"Ye Cang, it's like this

..." "This time I need to go to the Land of Snow to deal with some things, for the sake of convenience, I hope you can go with me..." "

According to reliable information, there is about to be a coup d'état on the side of the Land of Snow... If I could, I'd like to take the opportunity to get some Chakra Tech over there!

"This will play a great role in the future development of our Fuzi Village..."

Haruno Xiao said his reasons, but he did not fully explain his purpose to Ye Cang and Ling Yin. Because he doesn't know much about the specific situation of the coup d'état in the Land of Snow now, he still has some worries in his heart.

But if the conditions permitted, he wouldn't mind taking the opportunity to take the entire Snow Country into his pocket.

"The leader's command is my will, as long as you arrange it..."

Ye Cang's look of having the final say made Haruno smile and blossom. With such an obedient subordinate, what else does he have to ask for!

"In that case, you go back and explain, and then come back to the office and wait for me!"

Thinking that Ye Cang was still accompanied by a little apprentice, Haruno smiled very intimately and let the other party deal with some things first. And he himself also needs to explain to the people around him, because this trip to the Snow Country may take a lot of time.

Of course, teleportation can allow him to return to Fuzi Village immediately anytime, anywhere, so he is not afraid of any problems on this side.

After going out by yourself, you only need to leave an emergency shadow avatar, and you can handle most of the affairs.

"Okay! Thank you for the leader's understanding..." Ye

Cang was also relieved when he heard this, and then thanked Haruno with a grateful smile.

Tut! Such a good subordinate didn't know what those high-ranking officials in Shayin Village thought, and they actually regarded her as a political victim.

Tangtang Shayin Village can't even tolerate a leaf cang?

Haruno smiled and thought to himself, if he was Luo Sha, after becoming the fourth generation of Mekaze Shadow, he would definitely strive to digest Ye Cang's inside. After all, three children are young and need a mother!

I can only complain that Luo Sha really has no courage...

Such a good talent was betrayed like this!

Then Haruno Xiao and Hakura went home to explain themselves, and they embarked on the journey of the Snow Country together.

The so-called male and female matching, work is not tired....

In fact, the advantage of rushing with Haruno Xiao is not too tired! Because in his previous travels, he had already arranged relevant teleportation magic arrays throughout the Ninja Realm.

Of course, most of the places are in his property, and only a few are hidden places in the wild.

After all, someone and no one to take care of it are two different things, and the durability and security of the legal array are completely different.

Although Haruno Laugh did not have a teleportation formation in the country of snow near the polar region before, the country of Snow, a neighbor of the country of snow, has his property!

It is difficult for others to learn teleportation for a while, but if the teleportation magic array is arranged in advance, then it is very easy to activate...

"Chief, no matter how many times you have seen it, your teleportation technique is still so amazing!"

"Unexpectedly, let us cross thousands of rivers and mountains to the country of ghosts at once!"

"This ability may not be able to be done by the deceased Fourth Generation Fire Shadow Wave Feng Shuimen, right?"

Haruno Xiao took Ye Cang to use the teleportation technique to teleport over a long distance, and suddenly came to the country of ghosts.

Such an experience, even Ye Cang, who has a lot of knowledge, has to sigh at the power of this space ninjutsu, no wonder Konoha's wave feng shui gate was able to break out of a world with a single hand of flying thunder god space ninjutsu, and finally became the fourth generation of Hokage.

"Haha, you've won the prize!"

"This ultra-long-distance teleportation technique is very consuming Chakra, and it also requires accurate spatial positioning, so it is difficult for others to reach this level even if they learn my teleportation technique!"

"Of course, I heard that Yunyin Village actually has a similar spatial ninjutsu, called the Heavenly Sending Technique! It can also achieve the effect of ultra-long-distance teleportation..."

Haruno Xiao was also very proud of Ye Cang's praise. Because teleportation is one of his proudest masterpieces, although it is not as flexible as the Flying Thunder God in terms of combat effect, it is not weak at all in terms of assistance.

And this ninjutsu is also an important turning point in the beginning of his life, just like the art of shadow avatars for Senjukuma.

If Haruno had not developed this special teleportation technique based on the Flying Thunder God Array before, then he would not be able to travel around the entire ninja world in a dashing manner, let alone be able to secretly lay such a large inheritance!

Sometimes in the ninja world, a good ninjutsu can change the fate of a ninja in the future....

Senju became a forbidden master with the art of shadow avatars, and only after learning immortal arts will he have the title of famous Toad Immortal, Bofeng Shuimen got the nickname of yellow flash with the flying thunder god, and the future Humiliu and Oniyaro, Uzumaki Naruto and Spiral Pill...

These are all life-changing examples of a single ninjutsu!

"Oh! I can't imagine that Yunyin Village still has such spatial ninjutsu, how come I haven't heard of it before? Ye

Cang couldn't imagine that Yunyin Village had actually mastered spatial ninjutsu, but it seemed that he had never heard of such information in his previous cognition.

"The Heavenly Sending Art can only be used as a material teleportation ninjutsu most of the time, so it is relatively secretive, and it is normal that you have not heard of it before."

"This ninjutsu is in some ways more powerful than my teleportation technique, and you don't need to prepare coordinates in advance, and then you can achieve the effect of fixed-point projection."

"But it also has a big disadvantage, that is, it can't teleport creatures! No...... It should be that this teleportation technique is relatively harmful to creatures, and if the physical strength is not enough, it is likely to be torn to pieces during the teleportation period..."

"It is said that only three generations of ninjutsu monsters like the Thunder Shadow in Yunyin Village can withstand the side effects of the Heavenly Sending Technique!"

Haruno Xiao quickly rushed in the direction of the Snow Country with Ye Cang in the Land of Onii, while often turning his head to chat with the other party to pass the time.

Swear by a gentleman!

During this period, he definitely didn't look at any breasts, thin waist, beautiful back, long legs or something....

During the journey, both of them seemed relatively relaxed, and there were no guys who did not have long eyes who suddenly appeared and said, "I opened this road, and I planted this tree."

"Oh! No wonder so..."

"But in my opinion, Yunyin Village's Heavenly Sending Technique is still not as good as the leader's teleportation technique!" After all, it is to be able to lead people, which is much stronger than the other party..."

"So it's still the leader, you are powerful!"

After the comparison, Ye Cang still admired Haruno Xiao's teleportation technique, because in her opinion, the effect of this spatial ninjutsu is very powerful, not only materials, even people can be teleported, but also can be burned on special jewelry, so that others can also achieve fixed-point teleportation.

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