi who was rushing towards Ratchet, Haruno moved his feet to the side very flexibly before the other party arrived, and at the same time grabbed the right hand that suddenly came and pushed it behind him.


Kakashi, who was thrown away by Haruno's laughter, could no longer control his moves, and suddenly pierced the tree in front of him. In an instant, a strange white humanoid monster was also revealed, and then looked stupidly at his pierced chest.

"Hey! Elder brother...... Dude, I... I seem... Didn't offend you!

"You... How...... Even I... A tree... Don't let it go? "

I... I will definitely ... Come back..." This

unfortunate Bai Jue was completely out of breath before he finished his words, and before he died, he was still full of unwillingness to fate.

"What the hell is this?"

"How could you be lurking in Konoha Cemetery?"

"Haruno laughs, are you doing ghosts?"

Kakashi didn't feel guilty at all for accidentally killing a strange humanoid, but quickly withdrew his hand and continued to look at Haruno warily.

"Haha... Kakashi, this thing is obviously killed by you, okay? But isn't it also very interesting?

Haruno laughed at this of course, he was at this white arrow before he threw Kakashi over there. The other party really did not disappoint him, and in one move, Bai Jue was completely cold.

"Do you know what it is?"

Kakashi was also very curious about this thing, but what made him care more was that the other party's hiding ability was very good. If it weren't for the accident just now, he would never have known that there was such a humanoid monster hidden in this big tree.

"This thing... Who knows? Anyway, it's the first time I've met..."

"But your current opponent is me!" Distraction will make you and I lose badly..."

Haruno smiled and opened his eyes and said nonsense, anyway, he can't reveal his intelligence about Bai Jue now. So he launched an attack on the opposite Kakashi, using the teleportation technique to quickly approach his opponent, while throwing a powerful punch.


Kakashi quickly dodged with a sideways roll, but the big tree behind him and the white corpse were unlucky! It was directly beaten into two sections, and then fell to the side very miserably.

God knows if there are other white absolutes in this vicinity, and he has to guard against the urine nature of Obito and Black Jeopardy! After all, it was still during the silent development of power, and he Chunyexiao still decided not to have too much connection with the people of the Xiao Organization!

However, this white cell is an excellent material, how can he let go of this opportunity? So there is such a play....

Even if Obito and Kurojue saw such a scene, they would only think that it was an accident!

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