Because of the ninjutsu information provided by Haruno Xiao, many female ninjas in Fuzi Village have been greatly improved, and gradually raised to the level of middle ninja.

And the originally good strength of the Naka Shinobu and the upper Shinobu have also made some progress, allowing the number of Fuzi Murakami Shinobu to break through to double digits!

Congratulations! Congratulations....

However, the improvement of these strengths of the female ninja of Fuzi Village is still a drop in the bucket for Haruno Xiao's huge ambition.

Since he came here, he also wanted to change this ninja world and end the turmoil in this world.

So Haruno Laugho needs more talents to work with him to change this sick world....

The world shouldn't be like this, and being human shouldn't be like this....

"Ling Yin, is Ye Cang back?"

Haruno Xiao, who had already decided to put a foot in the Land of Snow, decided to go around in person, and after remembering the special snow ninjutsu over there, he decided to take Hakura with him.

"Hmm! Lord Ye Cang just returned from the Wind Country two days ago! And also brought back her apprentice roll in Sand Ninja Village! "

Now they should rest in Fuzi Village..."

Ling Yin told Haruno Xiao truthfully what she knew. As a secretary, she is really competent and helps Haruno Laugh solve many trivial things.

Her only flaw is that she is more stinky and beautiful, a bit arrogant in personality, and always likes to tease her leader.

In this regard, Quan next to Xiao Feng was very disgusted and resistant to Ling Yin. If she hadn't known that she couldn't beat the other party, she would have wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

This vixen!

Why can't you learn from Sister Xia to be a little more reserved?

"Very good! Ling Yin, you go and inform Ye Cang to come to me now!" I have something to find her..."

I have a task that I need her help with..."

Haruno smiled and motioned to his secretary Ling Yin to find Ye Cang.

"Okay! Please wait... I'll go back..."

Ling Yin immediately took the order when she heard this, and then used the teleportation technique to disappear in place, looking for Ye Cang in Fuzi Village according to the information in her memory.

The country of snow, located near the polar regions, is mostly snowy and icy all year round, so there are few warm days.

Although the local farming industry and GDP per capita are less affected by the weather, the Snow Country has its own exclusive national ninja and heavy industry, and is higher than other countries in the development of Chakra technology.

This is also the reason why Haruno Xiao values the Land of Snow.

That magical Chakra technology has made his eyes hungry for a long time, but there is a specialization in the art industry....

Haruno Xiao even if he wants to develop related Chakra technology, but without the relevant foundation, smart as he can't play for a while!

In particular, the Chakra armor that integrates attack and defense is not only strong in defense, but also greatly increases the Chakra energy of middle and upper ninja, allowing them to use A-level ninjutsu many times!

For the average ninja, that's whether proper cheating is good or not....

Because A-level ninjutsu is already the category of upper strength in ninjas, and it can even threaten the lives of shadow-level powerhouses!

For example, Orochimaru and Chidori are A-level ninjutsu, and ordinary ninjas are relatively crispy, and if they are hit with such A-level ninjutsu, they will be seriously injured if they do not die....

You can see the power of this Chakra armor!

In addition, the medium and heavy industries of the Snow Country are also very developed, large-scale illusion projectors have been mastered, and railways have begun to be laid in the country.

It can be seen that the level of science and technology in the country of snow is very high.

"Chief, Ye Cang is late..."

"What task do I need to complete?"

"As long as it is your order, I will definitely go to the soup and do whatever I can!"

Just as Haruno was thinking about how to conquer the Land of Snow, Hakura, who was known as the first beautiful back in the ninja world, had quickly come to his office and bowed down on one knee very respectfully.

For Ye Cang, who was saved from life, she can't be too respectful to Haruno now. After all, she owes a lot of favor to this person, and she can only pay it back with her own life.

I still remember that she made a lot of achievements for Shayin Village, known as Burning Leaf Cang, and became the hero of Shayin.

Because Shayin Village has been fighting with Yanyin Village for many years, the high-level of Shayin Village, who is tired of fighting, sent her to Wuyin Village to negotiate in the name of performing secret missions in order to obtain the help of Wuyin Village.

But she didn't want the strategy of the high-level of Shayin Village to make her a material for negotiating with Wuyin Village! Her hero of Shayin Village, Burning Leaf Cang, turned out to be a victim of dirty politics....

Unsuspecting, she was attacked by a ninja disguised as a friendly Mist Hidden Village!

She was really put into a hedgehog by Ku Wu at that time, it felt very painful, but compared to the pain in her body, she hated the village high-level for betraying herself!

Just when she almost left this suffering world with regret and resentment, Haruno smiled appeared!

At that time, he was like a light, regaining light in the world that was about to plunge into darkness...

And Haruno Xiao took care of her very intimately for many days after that day, although the process was a little shy, but also made herself feel a strange warmth again....

So she Ye Cang decided to become a rebel, and then followed the man who saved her life and changed her destiny.

But I don't want Haruno to laugh that this magical man is still a ninja of Konoha Village, but secretly has such a huge family business!

It seems that she Ye Cang is following the right person this time...

As she learned more about Haruno Xiao, the more she felt that the other party was extraordinary.

Powerful strength, weird space ninjutsu, magical medical ninjutsu, all kinds of sealing techniques, and understanding illusion...

What an all-round and mysterious man!

And for this Fuzi village, which is hidden in the deep mountains and peaceful and quiet, and has a beautiful environment, she really likes it.

Ye Cang, who had had had enough of the wind and sand, now cherished his life in Fuzi Village, otherwise he would not have secretly returned to Shayin Village to do his own apprentice scroll's ideological work.

Recently, she finally convinced the other party and successfully brought the roll out of the harsh environment of Shayin Village.

If you can always live in such a beautiful environment as Fuzi Village, then even if you become a rebel...

Why was Sand Hidden Village so keen to start a war with Konoha Village before?

Not to get a better living environment?

The Sand Hidden Village in the Land of Wind is really too bitter!

In fact, as she thought, in less than two days, Roll fell in love with Fuzi Village.

Because compared with Shayin Village, although the scale and fame of Fuzi Village are not worth mentioning, the environment here is simply heaven compared to the country of winds and sand, which is plagued by wind and sand all year round.

There are mountains and water, food is plentiful, and you no longer have to go hungry and face bad wind and sand weather every day....

In order to realize the freedom of bathing, Uzumaki decided to follow his teacher Ye Cang to live in Fuzi Village in the future!

As for the Sand Hidden Village... That's a thing of the past....

After all, people have to look forward!

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