She has a special hairpin with teleportation that Haruno Xiao gave her. It used to take several days to travel from Fuzi Village to Shayin Village, but from Shayin Village to Fuzi Village, she only needed a moment.

This gap came out all of a sudden!

For Haruno Xiao's masterpiece, everyone who has used it is good....

If she could, she also wanted to ask Haruno Xiao for a piece of jewelry with teleportation to her disciple scroll.

In this way, her safety will be much higher, and even if she encounters an invincible opponent outside, she can safely return to Fuzi Village through this jewelry.

"Haha... Say so many good things to me, is there something I need to do?

Haruno smiled and glanced at Ye Cang who was rushing beside him. Although this woman used to be very obedient, she was often silent, and she would not say so much flattery to herself before, it seems that she has something on the mind.

"Hey! Still can't hide it from the leader..."

"Can you give me another piece of jewelry with teleportation?" I wish I could give the volume... That's what my apprentice wants! "

Gotta! Ye Cang couldn't be better at rolling this apprentice. Like a sister and like a mother, she spent a lot of thought on each other....

Most of these special jewelry with teleportation techniques are returned to Fuzi Village. This is also the result of Haruno Xiao's special arrangement, after all, Fuzi Village generally has his shadow avatar.

With his excellent medical ninjutsu, even if he was hurt before, as long as he didn't die, he might be able to be saved.

"Haha... Of course!

"Just as a gift from me to your apprentice!" After all, who is our relationship with whom? Haruno

Xiao rarely refuses Ye Cang's requests, of course, the other party is also very measured, and will never do anything that makes it difficult for him.

It's like asking him to help take revenge on Shayin Village or something, Ye Cang has never been like this!

Although she hated destroying the village for a while, she finally endured it.

This may be the last stubbornness of the other party....

"Huh... Then please! Chief..." Ye

Cang was very happy when she heard this, in fact, she could also feel Haruno Xiao's good impression of herself, but the man in front of her who owned Fuzi Village was really careful.

This made her a little hesitant....

That's why they keep calling each other the leader!

One is to constantly admonish yourself, and the other is to take the opportunity to express your attitude....

In this regard, Haruno smiled in his eyes, but for the time being, there was no good way to pry open Ye Cang's seemingly strong, but actually very sensitive and fragile heart.

Let's ask who can remain calm in the face of the first beautiful back in the ninja world, the former village flower of the Sand Hidden Village?

Haruno Xiao is indeed moved!

But the other party's heart may have been through the ruthless betrayal of the village, so it is particularly sensitive now.

He also didn't want to touch the thorny rose at will....

The strength of the appearance is actually just Ye Cang's cover-up.

I hope that the arrival of Ye Cang's apprentice scroll can heal the wounds in her heart in the days to come...

Under Haruno Xiao's deliberate fawning, the two talked and laughed along the way, and after two days of travel, the two finally came to the Land of Snow.

Soon after coming here, heavy snow began to fall in the Land of Snow, and the flying snowflakes quickly dyed the entire earth covered in silver.

The weather turned colder in an instant....


"Ye Cang, put it on!"

Haruno Xiao took out the coat that had been prepared long ago from the space scroll, and then personally draped it over Ye Cang beside him.

"Thank you..." "

What about yours?"

Feeling the warm breath coming from the man around him, Ye Cang, who was a little afraid of the cold, immediately felt a little warm current flowing in his heart.

He used to live in the Land of Wind for many years, and faced the wind and sand and the hot desert environment every day, so Ye Cang was a little uncomfortable with the cold environment for a while.

I just didn't expect Haruno to laugh so intimately....

This touched her very much!

Even the chief is not called anymore....

"Haha... Don't worry about me. This cold doesn't affect me much

..." "You know, it used to snow in Konoha Village..."

Haruno patted his chest with a smile and took the opportunity to show Ye Cang his strength.


When Ye Cang heard this, he tightened his coat and wrapped his beautiful body inside, as if he really couldn't stand the environment here. However, with her physique, she should adapt soon.

"Putting on a coat will make you warmer... Need to give time to get used to the environment? Sensing

the change in Ye Cang's attitude, Haruno smiled and raised his eyebrows, and then continued to suggest warmly, while not forgetting to help the other party tighten his collar.

This gentle action made Ye Cang's face blush a little, and at the same time slightly exhaled a breath of white mist to cover up his shyness.

"No... No need! The task matters... I'll try to get used to it later..."

"Can't delay time for me!"

Ye Cang is still relatively strong, and he doesn't want to become a burden to Haruno Xiao, otherwise this is a denial of her strength and existential value, so he blushed and rejected the suggestion of the man in front of him.

However, the gentle eyes of the other party made her a little afraid to look directly, and she could only turn her head to look at the nearby environment to cover up the throbbing in her heart.

"We're not in a hurry now, let's go into the Daimyo Mansion of the Snow Country first to collect some intelligence!"

"Actually... In my heart, you are more important than this mission! "

For Ye Cang's physique of being afraid of cold, it is actually expected by Chunye Xiao, so he will prepare a big coat in advance.

And the reason why he asked the other party to accompany him to the Snow Country on a mission, in addition to having a companion so that he would not be so bored, was actually for other reasons.

First, because he really needs some manpower to help him deal with some things in the country of snow, and Ye Cang's burning may be a good help to him.

Second, he also wants to take the opportunity to get closer to the other party again, and pry open the other party's relatively closed heart during the journey.

Haruno Xiao actually felt that Ye Cang still had some special feelings for him, after all, he had seen everything he should and shouldn't have seen when treating the other party's injuries.

Ye Cang's body had no secrets at all to him...

So in order to save his life, or for other reasons, Ye Cang chose to become Haruno Xiao's subordinate.

For a while, the two were very close, but since arriving in Fuzi Village, the situation has become different.

Haruno laughed and guessed that this should be the reason why he had been bringing back one woman after another to Fuzi Village...

Who makes himself so kind?

Is fraternity wrong?

Haruno laughed and felt that he was right!

Otherwise, he would not have met Ye Cang during the trip when he was betrayed, and took the opportunity to save the other party!

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