In fact, when he saw this woman, Haruno smiled and knew what would happen next.

That's why there will be tailgating, and there will be heroes to save beauty....

Haruno Xiao is hard to ignore the fact that a woman as wonderful as Ye Cang has passed away sadly in front of him!

"What's wrong?"

"Is there something on my face?"

Perhaps noticing that Haruno Xiao had been looking at him, Ye Cang couldn't help but hold back the throbbing in his heart, and asked a little shyly.

"Look what's in my eyes?"

Haruno Xiao did not answer directly, but continued to look at the woman in front of him fixedly, and couldn't help but gently sweep the snowflakes on the other party's face.

No matter how you look at it, the other party is still so charming, and the appearance of wearing a big coat in the wind and snow is very different from her usual style!

Don't have a taste in your heart....


Haruno laughed at this gentle action, which made Ye Cang's heart tremble, but after hearing the other party's words, he couldn't help but touch his hot face, and then fixed his eyes on the man in front of him and asked a little strangely.

"I have you in my eyes!"

Gently held Ye Cang in his arms, then lowered his head and leaned over, and in the ice and snow, Haruno smiled and launched an attack on the beautiful people around him.

"Uh-huh..." Powerful

as Ye Cang, in the face of this sudden attack, he was also stunned in place for a while. When she came back to her senses, Haruno Xiao had already made an inch, and under the big coat, climbed the mountain.

Ye Cang subconsciously raised her hand to resist, but her body was as soft as noodles at this time, and she could only weakly beat the other party, and then she was intoxicated by this strange and strange feeling.

"Uh-huh... This...... Is it the feeling of kissing your mouth? "

It's kind of weird... But it's not bad..." After

a while, the lips of the two separated, and the crystal brush in the middle quickly cooled into ice crystals in the cold environment, and then fell from the lips of the two.

Ye Cang looked at the man in front of him shyly, and then reached out and pulled out the other party's big hand that continued to act strangely from under the big coat. Although she had long identified the man in front of her who had saved her life, it was the first time such an intimate encounter had been achieved.

Of course, in her mind, those previous intimate treatment and care contacts did not count...

Haruno laughs at this guy... Is it now an official confession to yourself?

"Of course it's not bad!"

"You will definitely like this feeling

in the future..." "Ye Cang, you will be my person in the future!"

Haruno Xiao couldn't imagine that Ye Cang in his arms was so calm, but this also proved that his previous thoughts were correct.


Ye Cang did not refuse this, but agreed. She found that she didn't ask much, just a place to go home.

This woman has actually liked Haruno Xiao for a long time, but she can't accept this fact for a while.

Or Ye Cang didn't know how to express his feelings, so he seemed so awkward in getting along with him.

Haruno smiled and held Ye Cang in the snow to enjoy the tranquility of this moment, the other party's body was so warm that he couldn't let go.

Since he has already come to this ninja realm, and he still has some strength, why not save more misfortunes....

But saving more people will also have side effects!

As he rescued more and more women, Ye Cang, who was a little stubborn and sensitive in personality, was actually jealous before!

However, her performance is a little childish and funny, she should not have been in a relationship before, otherwise she would not have acted so clumsy....

In this regard, Haruno smiled in his eyes, anxious in his heart, but did not dare to act rashly, for fear of hurting that sensitive heart.

So at that time, he could only temporarily leave all this to time to smooth out, and let Ye Cang do whatever he wanted some time ago, so that the other party could calm down and calm down....

And now, Haruno Xiao has defected from Konoha Village, and finally has enough time and energy to deal with some complicated things.

In his opinion, carrying out tasks together and experiencing the process of birth and death is the best way to establish and deepen bonds, which is why there is this mission!

Otherwise, why is there only two of them on this mission, and not a group of people?

I just didn't expect Ye Cang to be so good at attacking, and as soon as he made a move, the other party gave it for nothing!

This made Haruno laugh a little overjoyed....

"Haruno laughs, you really have a lot of routines!"

Ye Cang, who was nestled in Haruno's smiley arms, was finally not called the leader at this time, so she turned her head to look directly into the eyes of the man in front of her, and said in a somewhat subtle tone. As smart as she was, she finally sensed that something was wrong with this mission.

Since this mission is so important, why are the two of them on a mission?

Doesn't it say that women in love are fools?

Why are you so smart?

Haruno smiled and gently looked at the delicate face in front of him, and continued to show his love for her. But my heart was spinning a thousand times, and I began to think about how to deal with it.

Whether you can enjoy a good time in the future depends on whether you can completely conquer this hot girl now.

"The routine is learned from people, but it's true that I like you..."

Haruno laughed at the words that made Ye Cang a little touched, and his heart couldn't help but feel sweet, but he still refused to let this man go so easily.

"So what do you like about me?"

Ye Cang stared up into each other's eyes and asked questions that many women would ask in love.

"The answer is long, I want to spend the rest of my life telling you..." Gently

stroking the other's back, Haruno smiled and pressed his forehead against the other's forehead, and his eyes were facing each other, so that the other party could feel his sincerity.

"So how long will you like me?"

Ye Cang turned his face sideways and no longer looked at the eyes that seemed to be full of magic, but fixed his eyes on the snowflakes that kept falling from the air, and continued to ask a tricky question.

Even if the flying snowflakes are beautiful now, they will have the moment they will land, and then they will become ordinary and become part of the public.

She was afraid that Haruno Xiao's love for herself was only impulsive and fleeting....

"Haha... Didn't you ask me this question in your last life... Why are you still asking me now?

Perhaps feeling the uneasiness of the beauty in his arms, Haruno smiled and hugged the other party tightly, and then smiled and joked with her.

"Haruno laughs, you are so careful!"

Thinking of a delicate beauty in Fuzi Village, Ye Cang couldn't help but sigh softly to express his dissatisfaction.

"I do care! Because I like every look because you look..."

What can Haruno say at this time? He can't hug himself, he only loves each other! But words can't be talked to death, so I have to see the trick.

"Slippery tongue!"

For Haruno Xiao's cunning escape, Ye Cang was a little crying and laughing. Why do you like such a flowery radish with a heart?

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