Ye Cang was very happy that her disciple could accept the life of Fuzi Village so quickly, after all, her feelings for this disciple were extremely sincere.

In the past, whenever she returned to Shayin Village after completing a task, even if she was tired and tired, she would accompany the roll training as long as she had time.

The relationship between this master and apprentice could not be deeper....

So she has never given up taking the roll out of the hard place of Shayin Village, and now that the roll has accompanied her to Fuzi Village, then Shayin Village has nothing worth remembering her!

As for the truth that she was treated as a political victim, she also investigated it clearly....

It's sad and lamentable!

Now that she doesn't go to the trouble of the high-level of Shayin Village who once betrayed her, Luo Sha's guy should be thankful....

Let's hope he can live longer!

After she became the twelve guardian ninja of Fuzi Village, she knew that the position of Wind Shadow was really not easy to sit on, and it was better for her to come here at ease now...

"Ye Cang, hurry up!

"We're all so acquainted, with our friendship, doesn't it embarrass me that you're so polite?"

"I don't have so many troublesome rules here, you can just feel free, how to be comfortable..." Seeing

this, Haruno hurriedly stepped forward a few steps, bent down and personally helped Ye Cang, who was bending over and saluting on one knee.

"Chief, the rules must not be abolished!"

"As the head of a village, you deserve to be treated like this..."

This sincere courtesy made Ye Cang, who was lacking love and security, very moved, and secretly praised that he was not following the wrong person!

But rules are rules, and she is not the other party's person!

"Haha... It's okay! Since you all say I'm the chief! Then in Fuzi Village, my words are the rules!

"You still call me laugh in the future..." After

a little glance at Ye Cang, the first beautiful back in the ninja world, Haruno smiled and couldn't help but secretly praise his medical ninjutsu as superb, and the other party's body really didn't have a scar left on his body now.

It seems that her previous efforts on the other party were not in vain, allowing her to successfully save the first beautiful back in the ninja world....

The pain on her body seems to have healed, but I don't know how the wounds in her heart are?

"Okay! Chief..."

Gotta! It seems that if you want to subdue Ye Cang, this rouge horse, you still need to continue to work hard, and this blunt title must be changed.


"Sister Ye Cang's speed is too fast, I can't catch up a little!"

"It's really worthy of the former Shayin hero Burning Ye Cang..."

At this time, Ling Yin came back belatedly from outside, and judging from the speed, the gap in strength between her and Ye Cang was very large.

These words made Ye Cang on the side frown, but it was not good to say much, after all, the other party said the same facts.

It's just that her name of Burning Ye Cang, who is already a traitor, can be used again, but the hero of Sand Yin is just a joke for her now!

"Alright! Ling Yin..."

"Now the strength is poor, so usually work harder, strive to catch up with the level of Xia, and then surpass the other party!"

Haruno smiled and taught her secretary a lesson with a serious face, it seems that this niko still needs to be repaired from time to time.

"Yes! Chieftain...... I remembered! "

Ling Yin, who has just joined Fuzi Village, is like a little hedgehog, full of thorns, and her personality is a little bad. However, she was still a little afraid of Haruno Xiao, the leader of the perverted strength, so she immediately responded after hearing the other party's instruction.

I'm afraid I'll be taught a lesson again in the future!

Thinking of the other party's evil eyes and flying big hands, Ling Yin couldn't help but blush, his feet went soft, and he immediately knelt down on one knee to admit his mistake.

"Knowing that mistakes can be corrected, it is a great deal!"

"You need to learn to get along with people well

..." "You can learn more from your sister about this..." "

Xia is very popular in Fuzi Village!"

"Ling Yin, I believe you can do the same..." The

reason why Chunye Xiao let Ling Yin be her secretary, in addition to the other party's excellent appearance can make her usually nourish her eyes, is actually to let her take the opportunity to communicate with others more.

Then let her learn how to behave in her daily life, so that she can change her bad temper.

"Yes! I will definitely not have the expectations of the leader..." After

being taught a hard lesson by Chunye Xiao, Ling Yin's stinky temper has actually relented, but now it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement!

Just like her strength, it's still far behind!

Kasumi is a great example!

You must know that Xia's previous strength was comparable to Ling Yin, and after she joined Fuzi Village for a period of time, she was now able to easily defeat the other party.

This is the credit of the ninjutsu resources that Haruno Xiao selflessly provided to Fuzi Village!

As long as Ling Yin is willing to work hard in the future, her strength can also be greatly improved, and she can at least become an elite Shinobi, or even a shadow-level powerhouse

... In fact, there are still many geniuses in the ninja world, but often they just lack a stage where they can show their talents.

Just like Wave Feng Shuimen, if he hadn't chased Uzumaki Shinna as his girlfriend and hadn't worshiped Zilai as a teacher, then his highest achievement might have been just an ordinary Konoha Shinobu.

The elite Shinobi should be his limit, and it is absolutely impossible to become the fourth generation of Hokage....

This is the difference in identity that leads to a change in the environment!

There is also the medicine master pocket in the original work, if he hadn't met the people who changed his fate, he wouldn't have become a big snake pocket that almost affected the historical trend of the ninja world.

The environment can often change a person's destiny!

But the environment does not determine a person's life....

The fact that Bofeng Shuimen was finally able to become the fourth generation of Hokage is also the result of various factors, but the most important thing is that he has this qualification!

This again involves the so-called genius theory....

Ninety-nine percent effort and that one percent talent....

Effort can be close to the upper limit, and talent determines the upper limit!

If the genius's talent potential is properly channeled, then he may bloom dazzlingly!

This is also the reason why Haruno Xiao has been trying to guide the female ninjas in Fuzi Village for the past few years.

He just wanted to see if there were any special geniuses in his territory that had not been discovered for the time being...

As for the effect... It's still obvious....

People have different talents, so the direction they are good at is also different. Some people will know in advance, and some people will be kept in the dark all the time....

Through this period of close contact, Haruno Xiao took the opportunity to learn about the respective strengths and weaknesses of these female ninjas, and then reasonably assigned them to the most suitable position in Fuzi Village, thereby reducing the waste of talents and resources.

Fuzi Village is still a little less crowded for the time being, but he can also take the elite route!

For Haruno Xiao, who has mastered mature body strengthening techniques, this is not difficult. The universal version of the flesh enhancer is good to say, if it is a specially customized version, it is more time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it takes Haruno Xiao to pay a certain amount of time and energy....

But the future is promising!

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