"Konoha Whirlwind!"

At this moment, a figure quickly rushed into the scene, and then kicked a volley flying leg at Haruno Xiao at a very fast speed.

Haruno Xiao's physical fitness is beyond ordinary people, and his reaction power is also first-class, so he also noticed who the person was at the first time.

It is the future Konoha Blue Beast Matkai!

I saw that he did not collide with the other party, and as soon as his figure turned, he staggered the flying kick, and then quickly reached out and struck a palm in the air at the opponent's back.


Kai, who kicked in the air, suddenly seemed to be hit by the empty palm of the Hinata clan, and his figure hit the tree on the side.


Kakashi was also attracted by this sudden change, recovered from his inner self-blame, and then called out in the direction of his friend worriedly.

"Kai, you're not very polite!"

Haruno Xiao, who successfully knocked out Matkai, withdrew his hand, and then looked in the direction where the other party fell.

"Laugh, your strength really surprised me! Was that an empty palm just now? Although

he suffered a big loss, Matkai, who has been strictly exercising himself, has already developed a steel and iron bone, and this injury is still within his tolerance. So he quickly rolled over from the ground and gave Haruno a thumbs up with a smile.

In contrast, he was more surprised by Haruno Xiao's strength. This enthusiastic medical ninja has such great strength! And it seems that he also mastered the empty palm of the Hyuga clan...

"Huh... The so-called empty palm is just a special use of Chakra. It's really nothing to me who is proficient in Chakra control?

"Alright! That's it for today! I hope Kakashi can reflect on it..."


Empty palms are really easy for Haruno Xiao to copy, as long as they have seen it. Although it cannot be 100% reproduced for a while, it can also be similar to 780%.

And he had really seen Hinata Hinata cast an empty palm up close not long ago, so he also imitated it in his spare time.

The power is not bad!

After seeing Matkai appear, Haruno Xiao didn't want to waste any more effort on Kakashi. After all, the beating is also beaten, and the scolding is also scolded, it depends on whether the other party will improve in the next days!

In the next moment, Haruno smiled and disappeared in place, leaving the two in embarrassment.

"Kakashi, what's going on?"

"Why did you fight with Haruno Laughter?"

"Is it a competition? But why don't you ask him to help you treat it? Seeing

Haruno laughing away, Matkai did not chase, but came to his friend Kakashi. He had already seen that the other party's state was wrong, and the pants on his lower body were actually stained red with blood, and he was definitely injured! So he quickly held the other party, and then wanted to ask about the specific situation.

"Kay... My injuries are a bit serious! You, you better carry me to Konoha Hospital!

Kakashi remembered that Haruno Laughao's information had not yet spread widely, so it was difficult to reveal too much information to his friends. It's just that his injuries at this time had to be treated immediately, and Kai's arrival saved his life.

Because his injury is not suitable for moving too much at all, otherwise he will definitely spray blood again!

"Good! Kakashi, hold on! I'll carry you to

Konoha Hospital..." Looking at Kakashi with a bloodless face, Matkai also knew that something was wrong, so he immediately put other things behind him, and then quickly walked towards Konoha Hospital with Kakashi behind him.

"Izumi, you go back first!"

"I still have to stay to deal with some things, it's not convenient to continue to take you with me!"

On the other side, Haruno Xiao, who was disguised as a disguised person, and after leaving the Konoha Cemetery, she spoke out to let the other party leave first, because it was no longer convenient for her to participate in the next matter.

"Hmm! I know!

"But you must come back early!"

"We will wait for you in Fuzi Village..."

Fujimoto Izumi also knew that his current strength was not enough, and if he stayed, he would only become a burden to the other party, so he also agreed very obediently.

At the same time, she has become more and more urgent about the growth of her own strength, hoping to face danger with her laughing brother in the future.

"Haha... You can rest assured to wait for me in Fuzi Village!"

"There is no one in Konoha Village who can keep me yet..." Touching

the other's silky black hair, Haruno smiled and then teleported his apprentice back to Fuzi Village in a quiet alley.

"Where to go next?"

"Hmm! Let's go and see the Kurama family first! "

Without little loli around, Haruno Xiao's range of activity can become larger. At the same time, he did not forget to get some spiritual cultivation or yin knowledge from Konoha Village, and the first choice was the Kurama clan.

After all, the Kurama clan has fallen in Konoha. The people in their clan are all extremely good at illusion, but their physical fitness is generally not good, so the partiality is very serious.

At the same time, due to the fact that there are fewer and fewer people who can inherit the blood succession limit to dominate the five senses, coupled with the consumption of wars accumulated over the years, the Kurama clan is also becoming fewer and fewer, so on the whole, it has gradually declined into a second-rate ninja clan.

In this generation, the patriarch couple of the Kurama clan gave birth to a daughter named Yakumo, who is only four years old this year, but has already been found to have blood and has high hopes.

On the other hand, Kurama Yakumo is like the Uchiha Itachi of the Uchiha clan, and he also began refining Chakra at a young age and began to practice ninjutsu.

However, she is also far worse than Uchiha Weasel, who also inherits the weak physical fitness of the Kurama family, but is a bit like a moonlight wind, and because of the girl's reason, her physical fitness is worse, and she can't withstand the toss.

This made the Kurama patriarch, who originally thought that after growing up with Yakumo, he could lead the Kurama clan to prosper again, was distressed!

However, he did not give up on his daughter because of this, but often encouraged her to work harder.

After all, the daughter is young, and she should not be able to bear the pain of exercise, as long as she cultivates hard, there will definitely be a lot of room for growth in the future.

Maybe a little bigger and the situation will improve....


"Take the liberty of interrupting! Patriarch Kurama..." In

the courtyard of the patriarch of the Kurama clan, Haruno smiled and saw the patriarch Kurama, who had not yet been killed by his daughter's heart demon.

"Are you... Haruno laughs?!

"What are you doing with me?"

Although the Kurama clan has declined, it has also prospered before, so the relevant information of Konoha Village can still be known in advance.

Haruno laughed that this person had already been targeted by Konoha's high-level, and he almost announced that the other party was a rebel.

Today, the other party suddenly petitioned, which made him feel very surprised, and at the same time he couldn't help but be vigilant, for fear that the other party would suddenly make a difficulty.

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