"Yin-yang escape? Why are you yin-yang escape?"

  Hei Jue asked with a strange cry.

  "In fact, it's amazing that you can speak. Most people are trapped by this and can't speak."

  Monet pulled out a wooden stick comfortably, walked to Hei Jue's side and poked him in the face.

  Well, it's very different from what he expected. It's not the greasy kind that looks smooth but is actually rough.

  I still can't figure it out, it's disgusting for a person as pure as Kaguya to make such a thing.

  Throwing the stick, Monet smiled slightly.

  "So lovely Mr. Hei Jue, can we have a good chat?"


  First more. .

Chapter [-] For the blood of the thousand years! (Second more)

  "Come on, can you calm down?"

  Looking at the somewhat frightened Hei Jue, Monet tightened the Immortal Art in an unhappy manner.

  "who are you?"

  Hei Jue's eyes were red, and he was holding a breath in his chest.

  Suddenly, Thousand Arms Monet was silent, and after three seconds of brain cells spinning rapidly, he came up with a touching story.

  "Do you want to hear the truth or the lie?"

  Feelings you hold back such words?

  "Is there a difference between true and false?"

  Hei Jue forced himself to calm down, he found out now that he couldn't run away, let's see what this kid has to say.

  "Of course there is a difference. The fake one is that my name is Qianshou Monet. I am not touching breasts. I am inspired to become the supreme existence in this world. That's it."

  Monet said sincerely.

  Is this fake?It's clearly your innermost thoughts.

  Hei Jue sneered, "Is that true?"

  For a moment, Qianshou Monet's face showed a trace of melancholy, and then he built a wooden stool and a table next to it, and took out a black tea cup from his pocket, and the water and fire were so swayed that a pot of tea was brewed directly. .

  Pouring himself a glass, Monet sighed and took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.

  Since his series of actions are so coherent, Hei Jue can't wait to give him a perfect score, more parental love and more caring.

  "I don't know how far away from this planet, there is a more beautiful planet."

  "It is more prosperous and prosperous than the ninja world. There is no war, and everyone is prosperous and peaceful in their hearts."

  "It's an old story about a son and a prince. One day they met. The beautiful princess captured the prince's heart. "

  "But when the prince mustered up the courage to marry the princess, and thought about winning the other party's blood, a mutation suddenly occurred!"

  "An unknown fruit was planted by humans and grew into a towering tree, and the fruit from that tree can give mortals unparalleled power."

  "Naturally, the war has begun, and the fight for the seeds of the divine tree has become the mainstream of that world."

  "There was a rebellion in the kingdom of the princess, and with the last hope, that is, the only remaining seeds, she wanted to escape from that planet with the person she loved, but she just left her country and met the rebels directly, and the rebels not only watched After getting her seed, I also want to get the first blood of the princess."

  "In desperation, in order to save her blood and seeds, she used the family's last secret method to leave that world."

  "And her man arrived later and went missing after a battle with the rebels."


  Speaking of this in one breath, Qianshou Monet looked at Hei Jue with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

  "But that man didn't die, and his obsession with wanting blood has not changed! He doesn't have the secret technique of the family, so he can only follow the princess' breath to a distant planet!"

  "He had no relatives and was seriously injured. When he was dying, he exploded and died on the spot, but the prince was reincarnated with the supreme magic, but because of the limitations of this world, one reincarnation turned out to be a thousand years old."

  "The princess was sealed, but the blood is still there. At this point, the man has the motivation again, and his hidden ability in the body is gradually revealed."

  "He was inspired to rescue the princess! Take a blood! So he has been working hard."

  "Reincarnated and rebuilt, just to see her and win a blood!"

  "The princess is waiting for him..."

  As the story draws to a close, Monet put out the cigarette butt and stood up to look at Hei Jue, his face full of kindness.

  "That planet is called Datongmu Planet, and the people in it are all surnamed Datongmu."

  "The princess' name is Kaguya Otsutsuki, and the prince is called King Yama Otsutsuki!"

  "Now, he has turned into Monet with a thousand hands, and what he has to do is to save the princess in his heart."

  "This is the story I want to tell. If you are really Kaguya's third son, then in theory, you have to call me Dad!"


  The air fell into a dead silence, Hei Jue's eyes were dull, Monet clenched his fists with a sad expression, but his eyes were still full of softness.

  I don't know how long it took, the sunset over the western mountains, the country of rain even started to drizzle because of this touching story.

  Suddenly, the binding technique on Hei Jue disappeared, but instead of running, he looked at Qianshou Monet with a complicated expression.

  "¨々 I need to calm down."

  Yeah, he felt like his head was about to explode.

  If he doesn't calm down, he really might die in the next second.

  The epic love story of the prince and princess of the Otsutsugi clan was so lethal that he couldn't digest it for a while.

  For Qianshou Monet's frankness, Hei Jue respects it!

  But...he doesn't believe it!

  Nonsense, can he believe it?He can't believe it!In addition to his mother, this (money's) world actually has transmigrators, and the purpose is the same as his, all to resurrect his mother, he is for her mother's freedom, and this man is for her mother's blood!

  Have I found the organization or have I entered the abyss?

  Black never knew.

  This world is so crazy.

  He would rather be slapped to death by Qianshou Monet today than listen to these things, it's too crazy, he can't bear it.

  "It's okay, poor child, I've suffered for you for thousands of years."

  Monet stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch Heijue's face, but in the end, his disgusting hand went back and stabbed it with a wooden stick.

  "In the future, I will bear your pressure!"


  Second more. .

Chapter [-]: Thousands of Black Hands! (third more)

  "Otsutsuki... King Yama."

  "Sorry for you, my son."


  The air was quiet again, and Hei Jue couldn't accept the fact that he, as the mastermind behind the ninja world, had become his son.

  It's not that he has to believe what Qianshou Monet said, even if Qianshou Monet showed deep sorrow and deep feelings, he would not believe it.

  What made him hesitate was the story, and Monet's resume.

  This guy is growing up so fast!

  And his eyes are his own.

  And Mudun...

  It's also true that Kaguya was hunted down in the story. Hei Jue, who inherited some of Kaguya's memories, actually found that the memories fit perfectly with Monet's words!

  Mother Mother created Bai Jue to deal with the enemy.


  How could he not believe it!

  "I have a question. I want to know how you know about me and the fact that my mother was sealed."

  Hei Jue finally raised his own question. From Senju Monet approaching Madara 390, he intentionally said some rambling words. He was sure that Senpa Monet knew his plan.

  But how did he know?

  "It's very simple, because Kaguya and I have the same heart."

  Monet smiled and pointed to the sky.

  "Although I didn't get Kaguya's first blood, I have already been connected to her spiritual first blood. In recent years, the seal of the moon has been a little loose, and I can already perceive her thoughts, although every long time I can only communicate with her, but I'm already very satisfied."

  "It's time to tell you something Kaguya wants to convey to you."

  "Do you think he let you out just for resurrection?"

  "You are wrong, my son."

  "This is your experience!"

  "If you really can't do it, I'll take action, but if I do, it means Kaguya is disappointed in you."

  "If you succeed, you will become the real master of this (cdbi) world. I will return to Jupiter Otsutsuki with Kaguya to avenge, and this world will be handed over to you."

  "This is what Kaguya and I have in common, so, my son, you have to work hard."

  "If you feel lost on the road of life, you can come to Konoha to sit down and chat with me."


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