Naruto's strongest cheating system

Naruto: The Strongest Cheating System Chapter 183

You must know that even the most powerful first generation of Hokage's Mu Dun, the Mu Chibi could not exert the strength of the body, so this also means that the spring has not given out all its strength from beginning to end.

"Your Excellency, I learned that I will immediately withdraw my troops and give the Shinobi to the country of ghosts."

At this time Terumi Ming did not dare to continue the fight even without a daimyo's order. The two reincarnated earth shadows, plus the unknown strength of the spring, this lineup is obviously not something that Wuyin Village can resist, let alone. There are other powerhouses in Guiyin Village.

Wuyin Village’s attack on the country of ghosts finally ended in the defeat of Wuyin Village, and Wuyin Village gave in to the symbol of his village, the Ninja Sword. For a time, the entire Ninja world laughed at Wuyin Village’s incompetence, but there was How many people know what happened to Wuyin Village in the Kingdom of Ghosts?

Although Quan’s attack on the Daimyo of the Water Country did cause some criticism, but the protagonist, the Daimyo of the Water Country, has always remained silent. If you don’t see the daimyo appearing from time to time, some people may doubt it. Daimyo of the Water Country has been killed.

"Everyone gathers." The four Shinobi have been shipped back for many days, and Penn's voice suddenly sounded when Quan was doing nothing.

Hearing Payne's voice, Quan Quan also guessed that the Erwei Teak was arrested, and this situation is really unavoidable.It is not difficult for Quan's strength to kill the soil, but what Quan is worried about is Heijue. It is good to know Heijue's traces. If it is hidden, it would be a big deal.

Akatsuki organized all the members to gather, but this time it was lack of Itachi Uchiha. The sudden disappearance of Itachi made Motou very uneasy. Originally, Itachi restricted the soil to prevent him from taking action against Konoha, but now Uchiha's sudden disappearance made The soil is extremely puzzled, and the strangest thing is that there is no way to find Itachi.

"Senior Guiyu, hasn't Big Brother Itachi found yet? By the way, would you not secretly take action against Big Brother Itachi, and then conceal this thing?" When some boring springs appeared, they just made fun of Guiyu, and this is already This is not the first time, so Guiyu didn't pay attention to the spring.

"I'll talk about the small talk later, and now I will seal the second tail." Payne said blankly.

The seal of the second tail began, and finally as the tail beast pulled away, the teak people died completely. Although the teak people can be resurrected by the spring method, the spring does not want to start the grass and startle the snake at this time. After all, the current belt soil has doubts about the spring. .

"Izumi Uchiha and Hinata Hyuga, the two of you are responsible for capturing Mio Isojo." After the seal of Nio was over, Payne said.

The 519th chapter sprites strike

"Hey, I said the boss, I caught the four tails and five tails, and now let me catch the three tails, can't you change someone? Or call Senior Guiyu to go, Jizha is a water-attributed tail beast to let ghosts Isn’t it right for Senior Ma to go?"

Sanwei was sealed in Uzumaki's body by Izumi a long time ago, how could it be captured?So Quan planned to reject this matter from the beginning.

"There is only one person in the ghost shark's group who is not suitable for action."

"Then you want me to go? This is very unfair, and the most important thing is that I remember that I haven't found Sanwei until now. Absolutely, are you a pitcher plant lazy to catch bugs without investigating Sanwei?"

"Sanwei has indeed disappeared, but according to my investigation, Oshemaru has been to the location of Sanwei, so I suspect that it was Oshemaru who captured Sanwei." He said directly.

"You mean to ask me to ask for the three tails of Oshemaru? Forget it, I don't want to fight head-on with Oshemaru. It would be okay to trade with him, but what can be equivalent to the tail beast? Do you definitely plan to dedicate yourself to Oshemaru? Do you study why you made the pitcher plant into a sperm?"

Facing Quan's Tucao Xiao organization members are very helpless. Recently, Quan likes all sorts of Tucao and every gathering is like this.

"Don't go on, Uchiha Izumi, Mioi's affairs are left to you." Payne finally couldn't help but speak.

"I refuse, whoever of you wants to go, I won't go anyway, if I let me capture the head, I'll go find Liuwei." With that, Izumi cut off the contact directly.

Seeing Izumi disappeared, Nagato's expression was very bad. Akatsuki's organization is now very short of manpower, so facing Izumi's disobedient behavior, Nagato can only let it go. On the contrary, he is hiding in the dark and thinking. .

"Izumi-kun, will our obvious refusal to capture Mitsuo arouse suspicion?" Hinata asked with some worry.

"Don't worry, no, even if it is doubtful? There is Yakumo's illusion in the country of ghosts. Anyone who enters here must be discovered by us, and no information will be investigated under the effect of illusion. Have you sneaked in five times? But the result is not nothing?"

I have to say that Kurama Yakumo’s illusion is really powerful. Before having the sixth gouyu, Quan will be controlled by Yakumo’s illusion without relying on the system. This power is too powerful, and more importantly. It turned out to be able to cover the entire ghost country for a long time.

Izumi couldn't help wondering, if Kurama Yakumo has enough chakras, can he achieve the power of unlimited monthly reading?However, this can only be thought of.

Just when Quan took Hinata to look for the six-tailed man Zhu Liyu Gao, an unexpected event happened suddenly, and that was the resurrection of sprites.The sudden resurrection of the ghost stunned the entire Ninja World. The most important thing was that several of Huang Quan's subordinates attacked the Daming Mansion of the Kingdom of Ghosts recklessly.

"Shion, how are you all right?" Izumi and Hinata rushed to Shion's residence, because they went to look for Liuwei Renjuli, Izumi and Hinata had left the country of ghosts before, so they didn't find these sneakers the first time. .

"It's okay. It's just an ordinary skin injury. Just bandage it. Don't forget that I have the ability to predict death. This time, Yakumo actually found each other. I wanted to take them down. I didn't expect a little bit of it. Accident." Shion said with some dissatisfaction.

Chapter 520 Kakashi's Choice

"No risk of this kind of thing in the future, Huang Quan's ninjas are indeed a bit weird." Quan did not have much surprise for what happened this time.

"I know, I will pay attention in the future. What shall we do next? You said before that if sprites are resurrected, don't seal them, but sprites are immortal monsters. Is there any way to kill them?" Knowing that sprites are immortal, not only Shion, but the entire Ninja World thinks so.

"Shion Daimyo, Konoha's ninja, please see me."

At this moment, the voice of a ninja rang out. Izumi had probably guessed the purpose of the other party when he heard this. Although he was very dissatisfied with Konoha's behavior, Izumi decided to meet Konoha's ninja.

"Let them in."

After receiving Izumi's order, the ninja immediately left.

"Oh, my name is really emptied. I haven't said anything yet. You have already arranged this." Shiyuan said helplessly.

"If you like to deal with these things and leave it to you in the future, isn't it because you have been complaining that you have too much work as a daimyo, so I let the ninjas of Ghost Village take over the tasks you need to deal with?" Isn't Quan? Understand what Shion is thinking.

"Forget it, I'm just complaining, if I continue to deal with those things, I will block them."

Soon Konoha’s ninja walked into Shion’s room. Seeing the team this time, Izumi didn’t know what to say. This time it was Kakashi who led the team. I really didn’t know to say Konoha. No one is available, or should I say that Kakashi can do more.

"Is Mr. Kakashi coming to the country of ghosts this time? Or he intends to take his subordinates to the country of ghosts." Quan said jokingly.

"Um, let's forget about joining the ghost country. This time I come here to hope that I can help in the battle to seal the sprites." Kakashi directly stated his purpose.

"Mr. Kakashi, I remember that the first lesson you taught to the four of us when you became my teacher is not to give up your companions, right? You once said,'In the world of ninja, it is scum that breaks the rules, but, People who don’t know how to value their companions are the scum of scum. "Am I right?"

"Yes, this is indeed what I wanted to tell you at the beginning." Kakashi didn't understand why Quan mentioned this matter at this time.

"As long as you remember, Shion Maiden is my companion and the companion of the entire Ghost Village. To seal the sprite requires the sacrifice of Shion, so we decided not to seal the sprite." Quan Chuan said in a loud voice.

"What?" Kakashi was surprised when he heard Quan's words.

"What? Teacher Kakashi disagrees with my approach? Or is the theory in your mouth just talking casually? Knowing that this task needs to sacrifice one's own partners and continue to perform it, if such a task is Kaka Teacher West, how would you choose? Do you happily complete the task or choose to protect your companions?"

Quan's words left Kakashi speechless for an instant. After all, no matter how he chooses, it is wrong. Choosing to save the ninja world requires abandoning his companions, and choosing a companion will destroy the entire ninja world.

Not only Kakashi, but even the members of the eighth and ninth teams were very silent. They didn't know that someone would have to pay their lives for this mission before Quan said it.

Chapter 521 Go to the Sealed Land

"It looks like Teacher Kakashi is still hesitating. If it weren't for Kakashi's hesitation, maybe everything would not be what it is now."

Although Quan did not say clearly, Kakashi understood that what Quan was referring to was Lin’s things at the beginning. If Kakashi chose to save Lin with the soil at the beginning, then everything might not become like this. I will also choose a Uchiha clan as a puppet, but at least Lin and Daido can survive.

"Forget it, Kakashi, I won't make fun of you anymore. We have already made a decision about sprites in the country of ghosts, and that is to kill sprites forever." Looking at Kakashi's tangled appearance, Quan sighed before speaking.

"Kill sprites? How is this possible? Sprites are immortal monsters, they can't be killed at all." Kakashi was puzzled when he heard Quan's words. After all, in his perception, sprites are immortal. The presence.

"Immortality? There is nothing in this world that is unkillable. The so-called unkillable is just that the strength has not been reached. If you are unwilling to help, just take Konoha's people back."

"Since you have decided this way, I have no way I will assist you with all my strength. After all, I have no way to force the Miko to seal the sprites."

Kakashi and his party stayed in the country of ghosts for one night, and set off with Quan the next morning.

In order to completely kill the sprites, Izumi, Hinata, Kurama Yakumo, Uzumaki Aoi, Uchiha Itachi and Shion set off together. Of course, Itachi's identity is kept secret, and Izumi also told Itachi not to make any moves. Once the affairs of the ghost country are exposed, Akatsuki will attack the ghost country immediately.

In order to conceal Itachi's identity, Quan directly asked Itachi to act as an attendant, specifically responsible for carrying Shion. For this reason, Quan also teased whether Itachi needs to go back to the washboard.

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