"Haha... Mrs. Yamanaka, your daughter is so capable..."

Haruno smiled and took the daffodil from Ino's mother's hand, and handed it to Sakura next to her to distract her. Then he took money out of his arms to pay, while not forgetting to praise Oino's excellent performance.

"Huh... Where where... Ino has a lot more to learn! Hearing

others praise her daughter, Yamanaka Rino immediately covered her mouth with a smile on her face, but despite her politeness, her face was full of pride.

She naturally knows the excellence of her daughter...

"Mrs. Yamanaka, can you let your daughter Ino play with my sister for a while? I have something else to ask you! Taking

advantage of the relaxation of Yamanaka Liye's mind, Haruno Xiao suddenly looked at the beautiful young woman in front of him, and the next moment quietly activated his kaleidoscope chakra eye and hypnotized the other party using clever illusions.

"Uh... Yes, you can! Ino, just play here with this little sister for a while! "

I have something to talk about with this little brother later, and the flower shop will ask you

to take care of it..." Yamanaka Rino, who was hypnotized by illusion, involuntarily said the lines that Haruno Xiao arranged for her, and then beckoned her daughter Ino to take care of Sakura.

"Hey! Really let me see the store?

"Okay! Mom...... I will definitely take care of the florist!

Entrusted with a heavy responsibility by his mother at a young age, Xiao Ino was a little overwhelmed at first, and then seriously agreed. At the same time, she looked at the girl next to her who was looking at her with an eager look, and always felt that the other party was a little strange.

"Ino! Ino ... Do you really not recognize me? Seeing

that her best friend really didn't recognize her, Sakura said to her a little disappointed and a little proud.

"Huh!? This voice is... Sakura?

"How did you become like this?"

Oino looked at his good friend who looked completely different, and couldn't help but widen his anxious eyes, looking incredulous. If it weren't for the fact that the voice was so familiar, it would be hard for her to believe that the girl in front of her was her best friend Sakura.

"Haha... This is practice!

"My brother and I are practicing ninja practice and are now practicing disguise! How do you look at me?

Sakura said Haruno laughing and fooling her, but it was enough to continue fooling Ino, a three- or four-year-old child.

"Ah! You're actually practicing ninjutsu!

"It's really enviable!"

"Huh! That is to say... That person just now is your cousin Haruno Laugho-sama?

"Wow! I didn't even recognize him! What a failure! Ino

also knew Haruno Xiao, after all, she and Sakura knew each other, it was strange if they didn't know each other.

And for Haruno Xiao, who became the medical director of Konoha Hospital at a young age, she is also very longing.

In her understanding, Sakura's cousin is a handsome, handsome, good-natured, and powerful medical ninja!

I heard that his medical ninjutsu attainments are not much worse than that legendary female ninja Tsunadehime-sama, and many people want to worship him!

The other party seems to have only one apprentice, it seems to be called Fujimoto Izumi, and Sakura seems to be studying under his protégé now!

Ay! Sakura has such a wonderful cousin!

It's really enviable!

At this time, Yamanaka Ino obviously did not know about the special relationship between Haruno Xiao and Konoha, so he envied his good friend for being able to accept the cultivation of ninjas so early.

Because the notice of rebellion about the medical director of Hara Konoha Hospital has not yet been issued.

Although Shimura Danzo has repeatedly insisted that Sarutobi be wanted for rebellion against Haruno Laugho in the ninja world, the third generation of Hokage is aware of Haruno Laugho's special status in the Daimyo Prefecture.

Many powerful people in the Land of Fire are Haruno Xiao's customers, and if some high-ranking officials and rich women know that Haruno Xiao defected, they don't know what kind of backlash will occur next in their Konoha Village!

The matter of being held accountable is small, and the most afraid is that the daimyofu will reduce Konoha's funds because of this!

In fact, it is precisely for this reason that Sarutobi was so hesitant to laugh at Haruno as a medical ninja before.

According to his thinking, this matter can be dragged on. It is best to wait for this year's funds to come down before sending out Haruno Xiao's rebellion, so that their Konoha village will also have another year of buffer period.

And those dignitaries in the Land of Fire who lost Haruno Laugho, a medical ninja service, can also have a one-year cooling-off period to face this fact, which is good for both sides!

While Sakura and Ino were talking in the flower shop, Haruno Xiao also took Mrs. Yamanaka to the room behind the flower shop.

Mrs. Yamanaka, who was hypnotized by the kaleidoscope chakra eyes, was completely controlled by Haruno Xiao at this time, and she could do whatever she wanted, and quickly explained herself clearly.

Although her consciousness still wanted to resist, she could only helplessly let Haruno laugh under the power of the kaleidoscope chakra eyes.

After some manipulation, whether it was the secret legend of the mountain family or the secret skills of her mother's Xiri family, as long as she mastered it, she unreservedly revealed it to the man in front of her.

It can be said that Yamanaka Rino is a naked existence in Haruno Xiao's eyes, and there are no secrets at all....

Haruno Xiao really didn't think that he could get so much gain from this mountain lady, which had exceeded his expectations!

He not only got the secret legend of the mountain clan that he had in mind, but also the illusion cultivation experience of the Xiri family, as well as some skills of the two families for spiritual cultivation.

This trip to buy flowers was a bloody struggle for him!

It only took a few hundred taels to get the essence secrets of the mountain family and the sunset family!

Is there a better deal than this?

"Hard work on you! Mrs.

Yamanaka "I will definitely repay you Yamanaka clan and the Sunset clan in the future..."

Kaleidoscope Sharingan Eye flowed under the contact lenses in Haruno's laughing eyes, and under the soul enslavement effect of her right eye, Mrs. Yamanaka was completely unable to resist and could only be at her mercy.

After some manipulation again, Haruno smiled and put a seal of enslavement on Mrs. Yamanaka's body with a serious face.

He decided to make the other party his pawn in Konoha Village, because her special status as Yamanaka Haiichi's wife could easily learn some information that was difficult for other ninjas to understand.

You must know that Yamanaka Haichi is the head of Konoha's intelligence department! Moreover, the other party is also one of the patriarchs of the three major families of Konoha pig and deer butterfly, and has a high status in Konoha.

Through this Yamanaka wife, Haruno can indirectly influence Yamanaka Haiichi's attitude, thus influencing the decisions of the entire Inuga Butterfly Alliance.

Hey...... Pillow wind is sometimes better than any other word!

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