If Haruno Xiao is willing, he can burst into a more exaggerated state, and his speed and strength can continue to improve. However, dealing with these root ninjas is not so serious.

After all, it is not good for Konoha Village to expose too many hole cards!

"Haruno laughing brother! Don't go wrong! Let's talk!

"I understand your grievances! Feel relieved...... Konoha Village is not a place where some people cover the sky with one hand..."

"I will definitely get justice for you!"

There was such a huge movement in the village, and before the people of Uchiha from the Konoha Police Department appeared, a white-haired lewd man came here first.

This person is Jiraiya!

Looking at the root ninja who fell everywhere, he really realized that the boy in front of him had hidden so deeply before.

Maybe the other party has been hiding before, and everyone has been deceived by him!

Why hide so deeply?

If he hadn't known that the other party was a native of Konoha Village, he would have suspected that the man in front of him was a spy from another village.

Is it guessing Konoha?

The death phase of these root ninjas, at a glance, knows that they died under powerful physical skills, and even he could not achieve such an effect!

Perhaps only Tsunade, who is also a medical ninja, can achieve such a physical effect when he performs strange power techniques...

Remembering myself because of peeping... The experience of almost being punched to death by Tsunade, I couldn't help but touch my chest.

Haruno laughed this guy may have reached a physical cultivation similar to Tsunade's big cow...

"Huh... It's Jiraiya brother!

"Too! They can only let you show up! I'm afraid the three generations don't have the face to see me now!

"Konoha! It's all messed up by him! Also Hokage... He can't manage a single Shimura group..."

"Look at these so-called root ninjas, they are all thoughtless puppets! Gee...... What a sacrifice of life!

"I'm obviously afraid I'm going to die!" But none of them dared to escape... Do I have any deep hatred with them? Is it worth their own lives?

"Even if they all die here now, our Shimura Danzo Elder may not be distressed!" After all, these tool people, he can recruit a batch when he turns his head!

"Our third generation is really too indulgent of his old fellow! It's not that we civilian ninjas are human beings at all..."

Haruno laughed at the rushing Jirai, and voiced his complaints about Sandaime and Shimura Danzo.

"Stop, stop... I know it's from the village, no! But you can't deal with the ninjas of the village hard!

"You've killed so many root ninjas now, it's hard for me to do it!"

"Although they are all people without a composition and identity... But we always have to give Konoha a little face, don't we? Hearing

Haruno laughing, it seemed that he wanted to talk endlessly, and Jiraiya quickly called out to the other party. After all, if you continue to talk like this, it will be dark!

Zi Lai also does not want to just listen to the other party's complaints, solving problems is the purpose of his coming here.

As for these root ninjas... If you die, you die! Who makes them all a bunch of tools without identity and feelings....

For Shimura Danzo, Jiraiya really hates it! If it weren't for him, Orochimaru might not have defected...

Therefore, he does not like the roots under the command of Shimura Danzo, and it is said that they are a group of ninjas who have no thoughts and completely obey Shimura Danzo's orders.

For these fundamental ninjas, even the words of their own teacher, Sarutobi Hinata, are not as important as Shimura Danzo!

Haruno Xiao is actually right!

His own teacher is too indulgent to his old fellow! It's all made a mess of the village....

"Hey! Actually, you also know... The reason that caused me to depart from Konoha is the current Konoha high-level!

"They're all now carried away by their power and can't see others threatening their status." I can't even tolerate my little Konoha Hospital medical director..."

"If Jiraiya brother were the fifth generation Hokage, there wouldn't be all these bad things now!"

"Or do you think Tsunade-sama ran away from Konoha just to distract himself? Maybe she didn't want to see the Konoha that her ancestors worked so hard to build, and she was tossed into a mess by a group of old guys!

"I'm afraid even Lord Orochimaru can't see it!" I don't want to stay in this rotten Konoha anymore..."

"It's really disappointing here!"

Haruno Xiao directly explained the contradiction between himself and the Konoha high-level, focusing on the decay of the Konoha high-level, making Konoha worse and worse.

"Uh... I actually understand what you said! But I'm also helpless! After all, Midaimu is my teacher, and he treats me well..."

Haruno Xiao listened to what Haruno Xiao said just now, and he had nothing to say about it.

Maybe Tsunade and Orochimaru really saw the impropriety of Konoha Village and became more and more disappointed!

It's just that he can't make his own teacher's rebellion, can he?

"Jiraiya, you really don't have a little responsibility!"

"No wonder Tsunade-sama has always looked down on you!"

"If you put in some energy, sit in the position of the fourth generation of Hokage, and then keep Konoha in order, maybe Tsunade is your wife!" And the Watergate couple will not die, and Orochimaru will not defect

..." "It's not that you don't know the darkness of Konoha, you just turn a blind eye to it, listen to it, and let it develop..." "

However, it is your lack of responsibility that Konoha Village will continue to go downhill!"

Hearing that Jiraiya thought he was emotional, Haruno Xiao was really disappointed in him, and he didn't even call him the title of old brother. Seeing that the other party was speechless, wanting to say but not knowing what to say, Haruno laughed directly.

"You don't want to disobey your teacher, so you've been running outside all these years. But it is precisely for this reason that Tsunade learns like this! "

The absence of you and Tsunade has left Orochimaru without bonds, so his opinion of Konoha is also growing."

"It is precisely because of your concession that Bofeng Shuimen will have the name of Hokage at a young age, but there is no Hokage..."

"It is also your irresponsibility, and the Bofeng Shuimen couple died young!" Because if you are present in the Nine Tails Rebellion, maybe the situation will be different!

"And you, who have been traveling, have turned a blind eye to your apprentice's son all

these years..." "Do you know how Naruto that guy has been over all these years?"

"It's really worse than the Inuzuka dog!"

"You really are a good master..."

Haruno's laughing words made Jirai, who had always thought he had a big heart, feel a chill in his heart, and he couldn't imagine that he had caused so many things to happen.

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