"Haha... You actually begged me!?

"Then do you remember how I begged you in the first place?"

"Did you say yes again?"

Hearing his brother's plea for mercy, Feng Hua Futao became even more angry, and the hand that pinched the other party's neck couldn't help but tighten. Immediately, the face of the wind and snow was flushed, and then the sauce was purple, and he was about to live.

Looking at his brother in his hands, he couldn't help but remember that he had begged the other party many times before, hoping that the state could provide funds to support his research, but the other party rejected him again and again on the grounds of insufficient finances.

Are you kidding?

Is the country of snow still short of this money?

And you obviously still have treasures, but you are not willing to help your brother!


It's really too selfish and ruthless!

So ah! Brother...... Farewell!


Fenghua Zaoxue was pinched by her younger brother Fenghua angrily, breathing became more and more difficult, a face turned purple, and there was no way to break the other party's hand.

However, his eyes were not looking at the murderer in front of him at this time, but the light snow on Kakashi's back not far away, with reluctance and nostalgia, his consciousness became more and more blurred...

Farewell... Light snow....

The next moment, Wind Flower Early Snow tilted his head in the hands of Wind Flower Fu Tao, and this daimyo of the Snow Country died in the hands of his younger brother.

"Father! Father..." Feng

Hua Xiaoxue immediately exclaimed when she saw her father die like this, and at the same time her tears couldn't stop flowing from her eyes, and she looked sadly at the silent figure not far away.

After killing his brother Fenghua Zaoxue with his own hands, Fenghua Futao suddenly felt a burst of emptiness, and the memories of his brother before flashed in his mind like a marquee.

Originally, the relationship between the two was very good, studying together, playing together, and doing scientific research together, but since the other party became the daimyo of the Snow Country and married and had children, the two have become more and more estranged.

I don't know when it started, and the contradictions between the two accumulated more and more, making the originally good brothers go far apart, and finally became like this.

However, all this has become a fact, for the sake of their own ideals, in order to make the Snow Country strong, and then rise in the ninja world, it is urgent to develop the Chakra armor!

It's all my brother's fault....

Right! It's all Zaoyue's fault!

"Hahahaha... Brother, the final winner still belongs to me!

"I'll find your treasure..."

"Wolf Tooth Avalanche, catch Xiaoxue for me and get back the hexagonal crystal!"

Since he took this step, Kazehua Futao, who decided to replace his brother as the daimyo of the Snow Country, did not want to let his niece go.

He also wants to get the hexagonal crystal and unlock the treasures of this country! Then you can have enough money to do what you want to do....

"Kakashi of Konoha's flag, huh?"

"I heard that you are still the legendary son of Konoha White Fang...

"Oh! Or a disciple of the late fourth generation of Hokage Wave Feng Shuimen..."

It's really a young genius!

"But... You can see the current situation! Therefore, if you know each other, I advise you to take the initiative to give up the task in this time! Don't make it difficult for us..."

"Hand over Little Snow Princess!"

"Otherwise... Even if you risk offending Konoha, we will kill you here!" "

Wolf Tooth Avalanche is the leader of this group of snow ninjas, leading snow ninja to the samurai of the snow country. They are all employed by the wind and snow to take the power of the Snow Country for each other.

Obviously, their mission went very smoothly, and now there is the final step left.

It is to catch the wind and snow and retrieve the hexagonal crystal!

At the same time, as the leader of the snow ninja, Wolf Tooth Avalanche did not want to offend Konoha because of this, so he had only let his subordinates surround Kakashi Kiki and prevent the other party from escaping, and he had already shown great restraint.

In order to hope that the other party can understand the current affairs and take the initiative to give up this task. But if the other party does not know how to lift, then he can only hurt the killer.


When Kazeka Koyuki heard this, she didn't care that she continued to grieve for her father's death, but looked worriedly at Kakashi, who was carrying her flag. She was really afraid that the other party would not be able to resist the pressure, so she directly handed herself over.

I haven't taken revenge yet, and I can't die yet!

At this time, Fenghua Xiaoxue is not the Fengyun princess more than ten years later in the original play, and she has not been smoothed out by reality and angular.

So now she hates the wind and anger, and wants to take revenge and avenge her father, but she doesn't want to sacrifice in vain.

"Impossible! Ninjas make missions their vocation!

"Since I have accepted this mission, then I will definitely be responsible to the end..." As

if sensing the uneasiness of the girl on his back, Kakashi Kiki then categorically said no, while one-handed seals activated the detonation charm in the castle that he had arranged in advance.

"Boom, boom... Boom, boom..." At

this moment, a series of explosions occurred around the castle, turning the entire castle into a sea of fire in an instant. This is a trap laid by Kakashi Kiki according to the orders of Kazehana Zaoyue, and I didn't expect to use it at this time.

"What? It's a detonator! "

Wolf Tooth Avalanche immediately noticed what was going on, and his face became not very good-looking.

Because he still has many of his men guarding the castle!

I don't know how many people will die....

"Who is it?"

Watching the daimyo castle turn into a sea of fire, the anger in the heart of the wind and flowers is angry! Originally, he wanted to inherit this majestic castle and officially become the master of the country!

Now that this iconic building of Wind and Snow City has turned into a sea of fire, it seems that the subsequent daimyo succession ceremony does not know whether it can be carried out smoothly...

"Open the door... Open! Seeing

this, Kakashi immediately activated the eight-door dunjia he learned from his friend Matkai, and although he only opened one, a powerful force suddenly emerged from his body, making him speed increase greatly.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed out of the siege of the snow ninja at a very fast speed with the wind and light snow on his back, and then fled towards the outside of the castle.

Fortunately, these snow Shinobi were attracted by the explosion just now, otherwise Kakashi would not have been able to escape so easily.

"Abominable! It's so fast! It is worthy of being a disciple of the Wave Feng Shui Gate..."

"He definitely won't last..." Wolf

Tooth Avalanche couldn't imagine that this guy Kakashi had such powerful explosive power and speed, and then he was the first to organize and mobilize people, and then chased after the other party first.

So many people were able to be run away by each other, so the Wolf Tooth Avalanche had no face to continue to stay and watch the angry face of the wind and flowers.

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