"Big brother Xiao, you are finally willing to come back?! It's been a few days since we left, and I don't know we're worried about you..."

After returning to Fuzi Village, Haruno Xiao was immediately attacked by his disciple Quan.

Ye Cang also seemed to be anxious to see his disciple roll, so he didn't mean to go home with a smile with Chunye, otherwise he didn't know what kind of fame he would make.

However, looking at Ye Cang's attitude, he should not want to make a big deal, and seems to want to maintain an underground love or something....

What a tsundere guy!

"Didn't I teleport a shadow doppelganger back every once in a while?"

"That's not really you!"

"Hey! Children are so clingy..."

I don't care...... I'm going to practice with the real big brother laughing!" With your shadow avatar cultivation technique, there is no such thrill and thrill of hand-to-hand combat at all..."

You ask for a lot!

While Haruno laughed and interacted with Izumi, Ye Yue smiled and looked at the two on the side, very much like he could be so happy in his life.

Time passes like a white horse, fleeting.

In the blink of an eye, another half a month has passed, and Haruno Xiao has been running around Fuzi Village and the Land of Snow all this time, while digesting the harvest of some time ago.

At this moment, he suddenly received an important piece of information about Wuyin Village.

It is that the conflict between the Kaguya clan and the Wuyin Village is getting more and more serious, and it is likely that there will be more violent conflicts between the two sides in a short period of time, and even a coup d'état.

"Ye Cang, there may be turmoil in Wuyin Village next, do you want to go to Wuyin Village with me?"

"At that time, you can also take revenge by the way..." After

learning this information, Haruno Xiao also knew what was going to happen next, so he wanted to invite Ye Cang, who had a festival with Wuyin Village, to fight the autumn wind with him in Wuyin Village.

According to the original timeline, the Kaguya clan will decide to have a coup d'état due to the oppression of the bloodstained ninja clan in the Mist Hidden Village, and will eventually be suppressed and exterminated!

And the Kaguya clan will only have one Kaguya-kun Mari left, and they will be abducted by the big snake pill guy, and then used as a spare tire container for turning around...

That is, Junmaru was deterred by the bloodstained disease and chose someone else as a container.

"Mist Hidden Village?"

"Actually, I don't hate them... After all, at that time, each was just his own master..."

"The person who really made me hate was the high-ranking people of Shayin Village who discarded me as a political bargaining chip! But the other ordinary people in Shayin Village are innocent..."

"And my life at this time is also good, so hatred has been put down!"

In the office, Ye Cang also helped deal with some affairs, so he could be regarded as Haruno Xiao's personal secretary at this time. After hearing the other party's words, she couldn't help but think of that unbearable memory.

I was almost killed, can I forget it?

But if it weren't for that thing, she wouldn't have met Haruno laughing this guy...

Then be saved by the hero!

I won't love this man to death like now, and work for each other with all my heart

... This can also be regarded as a great difficulty, and if you don't die, there will be a blessing!

She successfully mastered her new life and started a new life. And this kind of life is not bad, at least much stronger than the previous Shayin Village...

"Oh! Our Ye Cang is really great! "

Have an inclusive heart..."

Haruno smiled and gently hugged Ye Cang's warm body from behind, and then calmed the other party with his own actions. All the way up the mountain, the office began to become hot.

"Oh ah... Don't be like this every time..."

"In broad daylight... Can you get things done? Feeling

Haruno smile start to put his hand up and down again, Ye Cang's face immediately turned a layer of red clouds, and his body began to become hot.

Her needs during this period of time are also quite high, so she will appear in front of Haruno Xiao so diligently, and even do the work of secretary for the other party.

"Huh... It says no, but your reaction is very real! "

Uh-huh..." Ling

Yin, who pricked up her ears outside the door to eavesdrop on the movements inside, couldn't help but blush shyly, but she still sat very politely at the secretary's desk outside the door and handled various affairs. However, her red ears still moved from time to time....

"Summer Star, I'm going to trouble you to go on a mission with me this time!"

"This is my duty!"

In the end, Ye Cang still did not choose to go on a mission with Haruno Xiao, because she still needed to bring an apprentice, but recommended Summer Star, who had returned to Fuzi Village at this time.

In this regard, Haruno Xiao also asked Xia Rixing's opinion, and the other party readily agreed.

So the two quickly used teleportation techniques to come to the shop where Haruno Xiao had arranged the teleportation array mark in the Land of Water, and then quickly arrived at Mist Hidden Village.

"Summer Star, you can relax, don't keep a cold face all the time! You must know that we are now playing the role of a couple who went to Wuyin Village to issue a mission..."

At this time, Haruno Xiao and Xia Rixing were dressed as a merchant couple, and they easily entered the interior of Wuyin Village with a caravan.

"Yes! Adult..."

Summer Star also tried to soften his expression as much as possible when he heard this, and at the same time brought his previous feelings with her husband into it, and then quickly entered the state and began to become like a wife.

"Hmm! Smile more if you look good... It's beautiful! Holding

Summer Star's willow waist intimately, Haruno smiled and took her to wander around the commercial area of Wuyin Village.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire Wuyin Village is very strange, so the people in the commercial area are still active, and the rest of the place is lifeless and very depressing.

It should be said that the entire Wuyin Village is in a depressive atmosphere, revealing a tyrannical and impetuous atmosphere, and even the air seems to be filled with the smell of blood.

At this time, the Misty Hidden Village is worthy of being called the place in the blood mist by the world...


"Please be cautious, my lord... We're still in Mist Hidden Village! Summer

Star, who was suddenly hugged by the willow waist, couldn't help but stiffen, and soon felt a warmth in her ears, which made her long-dry body couldn't help but throb, but it was quickly suppressed by her...

The task matters! This is also what the task requires....

After comforting herself, Natsu Hoshi continued to play Haruno Xiao's wife, but her body had broken free from the other party's big hands and changed to take the initiative to hold each other's arms.

This is trying to control this evil hand!

"Huh... The more intimate we behave, the more successful the disguise becomes!

"Don't you see the envious and jealous eyes of the others?" They are jealous of us!

"After all, the beauty of our handsome men and women looks happy and happy, which makes the residents of Wuyin Village, who have been living in depression, very envious!"

At this time, the Mist Hidden Village was still carrying out the Blood Mist Inside Policy, and because the fourth generation of Mesui Shadow had been controlled by Uchiha Obito, it was even more intensely tossing the Mist Hidden Village, which was regarded as revenge for Nohara Rin.

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