"Shhh! This is a strange force!?

Kakashi saw that Haruno laughed with such a powerful punch at random, and he was immediately shocked into a cold sweat.

"You truly deserve to be the best medical ninja of Konoha's generation! Even Tsunade-sama can learn the

strange powers..." Although he had never seen Tsunade-hime wield strange powers, he had also heard of the power of this special physical technique. Haruno Xiao's physical skills are so similar to the legendary strange power that he has to suspect that this is a strange power.

"It's just that if you want to win over me with your strange power, that's underestimating me!"

The ninja's professional qualities forced Kakashi to re-examine the strength of the other party, and in the next moment a shuriken was projected by him, and it was quickly sealed.

"Shuriken Shadow Doppelgänger Art!"

The ninjutsu that Kakashi sent out this time is a ninjutsu created by the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki, which can transform a shuriken into tens of thousands, and is a combination of ninjutsu and ninjutsu.

The shadow avatar of this substance is more difficult than the general shadow avatar, without any preparation in advance, and the shadow avatar of each shuriken is an entity, that is, each shuriken has lethality and can form a perfect encirclement formation that makes it difficult for the enemy to avoid.

Although Kakashi can't turn one into a thousand or even ten thousand at this time, it is still possible to conjure up hundreds of shuriken shadow avatars...

"Haha... Mere trifle! "

Tudun Tuliubi!"

In the face of dozens of shuriken attacks, Haruno Xiao quickly leaned over and pressed to the ground, and after injecting the earth attribute Chakara into the ground, a huge and thick earth wall blocked in front of him.

"Oh shh The

next moment, a large number of shurikens were inserted into the earthen wall, and did not attack Haruno Xiao in the rear.

"Tudu Tu Rift Palm Turn!"

Kakashi's angry shouts came from outside the wall, and in the next moment, several huge cracks appeared in the ground, ignoring the obstruction of the earthen wall and striking towards the rear.

However, how could such an attack be able to deal with Haruno Xiao, only to see his figure quickly appear on the wall, and then fight back towards Kakashi in front.

"Fire Escape Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

The three fireballs were quickly spewed out by Haruno Laughao, and then they swept towards Kakashi who rushed towards them in a zigzag shape.

A vertical leap turned over to dodge, and the three fireballs were dodged by Kakashi, and at the same time he quickly shot a kunai in the air, and the detonation charm on the tail was so conspicuous.


Ku Wu was easily dodged by Haruno Xiao, but when he attacked the trees behind, a violent explosion occurred.

In this regard, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, knowing that the other party wanted to attract the attention of others.

"Since you want a quick victory, then I will fulfill you!"

Haruno smiled on the spot, and his figure approached Kakashi at a very fast speed, blue light flashed in his hand, and the Chakra scalpel had appeared, quickly slashing towards the other party.

Seeing this, Kakashi hurriedly used Ku Wu to resist, but he didn't want that the Ku Wu made of metal was not the enemy of Haruno Xiao Chakra's scalpel, and it was cut in half in an instant!

At the same time, the chakra scalpel that broke through the defenseless cut Kakashi's neck artery by the way, and he saw that the other party was about to die on the spot.


This turned out to be a shadow doppelganger!

The next moment, Kakashi appeared behind Haruno Xiao, and then used Kuno against the back of the other's heart.

"The winner is decided! Haruno laughs, just grab it! "

Huh!? You can use the shadow avatar, can't I use it?

Haruno joked so, but took advantage of the other party's stunned time to kick Kakashi's lower body with a back hook.

"Boom! Boom!

Kakashi still carelessly moved, but this was still his shadow doppelganger, and before he died, he also pulled Haruno Laughing Cushion, and he couldn't go straight to the back of the other party's heart.

It's just that what Haruno Xiao just said didn't lie to him, this is really just a shadow doppelganger, so both sides exploded into smoke in the scene.

"You really can hide! However, the astringent aura needs to be strengthened! At

this time, Kakashi, who thought he was well hidden, suddenly heard Haruno laughing behind him, and then a piercing pain came from the chrysanthemum on his butt.


A kunai didn't know when it was inserted in the center of Kakashi's ass, making him can't help but fly out, and he was away from the place for the first time.



"You! You..."

Kakashi, who had been hit by an enhanced version of the Millennium Kill, trembled and reached out to hold the "Iron Tail" behind him, and then pulled it out with a sad and indignant face, and blood was immediately spilled on the ground, and at the same time stained his lower body red.

In order not to lose too much blood, he had to immediately throw away the murder weapon in his hand, and then clamped his butt to guard against the sudden appearance of Haruno Laugh.

This man is too dangerous!

How could he be so fast?

"This is a punishment for you unconscionable fellow!"

"Three years! You are getting more and more wasted, and the former Konoha genius can only be a person with his ass between his asses now, and even his own teacher's son doesn't care..."

"Do you know what kind of life the son of the fourth generation of Hokage is living now?"

"Living like a kennel, eating expired food, and being treated hostilly and abused by the people who take care of him, it's miserable every day!"

"And you don't care? Are you worthy of the Wave Feng Shuimen couple?

Haruno's laughing words were like a kunai deeply inserted into Kakashi's heart, and this spiritual damage was even greater than the physical damage caused by the kunai that had just inserted into his chrysanthemum, making his eyes pale.

This! Is this true?

"Naruto was treated like this?"

"Didn't Sandaime say that he would take good care of him?"


Kakashi hadn't heard of the rumors of the demon fox, but Miyome had promised him that he would take good care of Naruto, and said that the rumors of the demon fox were only temporary, so he was still immersed in sadness so he didn't get too involved.

Today, after hearing Haruno's laughing words, he realized that his teacher's son was treated like this!

All this seems to be different from what he thinks a lot!

"And why?"

"How did your father die... Do you know? "

The gossip is not shallow, it's just that the high-level of Konoha controls public opinion..."

And he died at the hands of his own people..."

"Now the orphan of the fourth generation has become a demon fox that everyone shouts at in the mouths of the villagers!" How do you want him to survive in Konoha in the future? Is it white-eyed every day?

"And you're so naïve until now!"

"As a son, you fail! As an apprentice, you also fail! As a ninja, Kakashi, you still don't pass very well?

"It would be so easy to be manipulated by Konoha's high-level as a puppet at will, like a tool man, without any opinion!"

"It's a pity that the White Fang expects of you, it's a pity that the Wave Feng Shui Gate taught you..."

"Kakashi, you are a trash!"

Haruno couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed after scolding Kakashi in front of him with a smile, he had long wanted to beat the other party and then scold.

Today I finally got my wish!

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