As long as Haruno Xiao continues to make uninterrupted minor modifications to Yamanaka Rino's mental memory in the future, gradually changing her cognition, even Yamanaka Haichi will not rush to notice that something is wrong.

Accumulate a little, and one day this woman will completely change into the shape he wants even without the Soul Enslavement Mark.

Hehe...... The most dangerous places are often the safest places! As long as it is done properly, Yamanaka will never be suspicious of his wife.

At that time, some special information from Konoha's intelligence department may also make Haruno laugh, after all, even Yamanaka Haichi, who is a ninja, often does not wary of his wife...

After some manipulation simulation, Haruno Xiao and Mrs. Yamanaka walked out of the room behind the flower shop with a smile on their faces, and then came to the two little loli of Sakura and Ino.

"Sakura, Ino, I'll take you to play for a while now! But...... Ino, you also need to disguise yourself today!

"Is it really possible? Mom..." Xiao

Ino felt very surprised when she heard this, and she didn't think that Brother Haruno Xiao would also take her out to play with her today, but she still needed to question her mother's opinion.

"Of course you can!"

"When you go out to play, you need to listen to the adults well! Can't be disobedient..." Mrs

. Yamanaka had been controlled by Haruno Xiao's soul enslavement at this time, and was completely at the mercy of the other party, so she also smiled and said such a thing, seemingly very relieved to give her daughter to Haruno Xiao's care.

"Haha... Great!

"Sakura, wait a minute, we can hang out together!" But how do I disguise it?

Oino was very happy when she heard this, and pulled Sakura next to her to bounce among the flowers to express her joy, and she also began to worry about how to disguise herself next.

"It's easy! You follow me to the back room, brother promises to satisfy you... When the results come out, I guarantee that even your father will not recognize you!

"Oops! I'm going to be together..."

Sakura, come with you!

Then Haruno smiled and took Ino's little hand and walked to the room behind the flower shop, and Sakura quickly rushed over to see this, hoping that she could also participate.

Of course, Haruno Xiao did not refuse, and pulled two little loli into the back room one by one.

Mrs. Yamanaka didn't say much when she saw this, as if everything was so taken for granted.

"Oops! Sakura... Would you really?

"I think it's better to dye my hair and laugh, big brother come on..."

"Just watch it on the side!"

After entering the room, Ino was a little excited and a little nervous, after all, this was her first ninja disguise training in her life, so she didn't know what to do.

Compared to the same ignorant and frizzy Sakura, she believes in the professionalism of Haruno Xiao's big brother, so she is a little resistant to Sakura scribbling on her face.

"Hey! It's okay! I learned..."

"Hmm! This one...... Ha ha...... Let's let Big Brother Xiao get this makeup! Ha ha...... I may still be a little unfamiliar..."

The smile on Sakura's face became brighter and more strange after seeing the weird makeup on Ino's face. In the end, she could only embarrassingly admit that her makeup level was not good, and returned the heavy responsibility of applying makeup to her cousin.

"Sakura, what did you do with me?"

Ino also knew at this time that something was wrong, the smile on the other party's face was so strange, she guessed that she must have been made ugly. So she angrily sent soul torture to her good friend....

"Haha... This one...... This one...... Haha..." Looking

at his good girlfriend being made up by himself, he is not a ghost or a ghost, and he is wasted if he doesn't go to a haunted house. Sakura didn't dare to look at each other, so she could only force an awkward smile on the side, and finally had to cast a pitiful look of help to her cousin.

Ay! How is it different from the method my mother taught before?

"Hey, hey... Know the difficulty, right?

"Ninja disguise is a very profound science, and there are many doorways in it!"

"Changing your appearance is just the most basic disguise! This requires us to master very high makeup skills and make our goals look the way we want! At the same time, it will not let others find flaws..."

"If you want a better camouflage effect, you also need to change your height and clothing!"

"And the best pretenders can also disguise their temperament and psychology as they want

..." "Of course, the clever pretender can even change his voice..."

Haruno laughed while using a wet towel to wipe off the weird makeup on Ino's face, and then personally put on makeup for the other party, while explaining the key points of the art of disguising to the two little loli.

These magical and novel knowledge made Sakura and Ino stunned, and at the same time curiously watched Haruno Xiao's every move at this time.

Watching Ino slowly change into another appearance under Haruno's laughter, Sakura on the side couldn't help but open her mouth slightly, gradually forming an O-shape, and watched this scene happen.

"Si Guoyi!"

After seeing the final results, she could no longer hold back the excitement in her heart and praised her cousin's superb achievements.

"How? What do you think?

"Am I getting pretty?"

Ino was also very curious about her appearance at this time, but just now she let Haruno smile on her face for a long time, and she couldn't help but look in the mirror.


"It's really different!"

"But you're also very cute now..."

Sakura immediately thought of something when she heard this, and then turned out a small mirror directly from the small backpack behind her.

This is one of the gadgets Haruno bought for her before Xiao.

She is a little envious of Ino's current appearance, and feels that the other party's appearance is much more beautiful and cute than herself.

Girls are like this, they always like to compare each other, and at the same time they are worried that they will not be able to compare with each other!


"And this outfit, you can also change!"

"In this case, even if you meet your father later, the other party will definitely not recognize you!"

Then Haruno Xiao took out the clothes that had been prepared long ago from the small space scroll and changed them into Koino, and immediately changed the other party from the original tomboy to the cute little princess now.

If Ino doesn't make a sound in this disguise, even Yamanaka Haichi will find out that Ino and the cute girl in front of him are the same person.

Of course, this was just Haruno laughing just in case, but he wanted to take his two children and have fun in Konoha Village for a day.

After such a disguise, the three of them should not be disturbed by others at will. Anyway, their next trip was just to eat, drink and have fun, and they didn't plan to go to important places in Konoha Village...

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