"Wow! This is......! "

In a col in the Land of Snow, after Wind and Snow inserted its hexagonal crystal into the control platform, the ground immediately changed, and the ice and snow slowly melted at this moment, revealing the land below.

"This is a geothermal generator!"

"It's your father's masterpiece..."

"He hopes that the country of snow can have spring, so he spent a lot of energy and financial resources to complete this machine..." Looking

at the gradually dissolving ice and snow on the ground below and the green grass and flowers slowly growing, Haruno smiled a lot.

It seems that this geothermal generator made by Wind and Flower Early Snow is not just about geothermal heat!

It can make the seeds of flowers and plants that were originally buried deep in the soil quickly take root and germinate and even bloom, which is definitely the effect of natural energy!

This col has begun to gather natural energy because of this geothermal generator, and it may soon grow into a small cave blessed place!

This Chakra technology is a bit perverted!

For Haruno Xiao, it is even more useful than the Chakra armor technique of the wind and the waves....

After all, with this place where natural energy is abundant, immortal arts may not be a problem!

Did you know that your invention would have such a powerful effect before the wind and snow?

"Let the Land of Snow have spring?"


Hearing Haruno's laughing explanation, the young Kazeka Koyuki seemed to remember the days she had with her father before.

"Xiaoxue, my father will let you see spring..."

Vaguely, Xiaoxue seemed to be able to hear her father speaking softly beside her.

"Xiaoxue, be strong!"

"You have to become a qualified daimyo and make the people of the Snow Country live happily!"

Ye Cang groped Xiaoxue's head and gave the other party a trace of comfort and encouragement at the right time.


Feng Hua Xiaoxue finally couldn't help but bury her head and hug the master beside her, preventing her tears from being seen by others.

"Cry! Cry... Have a good cry!

"Ye Cang and I will help you govern this country, so you don't have to worry too much..."

Haruno Xiao also gave a guarantee to Kazehua Xiaoxue at this time, which was also the purpose of his coming here.

In this regard, Ye Cang could only roll her eyes at him, a disheartened guy, but she didn't have much to say...

After all, Chunye's laughing matter is obviously more important than her newly acquired disciple, and she can only make up for this second disciple in other places in the future.

"Ah! Child, her mother... You see!

"The land has grown grass!"


"Miracle! It's a miracle..."


Since the operation of the geothermal generator, the environment near the daimyofu of the Snow Country has also been affected, and the frozen soil and snow have slowly begun to melt and come back to life!

This made the people of the Snow Country overjoyed, and when they learned that it was the credit of the daimyo of the Snow Country, they embraced Kazehana Koyuki, the young daimyo who gave them new hope.

As for those with bad intentions, they have long been solved by Haruno Xiao and Ye Cang. Yuki Shinobu, on the other hand, turned around and became the new armed arm of the Snow Country, and guarded the country together with the samurai who were loyal to Kazehana Koyuki.

"Master, can I go back to Fuzi Village with you?"

A few days later, Haruno Xiao and Ye Cang also needed to leave, after all, Fuzi Village still had a lot of things to deal with.

Xiao Xue smiled at Ye Cang and Haruno is that reluctant! They all want to follow each other out of here and go back to that Fuzi Village together....

Xiao Xue did not so much regard Ye Cang as a master, but rather regarded the other party as her own mother.

This time is really difficult for her to be a young child, and she has to go through such complicated things at a young age.

"Don't worry! Xiao Xue

..." "Haruno Xiao has already set up a teleportation array here, and in the future, our travel between the Snow Country and Fuzi Village will only be a back and forth..."

"And haven't I already left a shadow doppelganger?"

"It will be responsible for teaching you ninjutsu..."

"After you have learned and successfully mastered the art of shadow doppelganger, then I can also take you to Fuzi Village for a stroll if I have time!"

Ye Cang and Haruno Xiao stood together on the teleportation array, and said soothing to the wind and flower Xiaoxue not far away.

"Say it's okay!"

"Xiaoxue will obediently wait for you to come back..." Although

she was still followed by a shadow doppelganger of Ye Cang, Feng Hua Xiaoxue's eyes still had reluctance.

At the same time, she is also a little curious, full of desire for this magical ninjutsu, hoping that she can learn these magical ninjutsu as soon as possible.

"Don't worry! Light snow...... Ye Cang and I will come back often... You have to take care of yourself too! Haruno

Xiao had already got everything he wanted in the Land of Snow, and the gains were quite great, which made him very satisfied.

The Chakra technology knowledge of Wind Flower Early Snow and Wind Flower Fury has been mastered by him, and he can also make his own Chakra armor based on this knowledge in the future.

In this regard, Haruno Xiao is confident that he can produce better works than the wind and flowers. Because he still has in his hands the Greer Stone, a more excellent special energy ore, plus the Chakra Metal of the Snow Country, it is definitely a strong combination.

As for the wind and flowers, Haruno Xiao did not kill, but slowly modified the other party's appearance and personality in the past few days, making him a scientific researcher who is loyal to himself....

In the future, he will no longer be angry, continue to shine on Chakra technology!

This is the end of success and defeat....

"I'll work hard to cultivate..."

After watching a flash of light, Haruno Xiao and Ye Cang disappeared on the teleportation array, Feng Hua Xiaoxue couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then couldn't help but go up here and touch there.

"This is teleportation! It is a ninjutsu that can cross space

..." "The body and Haruno Xiao have returned to the distant Fuzi Village..." Ye

Cang's shadow avatar also came to Kazehua Xiaoxue's side at this time to explain the magic of teleportation to her.

"That's awesome!

"Did they really return to that Fuzi village?"

Xiao Xue looked at the master beside her a little curiously, she also knew that the other party was Ye Cang's shadow doppelganger, but all this was so magical, which made her more eager to learn ninjutsu.

"yes! Study hard!

"If you perform well, you can make a shadow doppelganger in a year or two!"

Ye Cang's shadow doppelganger also smiled and encouraged the other party. Its personality is not much different from Ye Cangye's body, but it has a little more motherhood, so it loves the poor child of Fenghua Xiaoxue very much.


"Master, quickly teach me the knowledge of ninjutsu!"

Xiao Xue nodded heavily to Ye Cang's shadow doppelganger, and then she was a little impatient to learn more ninjutsu knowledge.

"Actually, for the basic knowledge of ninjutsu, Haruno laughing that guy is better at it, he has already accepted several apprentices!"

Ye Cang's shadow avatar suddenly remembered something, and decided to let the shadow avatar left by Haruno Xiao also help teach his disciples.

Mine is yours, and yours is yours, so of course my disciples also need Haruno laughing that bad guy to teach him!

You can't let the other party sit idle....

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