"Then give you another taste..." Holding

the beautiful person's touching delicate body, he could feel the bumps of the other party through the coat, and Haruno Xiao, who had already spoken dryly, decided to express his heart with action.

"Uh-huh... Uh-huh..." It

turns out that no amount of words can be said more than action. In the blink of an eye, Ye Cang, who was originally covered in thorns, was treated by Haruno Xiao to be obedient...

"We're late!"

"The coup d'état in the Land of Snow seems to have begun..." After

a while, Haruno Xiao and Hakura continued to hurry. Soon, they arrived at Wind Snow City, the daimyo of the Snow Country, and also sensed the murderous aura here.

Looking at the battle situation below, Haruno smiled a little badly. The situation seems to be out of control, and you don't know if your plan can be implemented?

Corpses and blood stained the originally snow-white country with cruel colors, and shouts of killing echoed around. The coup d'état here seems to have taken place, and it has gone to a more serious level.

Yuki Shinobu and Samurai are obviously in charge, and both sides have already killed red eyes. However, the snow ninja wearing special armor on one side obviously have the advantage, suppressing the samurai on the other side to death, completely ignoring the huge gap in numbers, killing people like killing chickens....

From this point, it can also be seen that the power of those Chakra armors worn by the snow ninja at this time, although they are not good-looking, and they are very simple, but they can also strengthen defenses, and can also increase their Chakra, allowing them to have a longer sustained combat ability.

"What now?"

For killing, Ye Cang had long been accustomed to it, so after indifferently looking at the battle situation below, he looked at the man next to him, wanting to know what the other party thought at this time.

"Go! The battle situation here is not worth mentioning, and in the end it depends on the fate of the daimyo. So let's go to the castle of Daimyo first! I hope it will give me something to gain there..."

Haruno Xiao did not stop at these fighting snow ninja and samurai, but quickly led Hakura towards the most conspicuous daimyo castle in Wind Snow City.

"Father! Father..."

At this time, inside the castle, Feng Hua Xiaoxue shouted a little uneasily, looking for his father. Because she faintly heard many shouts of killing, and also saw the fire nearby, which made her feel very scared.

"Little snow! Come here..." Feng

Hua Zaoxue in the room looked at her daughter who broke into the room with a calm face, so she waved her hand to summon the other party. Since his own daughter is here, it is better not to let the ninja of Konoha run again.

"Father! I'm afraid..." "

What's going on?"

Quickly throwing into this familiar embrace, Feng Hua Xiaoxue hugged her father tightly. At the same time, she also found that there was a strange big brother in the room at this time!

The other party wore a black mask, blocking most of the face, and it was not enough, and even blocked one eye with a forehead, a difficult look.

This scared her even more!

"Don't be afraid... Light snow...... You have to be strong in the future! "

Kakashi Shinobu, my daughter will please you... I hope you can take good care of her as agreed..." There

was already a faint shout of killing not far away, and Kazeba Zaoyuki knew that his subordinates could no longer stop his younger brother Kakashi, so he quickly got up and handed his daughter to Kiki Kakashi.

"Father! You don't want me? Feeling

that something was wrong, Feng Hua Xiaoxue hugged her father hard, her voice excited and trembling.

She doesn't understand!?

Why did the originally good life suddenly become like this?

"Haha... Eldest brother! It seems that the destiny of heaven is on me..."

"Hand over this hexagonal crystal!" I can give you a decent walk..." At

this moment, Feng Hua Futao, who was dressed in special black armor, brought a group of snow ninja hired by him to kill here, and then looked at the three people in the room with a smug face.


Feng Hua Xiaoxue looked incredulous, the person who caused all this change turned out to be his uncle Fenghua Futao.

"Kakashi Shinobu, please!"

"Let's go! I'll block him..."

Kazehana quickly tucked his daughter into Kakashi's arms, and then blocked them in front of them.

"Take care!"

Although he knew that this difference might be unpredictable, the ninja's duty was to complete the mission, so Kakashi threw Kazeba Koyuki on his back, and then wanted to highlight the encirclement.

"Father! Don't..." Feng

Hua Xiaoxue's voice was harsh, reaching out to catch her father. She seemed to feel that if they separated this time, the father and daughter might be farewell forever!

"Hmph! Stubborn..."

"Don't let them go! Kill me all..." Since

his brother did not cooperate, Feng Hua Futao did not want to be polite with the other party anymore, and with a wave of his hand, he led people to kill the three people in the room.


Because he had to carry the wind and snow, Kakashi could only hold the kunai battle in one hand, fighting and retreating, calmly looking for an opportunity to escape.

Fortunately, he is agile and not weak in physical skills, so he can remain undefeated for the time being. But under the premise of protecting a five or six-year-old child, he also faced so many snow ninja, and he also seemed very difficult.

The other party did not seem to be in a hurry, as if they had eaten him, a group of people surrounded him to attack, hesitating to catch turtles in the urn.

However, the other party's arrogance also gave Kakashi a chance, and he secretly accumulated strength and waited for the moment when the other party relaxed.

"Brother... Hand over the hexagonal crystal!

"You don't want something to happen to your daughter either, do you?"

"She's still the same age!"

Just as Kakashi was dealing with the group of Yuki Shinobi who surrounded him, Kazehana Saoyuki had been held hostage and threatened by his younger brother Kazehana.

"Angry waves... Let the snow go! She is also the bloodline of the Wind Flower family... It's your niece! Although

Fenghua Zaoxue knew that death was inevitable, he still hoped that his brother could spare his daughter's life in the blood relationship.

"Stop! Can't you still see the situation?

"Hand over the hexagonal crystal, don't challenge my endurance..."

Xiaoxue, she she I will not let go! Listening

to his brother's forced nagging, Feng Hua Futao couldn't help but pinch the other party's neck, and then tighten it forcefully, so that the other party could feel his own strength.

Brother! You're still so self-righteous....

Cut the grass without removing the roots, the spring breeze blows and grows!

Who of us can not know this truth?

Xiaoxue, let her reunite with her sister-in-law!

I believe that your family will not be lonely in the future....

"Angry waves... Brother beg you..."

Kazeba Zaoyuki seemed to be still dying, but in fact it was to buy time for Kakashi.

He knows his brother and knows that the other party will definitely not let his daughter go!

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