"I hope it's true..." "

If it's fake... Then I also hope that I don't wake up... Let me live in this illusion all the time! Directly

pressing his face to Haruno Xiao's chest and listening to the other party's heartbeat, Ye Yue felt the warmth of the two at this moment a little emotionally.

"Hmm... This is absolutely true... I promise!

Haruno smiled and hugged the mature and delicate body in his arms hard, and at the same time, because of the long-term close contact, the alluring fragrance on the other party also made him a little ape.

"Hmm... Yes! Don't be like this... The spring is still there! In

the originally silent room, Izumi was still lying on the side, but Haruno Xiao and Hazuki hugged tightly unconsciously. The temperature of both sides was rising, the atmosphere seemed to be becoming more and more strange, and the two began to develop in an indescribable direction.

"Don't worry! With my kaleidoscope ability, Izumi won't be able to wake up tomorrow morning!

Haruno smiled and whispered in Ye Yue's ear, and the warm breath also made the delicate body in his arms emotional.


"Don't wake up Izumi!"

Ye Yue is also in demand, and it is also very large! After all, she is at the best age of her life, and as a young woman, she can no longer bear Haruno's repeated teasing and begins to take the initiative to cooperate.

At the same time, she also felt a strange sense of stimulation...

Tens of thousands of words omitted here....

"Mom! Do you accept illusion trials like Big Brother Xiao every night?

"It really scared Ben to death last night!"

"I thought it was real!"

"But... Are there really ghosts in this world?

"And it's still an unkillable ghost!"


The next morning, Izumi looked at his equally exhausted mother with a tired look on his face, and asked with some trepidation.

Last night, she turned into an ordinary person, and what else did she meet Ayan? Ghost doll Hanako? Sadako? And that ga-coconut! What the hell are those beings?

Why haven't I heard of it before?

If it weren't for her skills, she really wouldn't be able to hide from their endless chasing!

Those terrifying gestures of the other party now make her scalp numb... At the same time, the helplessness and powerlessness of ordinary people also deeply stung her! It made her pursuit of strength more determined....

But last night's sudden terrifying trial really scared her a lot, and when she woke up the next day, she found that she really wet the bed!

This almost killed her...

Fortunately, my mother and brother Xiao are no longer in the room, otherwise...

Ay! Why is it so wet with such a large piece of urine! I also wet the tatami mats next to me....

Hum! This is all to blame for laughing big brother!

And they absolutely all saw ....

Ah! Shame on you!

Although he was frightened last night, Izumi still did not awaken the kaleidoscope chakra eye in the end, and he was still just a three-hook jade....

This made Haruno Xiao feel a little pity, but he arranged a lot of horror things to scare the other party.

The trial of illusion that Izumi experienced last night can be regarded as a trial of fear! Haruno laughed to see if such a fear could allow Izumi to successfully awaken the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

Perhaps when her fear reaches a critical point, she can also awaken the kaleidoscope of chakra, but the final result does not achieve the expected goal....

However, Haruno smiled and was soon relieved again.

After all, Izumi is less than ten years old this year, and she is still young, and if she awakens the kaleidoscope chakra eye too early, it is not necessarily a good thing for her body.

Uchiha Itachi is a great example of this!

Gaining strength beyond the limits of the body too early is easy to be eaten back, causing related bloodstain diseases!

Although Haruno Xiao admits that he has medical skills and has a kaleidoscope chakra eye that can manipulate the flesh, he still feels that it is better to be conservative in the face of unknown bloodstained diseases.

After all, Quan's status in his heart is still quite high, and he doesn't want the other party to suffer so much...

Or safety is the most important!

"Hmm! In fact, illusion trials are also varied

..." "Generally, I will learn all kinds of new knowledge and new challenges in illusion, and then reproduce these contents in my usual daily training..."

Often I can learn a lot from laughter in one night..."

Last night's passionate night made her feel very tired now, and it seemed that even deep sleep could not solve the fatigue of body and mind.

However, in order not to let her daughter find out about her and Haruno laughing, Ye Yue still got up early, so her current state of fatigue is actually the reason why she doesn't have enough rest!

After all, even if the effect of deep sleep is good, it takes a certain amount of time to adjust the state.

This is still Haruno laughing too much of a toss! It's like endless....

In this regard, Ye Yue felt both happy and helpless!

She really can't eat alone!

"Ah! No way?

"Then why is my illusion trial so difficult?"

"Hmph! Abominable laughing big brother! He must have deliberately teased me..."

"When he comes back, I want him to look good!"

After hearing her mother's words, Izumi guessed that she was laughed at by Haruno! A little angry, she immediately wanted to find the other party to settle the account, but thinking that the other party disappeared early in the morning, she was a little helpless to sit down again for breakfast.

Her cute look of biting the bread viciously is like biting someone!

"Ah! We're really back!

"Swoosh back to Konoha... That's awesome!

Looking at the familiar Konoha Village, Sakura jumped down happily in Haruno's smile.

"Sakura, if you try to learn ninjutsu hard in the future, you can also swoop around in two places at will!"

"In that case, you can meet whoever you want in the future!"

Haruno Xiao's development of teleportation techniques has been very comprehensive, and even the fool's version of the teleportation jewelry has come out a lot. And the difficulty of learning this ninjutsu is not as harsh as the Flying Thunder God, and it is similar to the Flying Thunder God Array, or even easier.

He hopes that everyone around him can learn this special ninjutsu, at least in terms of life-saving ability, this ninjutsu is very outstanding, and it is not much worse than the Flying Thunder God.

Anyway, if you can't fight and run, there is nothing to be ashamed of, after all, leave the green mountains there, not afraid of no firewood!

"Uh-huh... In the future, Sakura will definitely follow what her brother said, study hard, improve every day, and strive to become a powerful female ninja who is even more powerful than Tsunadehime!

"After I learn teleportation, I can come here often to play with Ino!"

The magical ability of teleportation successfully inspired Sakura to become a powerful ninja, and at a young age, she also hopes that she can learn this special ninjutsu in the future.

In that way, she can travel to and from Konoha Village and Fuko Village at will in the future, and then her communication with Ino will not be affected.

It can only be said that children are simple, and their pursuit is often more pure....

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