"This is my Fuzi Village! A daughter country..."

Haruno smiled and patted his uncle's shoulder, then introduced him to this special village.

"Ah! You mean this is your village! "

Haruno Zhao couldn't imagine that his nephew Leng Buding had become the head of a village, this is the rhythm to be developed!

And this is still a country of daughters, so does the other party have a group of harems?

Can you bear such a labor at a young age?

Haruno Zhao's eyes changed from shock to envy to eccentricity when he watched his nephew, and his expression changed, as if he was performing Yan Yi.

"You wait here for a while! If someone finds you later! You just report my name and show the other person the armband on your arm... That's the proof!

"I'll go back to Konoha first and bring Aunt and Sakura out!"

"Okay! All right! You hurry up and go! I'm worried about them too..."

Haruno Xiao explained to his uncle, then locked a coordinate again and launched his teleportation technique, and the next moment he disappeared on the mountain platform of Fuzi Village.

"They're asking for you! You must be safe!

Looking at the empty platform around him, Haruno Zhao sat down directly, looking worried and waiting for his nephew to bring his wife and daughter over.

Haruno Xiao, who returned to Konoha Village again, soon found his aunt and Sakura, who were at each other's homes. They seemed to be safe for the time being, and they didn't seem to be aware that Haruno had had an accident.

The attentive Haruno Xiao found that they were surrounded by a group of root ninjas, and this house should be a trap.

With his eyesight, he slowly discovered that there were many wrong places around this house, the detonation charm was just a small meaning, Haruno Xiao was afraid of only a special sealing technique, and if he was not careful, this place would become a cage waiting to cast his net!

However, in the end, the other party does not seem to know his own details, so he is doomed to the fate of failure.

"Gee... You can really look at me! So many people were dispatched..."

"It seems that uncle is just a decoy!"

"I'm afraid this house is already surrounded by detonator traps! Just wait for me to appear..." For

the safety of her aunt and Sakura, Haruno Xiao did not dare to take the initiative to use her own perception. Because he knew that there must be sentient ninjas among the root ninjas here, he could only observe secretly.

"However! You still underestimate me..."

"As long as the jewelry with the coordinates is still intact, I can actively activate the teleportation technique above at any time!"

Haruno Xiao did not choose to enter the house, but directly inspired the special jewelry on his aunt Nha Fuki and Sakura. The next moment, the two disappeared into the house, making the root ninja who had been closely monitoring their every move look confused.

"Haruno Nha Fuki and Haruno Sakura are gone!"

"Let's look around and see what's going on around here?"

The head of a root ninja jumped directly to the roof at this time and then loudly transmitted a message to the surroundings.


However, the next moment, a water line slammed through the long sky, directly piercing his heart!

"Ugh! There's him..."

The root member did not die directly, but pointed in the direction of Haruno Xiao to give the last hint of his life, and then fell to the roof.


Huh..." As the root member fell, the surroundings were quiet for a short while, and then a large number of shurikens and kunai appeared, shooting straight towards the place where Haruno Xiao was hiding.

"Ding-ding-ding... Dingding..." Of

course, this dark weapon attack could not hit the extremely fast Haruno Xiao, but he completely exposed his position as soon as he moved. Soon, a group of root ninjas rushed towards him with kunai, surrounded by figures, as if they wanted to surround him.

"Hey! I'll play with you today..."

"Let me show you how good I am!"

Since condensing his own spirit and successfully awakening the kaleidoscope chakra eye, Haruno Xiao's physical fitness has been further improved.

Under the influence of the physical manipulation of his left eye, his strength and speed have increased even more, reaching the limit of this body at this time.

That's a very exaggerated level! It's like Shennong who opened eight doors!

At this time, he had the effect of a body instantaneous body with a random kick, and ordinary ninjas could not see his movements at all.


"Without waiting for the root ninja to approach, Haruno Xiao attacked first, and a random punch had a strange effect. Really rub and hurt, touch and fly! With a pair of meat punches, he beat a group of root ninjas to the point of jumping, and they were all knocked more than ten meters away.

"Tudun Multiple Earth Array Wall!"

Seeing Haruno Xiao's physical skills so perverted, even if the root ninja is cold-blooded and ruthless, he knows the gap between the two sides and feels afraid!

So several root members launched the earth formation wall ninjutsu in unison to surround Haruno Xiao inside, wanting to temporarily trap each other, while the other root ninjas saw this and launched various ninjutsu on the inside of the multiple earth formation walls...

"Fire Escape Great Fireball Technique!"

"Wind Escape Big Breakthrough!"

"Thunderball Thunderball!"

"Tudun Earth Dragon Bomb!"


"Boom, boom... Boom, boom..." The

bombardment exploded for a while, shattering the entire multiple earth array wall. At the same time, such a loud sound also alarmed the entire Konoha Village, making everyone's eyes look here.

"Snap... Very good attack! "

But there is no one inside, and those flowers and plants are getting in your way?"

When these root ninjas wanted to go down and check it out, a round of applause came from the side, and then Haruno's laughing figure emerged from the dirt, watching them do a useless job with a playful face.

"Kill him!"

A root ninja rushed directly towards Haruno Xiao, and at the same time quickly sealed the seal in his hand to launch ninjutsu to continue attacking the other party.


However, Haruno disappeared in a flash, and then kicked the mouthy root ninja into the air. The blood flew with his toss, scattering all over the place.

Obviously, Haruno laughed ruthlessly!

The next moment his figure flickered rapidly in the field, one moment he was still there, and the next moment he flashed to another place. The fists and feet combined, and in the blink of an eye, most of the root ninjas in the vicinity were knocked to the ground, and they were not alive.

"Hey! I can't help but fight! I'm just warming up too, how come you all lie down!

"And the rest? Come out all! Don't let me take the initiative to find you..."

"Aren't you trying to deal with me anyway?"

"I'm standing here now, you guys come out and get me!" Come on! Hahahaha..."

Haruno Xiao was very satisfied with his strength and speed at this time, and his state at this time alone might not be much worse than the state of Metkay opening eight doors and five or six doors!

And this is not his limit!

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