Monet was still holding his shoulders in the same posture to apply proudly, quite like adding "[-]" to Uchiha and laughing wildly.

  Still silent.

  "Well, not speaking is the default."

  Monet snapped his fingers, and Susanoo and the Thousand-Armed Buddha slowly disappeared.

  "People, you have to obey."

  Sitting on the firm rock, Monet said with emotion.

  "After all, you are also a man who ruled an era with my grandfather. Why is your heart so small, don't say I didn't want to hit your eyes, even if you do, you bite me."

  Constitution +50!

  Spotted's anger value rose rapidly, but Qianshou Monet cheered up, this is a rare opportunity to brush attributes.

  "Oh, it's a big deal, you don't know what despair is if you don't try hard."

  "There is nothing difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up."

  "When you feel that you are poor and ugly, don't be sad, at least your judgment is correct."

  "Don't worry about what can't be solved today, it won't be solved tomorrow anyway."


  What the fuck are you talking about?

  Madara was completely angry, and forcefully forced the ordinary writing wheel in his eyes out of the three hooks.

  As expected of the reincarnation of Indra, you are awesome!

  Monet swallowed.

  "Okay, Mr. Ban, to be honest with you, I'm not interested in your eyes, nor in what you're going to do. Don't bother me, I'm sure I won't do anything to you."

  "Anyway, no matter what you do, your uncle is still your uncle, and you can't change anything."

  "What the hell does he know!"

  An angry Ban kicked the stone next to him. This kid rambled and pretended to force his own lines, and now he threw himself a poisonous chicken soup. The ramble was endless, what are you doing?

  "No, I just want to see what a man of the same period as Grandpa looked like."

  Monet shook his head without explaining too much. He already clearly felt that someone or something was watching him in the distance, and when he used the eternal kaleidoscope, the thing was very honest and puzzled.

  Black absolutely!

  The so-called third son of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

  He looks like a joke, Monet has a wish, that is, he wants to throw Hei Jue in the washing machine to see if he can be whitened for him.

  It looks very disgusting when it is dark and not slipping. I really don't know why Kaguya is so beautiful and fair, why the will is so black.

  "What the hell are you going to do!"

  There was still murder in Madara's eyes. Naturally, he didn't think what this kid said was true. His plan that had been brewing for so long must not be ruined because of this kid.

  Take back the eye of reincarnation and kill this kid!

  This is Uchiha Madara's true thoughts, but... he doesn't know if he can do it!

  He knows the power of the complete body Susanoo and Mu Dun better than anyone else. If it was his body when he was young, he might even fight it out. After all, he knows the ability of the Samsara Eye, so it shouldn't be too strong.

  "Stop thinking about it, my darling, and tell you a secret."

  Monet smiled and leaned to Madara's side with a big face and Madara.

  "Actually, I can also open my reincarnation eye."

  As soon as he finished speaking, he could clearly see Hei Jue in the distance and Moban in the distance.

  "Don't believe it? Have you forgotten? I am a thousand hands! And the kaleidoscope has been upgraded to the eternal kaleidoscope, so I will ask you if I am arrogant!"

  Monet continued to pretend, not knowing that he was already having fun, and even Hei Jue looked at him more intensely than Madara.

  But after a brief shock, Madara scornfully looked at Qianshou Monet like you were bragging, and then tore off the clothes on his chest under Monet's shocked eyes.

  The face of Senjuzhuma above looks a little out of place.

  "You're really gross."

  He really can't figure out why Madara is so proud, are you showing off your mother?

  Showing my grandpa in front of me?

  Are you sick?

  Besides, if you put other people's tattoos on yourself, you are not afraid that Mito's grandma sees it and asks if the grandfather has a 4.9 base with you?

  Under Monet's eyes, Madara Uchiha felt uncomfortable.

  "Speaking of which, boy, why don't you spread the news that I'm still alive?"

  After a long silence, Madara asked.

  "Is that necessary? The people of the previous era will eventually pass away, and then the world belongs to me! You live or die, what does it have to do with me?"

  Monet said calmly.

  Scare people with Madara Uchiha's name?

  Look at the original, does anyone believe it?Every time Obito says that he is Madara, everyone basically looks like you, a bad old man, believing you are a ghost, and it's useless.


  Sixth more. .

Chapter [-]: The sky is black! (first update)

  "Anyway, I don't have that idea. Put a man on my chest. Do you mean that my grandfather is closer to you?"

  "I have to say, it's all nine years of study. In terms of show, I'm not as good as you."

  Monet shook his head, the look of disgust on his face made Banana uncomfortable for a while.

  Looking at his defeated expression, Monet patted his buttocks with some stomach pain and stood up.

  The only asset he can pretend to be in front of Madara is that he is now looking at Nagato in reincarnation.

  This is inevitable, there is only one reason, because his name is Uchiha Madara, that's all.

  "Okay, Mr. Ban, I won't move your eyes, because I will have them in the future, so you can rest assured to do your big business, and I will be at ease as my Hokage, that's all."

  Stretching his waist, Monet's body disappeared instantly. Now he and Madara have nothing to do with him. What Monet thought was to wait for Madara to come back from the resurrection, looking at the 19-strong indestructible Konoha and Qianshou. expression.

  "Lord Madara, I told you to kill him before, now it's alright, our plan..."

  Hei Jue came out of the ground, and he was still stunned at this time. In the future, he would also open the reincarnation eye of Qianshou Monet and completely break the defense line in his heart.

  There have been three reincarnation eyes in the history of this world.

  The first Otsutsuki Kaguya had a reincarnation eye on his forehead.

  The second one, Immortal Six Paths, also known as Otsutsuki Yui, his sin of reincarnation evolution is exaggerated. Just because he personally injured his controlled brother Otsutsuki Yumura, he directly evolved from writing wheel to reincarnation. This is very It's crazy, it doesn't make sense to you at all.

  The third one is Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye, changing Quanna's eyes to open the eternal kaleidoscope, Indra's reincarnation absorbed Ashura's Chakra to open the reincarnation eye, Madara's resume is enough to write a book of true autobiography as a legend .

  Now, to have an extra pair of Samsara eyes?

  The conscience of heaven and earth, Indra has not died, which means that Asura has not been reincarnated yet. A person who is not the reincarnation of Asura and Indra can open the eyes of reincarnation?What kind of business is this?

  Could it be that his surname is also Otsutsuki?

  The illegitimate child of the exiled mother?

  Hei Jue has a question mark in his head. He has no doubts at all whether Monet can really open the eye of reincarnation. The eternal kaleidoscope is activated by itself and doesn't make sense to you at all!There are many unreasonable things about that kid, and even from the conversation between him and Madara just now, it can be vaguely discovered that this kid actually knows some plans?

  what happened?Hei Jue said that his head was not enough.

  "Get out of here!"

  In the end, Hei Jue, who complained that Ban didn't act in advance, greeted Ban's fist, and Ban, who was in anger, did not give face to this so-called product of his own will.

  Flying in mid-air, Hei Jue is so angry, I remind you many times that the kid is not a good stubble, so he has to keep it for fun, now it's alright, when he really opens his eyes of reincarnation in the future, what can you do with your resurrection?


  After a long time, Hei Jue smashed to the ground.

  It was just unfortunate that when he got up, he found that someone was looking at him with great interest.

  "Hey! The sky has fallen into darkness?"

  "Hello, Mr. Otsutsuki Kurojue."

  Qianshou Monet rolled his eyes and suddenly became playful.

  Hei Jue wanted to give himself a slap. He had something in his heart just now, but he gave up sensing the surroundings. Why was Lao Tzu's luck so bad?It still fell in front of this kid.

  But what did he just call me?

  Looking at Qianshou Monet in shock, Hei Jue was really dumbfounded this time.


  He knows me!

  Hei Jue's crotch turned around as soon as he lit up and was about to leave.

  "The Immortal Technique! Wooden Dun! The Technique of Silent Killing and Binding!"

  Reaching out his hand, a tree root grows directly from Hei Jue's feet, and then directly entangles Hei Jue.

  "You think you can trap me like this?"

  Hei Jue sneered, as a product of Yin Yang Dun, unless Yin Yang Dun can seal him, the rest are all bullshit, Mu Dun?On his level, it was a game only played by children.

  "Try it, maybe you can break free."

  Monet shrugged his shoulders, who do you think has no yin and yang attributes?As early as when his physique and spirit reached 550, he was able to control a small part of the power of Yin and Yang. Although [-] couldn't release the six-spotted Yin Dun Thunder faction, I'm sorry, it was just enough to use this trick Mu Dun, and he also thought about it. Specially use this trick to deal with Black Jue.

  "Yin-yang escape, slip!"

  Hei Jue sneered and his body began to become slippery, but after a while, he was horrified to find that the tree trapping him seemed to have spirituality, and he shrank and followed even though it was small!

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