According to Haruno Xiao's theory, he is really the culprit of this series of things!

But Tsunade, Orochimaru, they are even counted, and the Watergate couple are already dead, so what happened to Naruto?

"Haruno laugh, you just said what happened to Naruto?"

"Why is he said that he lives less than a dog?"

"Is it really that miserable?"

Ji Lai, who felt that something was wrong, also directly said his most urgent problem at this time. His own teacher had promised to take good care of Naruto before, so this thing will not be fake, right?!

"Haha... It's just that miserable!

"That's why you idiot keeps believing your teacher's nonsense!"

"Three generations of him! In order to suppress the prestige of the fourth generation and consolidate his position, really anything crazy will be done..."

"Do you know what Naruto is called now? Naruto Uzumaki! And not Naruto Naruto!

"Do you know what Naruto's current identity is? Demon fox! Disaster Star! Unlucky eggs... In short, not the son of the fourth generation! "

Hey, hey... This is the means of our three generations of Hokage-sama! It's a lot of work to deal with a little baby! "

What is it to say that you want to keep the identity of Naruto the nine-tailed Pillar Force secret, but now who in Konoha doesn't know the identity of his demon fox!?" But any spy with a little brain knows what it means!

"And the babysitter who took care of Naruto before was eager to kill him!" How could he possibly take good care of him..."

"Little Naruto is not raised now, he is also a good physique of the Uzumaki bloodline, and there is the secret help of the Nine-Tailed Chakra!"

"Otherwise, he would have been abused to death..." Since

he inherited the inheritance of the fourth generation, Haruno Xiao did not mind pulling their son. Now put the little guy's experience in front of Ji Laiye, and see if the other party will choose to turn a blind eye and listen to it.


"Teacher, he didn't say that..." "

How could he lie to me!"

"Impossible... It's absolutely impossible..." Ji

Lai couldn't help but be shocked when he heard this, the previous things were already difficult to remedy, but he still wanted to take care of the son of Watergate and Jiu Xinnai...

But what Haruno Xiao said was completely different from what his teacher told him! Who should he believe?

"What's impossible? Now who in Konoha Village doesn't know that little Naruto is a demon fox?

"Pity a child under the age of four to face the malice of this village!" What the hell did he do wrong?

"It stands to reason that Naruto can use his young body to seal the hero of the Nine Tails, this wave of feng shui gate before death!" I want my son to be loved and cared for as a hero..."

Look at how our third generation Hokage takes care of him..."

"You sneak into Naruto Uzumaki's house now, and maybe all you can see is a messy house that is not even as good as a kennel, and instant noodles are his staple food!" Drink expired milk! "

Naruto Uzumaki can live until now, maybe it is really the Watergate couple who have always been by his side to bless..."

Haruno laughed like a bitter wu deeply into Jiraiya's heart, which really made him feel distressed.

What a good child was treated like this!

He is the son of Hokage! Heroes of Konoha!

How dare they ....

Ay! Teacher...... You're so wrong!

Big mistake....

I was wrong too!

I shouldn't trust you so bottomlessly....

Otherwise, little Naruto would not have suffered so much!

For Haruno Xiao's words, although Jiraiya did not fully believe it, he also knew that the other party would definitely not tell him something unreasonable.

But if half of what the other party said was true, then the current Konoha high-level might really deserve death!

What he was most afraid of was that what Haruno Xiao said was all true! And the feeling told him that the other party didn't seem to have the intention of coaxing him....

That's even worse!

Teacher, have you actually decayed to such an extent now? Are you still the beloved ninja you used to be?

"You... Said... All true?

Jiraiya's face changed and he was silent for a long time after listening to Haruno's words, and finally gritted his teeth and asked such a sentence.

"It's actually easy to inquire about!"

"You can just ask about the old department of Watergate, and you also have eyes to see!"

"With your ability, who can hide some things from Konoha Village from you..."

Haruno Xiao knew that at this time, Jiraiya had actually believed his own words, but there was still a trace of luck in the other party's heart.

Hopefully, none of what he said is true....

I still want to deceive myself!

"Didn't you just hide it from me for a long time?"

"I really didn't know you had such great strength before!"

"And since you know what happened to Naruto, why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Zi Lai also looked at Haruno Xiao in front of him with a resentful expression, and said in a faint voice.

"Boom! You can't blame me for that!

"I've only really become strong in recent years, and I don't want to look at the faces of Konoha's high-ranking people anymore..."

"But before, I was really just a civilian ninja who needed the care of you seniors!"

"As for Naruto's thing..."

"Hey! I used to be just an ordinary Konoha ninja, how dare I offend the high-level of Konoha? If I take the initiative to reveal it, with the urine nature of our third-generation Hokage, I will definitely wear small shoes..."

It really doesn't necessarily keep me! For

Jiraiya's complaint, Haruno smiled at the same time. I am indeed a little sorry for the Shidaimei couple, but this is also a common human feeling.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

At that time, I couldn't play those Konoha high-level, didn't I see so many fourth-generation Megumi and friends who didn't make a sound?

Because at this time, the three generations of the powerful people can make them live better than die with a casual word!

Haruno Xiao is not a saint, and before he has enough strength, he does not dare to jump out and expose this matter.

Otherwise, you will face the endless assassinations of the dark and the roots in minutes!

That didn't fit his secret plan!

"Hey! There you go! Just because I haven't seen you..."

"As for Naruto... I'll take care of it..."

"Hello to yourself! Don't let me hear that you did something sorry to

Konoha..." "Otherwise, even if I fight hard, I will make you pay a heavy price..." The

tired Jiraiya didn't want to say anything more at this time, he knew that the man in front of him might not dislike Konoha Village, but only the high-level of Konoha Village.

As his own year-end friend, this man in front of him may really become a traitor like the big snake pill!

It's just that after hearing those words before, what reason does he have to let the other party continue to stay now?

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