Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 182

"Huo Dun, Haolong Yanhuo!"

Chapter 516 Helpless Water Shadow

The terrifying flame directly collided with Terumi Hato’s Boiling Escape. Although Boiling Escape is the limit of the blood, the spring’s fire escape also has extremely terrifying power under the continuous increase of the system. If we only talk about the power from the perspective of power Huo Dun has long surpassed any ninja who uses Huo Dun.

The attacks of Izumi and Terumi Mei disappeared at the same time, and Terumi Mei was very surprised in the face of this situation. After all, she was using the Blood Succession Boundary, and Quan was just an ordinary fire escape.

"Lei Dun, go!"

All the ground around him shattered in an instant. Facing such an attack, Terumi could only choose to retreat and avoid it. At this moment, Izumi's body suddenly disappeared.

Discovering that Izumi was missing, Terumi Ming immediately became vigilant.

"Above Shuiying-sama!" Qing used his white eyes to discover the existence of the spring, and at this time the spring had already appeared on Terumi Ming's head.

"Yan Dun, the black jade explodes!"

Terumi Ming barely escaped Izumi’s attack at the last moment, but he was still affected by Izumi’s Yan Dun. The black jade explosion is exactly the ninjutsu developed by Izumi based on the principle of Helix Maru. Unlike Helix Maru, the black jade explosion is not Rotation is compression, and the highly compressed Yan Dun bursts out directly when it touches the target.

In an instant, the area of ​​several meters around the spring was swallowed by black flames. Terumi Ming’s sleeves were stained with black flames. Terumi Ming could only choose to abandon a piece of her clothes. This was to avoid burning her body.

"Is this your Blood Succession Limit? Conscious Ninjutsu." Although Terumi said this, her brows were frowned, and she could see that the power of Spring's Blood Succession Limit was far above her.

"Yan Dun, Yan Huo explodes!"

The answer to Terumi Mei was Izumi's Yan Dun. A large number of black flames flew in the direction of Terumi Mei and Mizumi Ninja. Seeing such an attack, Terumi knew that she had no way to avoid it. If she did, then Mist Ninja must be behind. The casualties were heavy.

"Water escape, big water burst!"

The A-level ninjutsu was released instantly, and the spring's Yan Dun hit the surface of the water and exploded, but in front of the huge water source, the spring's attack did not cause substantial damage after all.

"Boiling Escape, Skillful Fog Technique!"

Once again showing her boiled escape, Terumi Ming secretly prayed in her heart that Quan would not have any more powerful ninjutsu, otherwise she would really not be able to stop it.

Terumi Mei is not a ghost shark, chakra is limited, and there is no shark muscle to supplement, the big water burst has consumed nearly half of her chakra, but because the release of the big burst water has changed the environment here, Therefore, Wunin's strength is also brought into play, but when facing the attack of two earth shadows, can Wunin really stop it?

Quan evaded the attack of the skill of fog, and immediately counterattacked, the thunder light in his hand lit up, and Lei Che was directly released.

"Lei Dun, Lei Che!"

"Lei Dun, Lei Dun protects!"

Under the blessing of the two Thunder Ninjutsu, Izumi's speed has reached a very exaggerated level. Although Terumi Mei is strong, there is no way to find the trail of Izumi.

"Water escape, water front wall!"

Terumi Ming chose to defend, and Shui Dun appeared next to him, and Quan’s attack had already fallen. In a flash, Quan’s Lei Che pierced the water wall and Terumi Ming’s body.However, the next second Terumi Ming's body turned into a mass of water, and Terumi Ming appeared at the spring's feet before the spring reacted.

Chapter 517 The Power of One Person

"Water escape, the technique of water prison!"

"Little guy, you can't escape from my sister's palm this time." Terumi said with a smile when she saw that she had caught the spring.

"Sister? I don't remember having your older leftover girl."

"Lei Dun, Thunder Torrent!"

In an instant, Lei Dun's body pierced through the dungeon technique like a hedgehog, and Quan was also relieved of the trap, and Terumi Ming became an evil spirit because of Quan's words. Seeing such Terumi Mei in the distance also felt very good. terror.

"Water escape, water formation pillar!"

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombing!"

The two consecutive water escape ninjutsu were released almost at the same time, and Izumi didn't have any fear when he saw such an attack.

"Water escape can indeed restrain the fire, but in the face of the fierce flames, your water is just a drop in the bucket." The spring's voice was loud, and hearing the spring's voice, all the ninjas in Guiyin Village fled immediately with a trick. , Does not intend to head-on with Mizuna.

"Fire escape, extinguish the fireball!"

"Wind escape, hurricane wind!"

The two types of ninjutsu were released at the same time, and immediately under the cooperation of Shalunyan, Izumi combined the two types of ninjutsu together.

"Combined ninjutsu, the flames will destroy the world!"

In an instant, the flames were as high as 100 meters, and hit the sky and the earth, generally in the direction of Terumi Mei and Mizuna.Looking at the flames like natural disasters, Terumi Ming felt a despair in her heart. Such an attack was simply not something she could resist.

"Water escape, big water burst!"

Although she knows that she can’t do anything, she can’t give up easily as Mizukage Terumimei, so she launched her own attack at any cost. At the same time, the ninjas of Mizuna are doing their best to survive. Ninjutsu.

"Water escape, the art of a big waterfall."

"Water escape, the technique of water dragon bombing!"

"Water escape, the technique of water shark bombs!"


Various kinds of water escape ninjutsu were constantly released to block Quan’s attack, but Quan did not continue to pursue the attack. After all, Quan did not intend to destroy the mist ninjutsu from the beginning, and Zhishu wanted to obtain the remaining ninjutsu. It's just a knife.

"Boy, how many hole cards do you have that you haven't shown? Is this still Huo Dun? It's simply a natural disaster." Looking at Quan's Huo Dun again, he was speechless. Such an attack really requires the entire Ninja Village to resist.

"It's already done on the main body. It is estimated that Terumi will receive a notification after they block my attack."

Yes, it was Izumi's clone that was fighting Terumi Mei. Although it was a high-level Thunder Clone, it was still a clone, which was why he was not so depressed anymore.

"It doesn't look like I will go back first." Without cutting, he turned and left with Bai.

After a long time, the flames of the world finally dissipated, but the hidden village also paid a great price. Although there were no casualties, it also made most of the ninja Chakra almost exhausted, and being a water shadow I can't even stand still.

"It looks like you have no strength to fight."

As soon as Quan’s words fell, the masked Quan brought the name of the Water Country onto the battlefield.The daimyo of the Water Country thought that the Wuyin Village on the battlefield could be separated from the Guiyin Village, and even defeated the Guiyin Village, otherwise Quan would not come to hold him.

However, the daimyo of the water country never thought that the ninjas of Wuyin Village were in such a state.

"Five generations of Shuiying Zhaomeiming, as the name of the water country, I order you to hand over the Ninja sword kept in Wuyin Village to Guiyin Village, and at the same time withdraw troops immediately!"

The 518th chapter water country defeated

Seeing the daimyo appearing on the battlefield, everyone understands that daimyo must not have come voluntarily. However, Ming has no courage to fight a battle in the ghost country, and the terror attack of the spring has already caused all the mist to endure. Feeling desperate.

"Your Excellency, you?" Terumi Ming came to Daimyo and wanted to say that he could protect the safety of Daimyo. However, thinking of the previous attack by Izumi, Terumi Ming did not have the courage to say this sentence.

At this moment, Quan's thunder clone turned into thunder and disappeared. At this time Terumi Ming and the crowd of Mizuna were extremely frightened.I thought that Quan had already gone all out before, but I didn't expect that after playing for a long time, it was only a clone.

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