"Haha... You can do it, brother believes in you! "

I'll take you to find the girl in Ino later, and then let's go see the goldfish together..."

gave Sakura a thumbs up in affirmation, and then Haruno continued to seduce her.

At this time, in Konoha Village, there was not much entertainment for children. Boys often climb trees in nearby woods to steal bird eggs, while girls go to the meadow to pick wildflowers and make wreaths.

Raising goldfish is a rare operation, and it is usually a thing that only big families play. Ordinary children can only get through the eyes, so Sakura is really happy to hear that she can watch goldfish.

"Great! I'm going to see the goldfish with Ino..." The

innocent Sakura was overjoyed to hear this, she had long wanted to meet her best friend Inomi!

Sakura really has a lot of good things to share with her now, because her cousin bought her a lot of snacks and small jewelry.

"Of course it really can't be true!"

"But we still need to disguise ourselves, and we'll see if Ino can recognize you later..." Facing

the innocent Sakura, Haruno Xiao didn't want the other party to come into contact with the dark side of this society too early, so he could only come up with this way to fool the past.

"Yay! All right...... Can I help you with makeup? When

Sakura heard that she was going to disguise, she thought it was her mother's usual makeup, so she immediately acted enthusiastic, and her eyes seemed to be shining with stars.

"Will you?"

Haruno Xiao also knew that the other party was definitely misunderstood, so he couldn't help but touch the other party's little head funny.

"Don't underestimate me! I learned from my mother! "

Sure enough! The mind of a child is so simple....

"Haha... This disguise is not makeup! It's a type of ninjutsu! So you better learn from me now..."

Haruno laughed and didn't dare to let Sakura scribble on his face, God knows what the hell would turn out to become.

"Alright! I'll definitely study hard..."

"You'll just wait to see me become a makeup artist!"

Sakura was a little disappointed when she heard this, but she quickly perked up again, and the spirit of learning was ignited...

However, looking at her appearance, it seems that the difference between makeup and disguise has not yet been distinguished. It can only be said that a child is a child....

After a, Sakura changed to what Haruno Xiao wanted, and it was really difficult to tell that she was Sakura before without looking closely. Haruno laughed that she also went through some disguise, and then took the little loli to wander around Konoha Village.

This kind of disguise that doesn't use Chakra is really good to deal with ordinary ninjas, and this time he and Sakura are enough to fool others by disguising themselves as brothers and sisters.

"Mrs. Yamanaka, please give me a bouquet of daffodils."

The two were not subjected to any interrogation along the way, just like ordinary tourists who came to the flower shop of the Yamanaka family while playing, eating and drinking.

Because there are not many people who come to Konoha every day to do business or play, the two of them are not very obtrusive.

After Sakura came here, she hurriedly looked around for her best friend, but there were too many flowers in the flower shop, and she couldn't see Oino for the time being.

"Okay! Please wait a minute..."

"Ino bring me some daffodils!"

The owner of the Yamanaka flower shop is Yamanaka Rino, who is in the most beautiful years of her life at this time, and her brown hair and reddish eyes look dignified and elegant from the outside.

Looking at each other's somewhat similar eyes to Sunset Hong, Haruno Xiao guessed that the other party might be a member of the Sunset family.

And as the wife of Yamanaka Haichi and Ino's mother, Rino also has a very good appearance and slender figure, and she is also a ninja with the strength of the middle ninja level.

However, after giving birth, she spent most of her time running her own florist and rarely went to work.

After a long time of battle, she couldn't see anything wrong with Haruno and cute Sakura, who was smiling kindly at this time.

It's just that compared to Haruno Xiao, who is still handsome after disguise, she is more interested in Sakura after disguise, and always feels that where she has seen each other.

The reason why this Mrs. Yamanaka lacks interest in this handsome Haruno smile at this time is actually because her husband Haichi Yamanaka is also very handsome, so he has such a great immunity to handsome guys!

"Uh-huh... I know! Koino

, who was fiddling with the flowers among the flowers, heard his mother's command and immediately emerged from it and shouted in agreement. This made Sakura's eyes light up and she almost cried out.

Fortunately, Haruno smiled and touched the other party's head in time, so that she remembered the previous agreement between the two. It seemed that Sakura had to resist the urge to say hello to her friends and continue to maintain her disguise.

She also wanted to see if Ino could recognize herself after the disguise.

Ha ha...... It's really exciting....

It's fun!

I saw Oino look up at the two guests, Haruno Xiao and Sakura, and then couldn't help but tilt his little head.

Her intuition told her that the two were somewhat familiar, but they hadn't met before. However, she always felt that the smiles on the faces of these two were a little strange, and it seemed that there was some secret hidden...

"Ino! Can you?

Yamanaka Rino saw her daughter standing still stupidly, so she couldn't help but urge, and at the same time she couldn't help but carefully look at Haruno Xiao and Sakura after the disguise.

At this time, she also felt that the two were a little familiar, and seemed to be acquaintances! But who exactly? She couldn't remember for a moment....

Well...... Or mom's task matters!

Hearing his mother's urging, Oino had to temporarily suppress his inner curiosity, pedaling his little short legs and bouncing around to pick out white daffodils among the flowers.


Mom... To give! This is a daffodil!

After a while, Oino ran out of the flowers with a happy face, and then brought a large handful of daffodils to his mother, and showed his achievements to the other party as if he were inviting.

Hum...... It's hard for her to choose flowers or something!

And she has already written down many flower words, just like the flower language of daffodils is longing, reunion and awe, symbolizing unwavering love.

But it also seems to have the meaning of "selfish love"!

This man bought daffodils to give water?

"Huh... Our Ino is awesome! "

Guest, this is the daffodil you want..."

Yamanaka Rino touched Ino's little head with a smile before taking the daffodil from his daughter's hand, not forgetting to give a cordial encouragement by the way.

Then she selected a few of the more beautiful daffodils from this large collection and bundled them into a bunch, fiddled with them, and finally handed them to Haruno Xiao.

Ah! This niko Ino still needs to continue to cultivate!

How can you come out with such a large bunch of flowers at once?

If you sell it as the usual price of a bouquet of flowers, it will not be a big loss!

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