"Huh? Boss? What are you doing?"

  Jiraiya asked quickly in his heart.


  Fourth more. .

Chapter [-] The Nagato Trio! (fifth more)

  "you guess."

  He slapped the younger brother casually, and Monet carried him into the camp.

  This slap is inexplicable.

  Jiraiya's eyes rolled, what happened?

  "Tell me, where did you go today?"

  Throwing Jiraiya on the ground, Monet leaned back on his exclusive reclining chair and yawned. Today, his performance as an actor seems to be easy, but that is black. He is very involved in the drama, and he acts really well. the same.

  "I...I went to the kiln."

  Jiraiya rolled his eyes and began to quibble.

  "Shit! Sakumo and I have visited the kilns with you several times, and you are not here, and the kilns in the vicinity include the kilns in the Land of Rain. Which one of the "One Six Seven" houses we don't know?"

  "The quality of the newly opened kilns is good, but I haven't seen you there. Say, what are you doing here?"

  Monet slapped the table and shouted aggressively.

  "No no no, I went to the kiln in the Land of Thunder..."

  "How is Xiao Nan's talent?"

  "Very good, a good seedling... eh? Boss, you!"

  This sand sculpture.

  It came out as soon as it exploded.

  Monet was speechless, you looked at the three children very tightly.

  "Okay, in fact, boss, I originally planned to talk to you these few days, but now that you know, I won't hide it anymore, those children are really good, and one of Nagato and Yahiko is very good. Possibly the Son of Prophecy..."

  "Huh? No, boss, how did you know? My anti-tracking skills are very strong."

  Jiraiya, who sold himself directly, was also taken aback for a moment, and then asked with a puzzled face.

  "You? Strong anti-stalking skills?"

  Monet returned to the reclining chair with a headache. I even tracked your face and didn't find it. What about anti-tracking skills?

  But he also understands what Jiraiya thinks, and it is impossible not to tell him all the time.

  But the identities of these three people are very sensitive. The so-called war orphans are not easy to get along in this world, and Monet has not said what kind of mentality he treats these children.

  The most important thing is that the kung fu of Jiraiya was taught by Monet himself. Whether it is ninjutsu or Xianjutsu and spiral pills, he learned it from Monet.

  It's no problem to teach Konoha's children, but teaching others, especially the war orphans in the Land of Rain, is always resentful of Konoha, and he is afraid that he will be beaten down.

  So after thinking about it again and again, I chose to hide it for the time being because I didn't find out what Monet thought.

  But it seems to be useless now, and his boss discovered it just a few days ago.

  Your boss is your boss after all, so it's useless to play anything else.

  Jiraiya who wants to understand is also directly revealed. Yahiko's ideas coincide with those of him in the past, and mutual understanding achieves peace. Although he is still very immature, it is still very easy for a team to convey this spirit with his personality. , not to mention Nagato's Samsara Eye.

  These three are amazing.

  Must be taught in the right direction, this is his mission to find the son of prophecy!

  Too lazy to speak, Monet sighed.

  You son of a bullshit prophecy, he doesn't look down on the toads of Miaomu Mountain, and he also predicts, why are you so arrogant, a toad will go to heaven.

  "Okay, don't worry about those who don't have it. I'm Hokage, your boss, and I still have some energy. You can teach it with confidence."

  "But call me when you go tomorrow. I'm also curious about those three children."

  Monet said.

  "Uh, why didn't you show up today, boss?"

  Jiraiya still can't figure it out, shouldn't, according to the boss's temper, if he finds out, he will definitely jump out and ridicule himself, but in fact it doesn't.

  "Something went wrong, I'll talk about it tomorrow..."

  Waving his hand, Monet walked out of the camp. Can he tell Jiraiya that he met Madara Uchiha and pretended to be a jerk?

  Obviously not, some things are destined to be impossible to say now, and it is very troublesome to explain.

  Konoha is still that Konoha after all, Qianshou is still that Qianshou, the world will not change, and neither will Monet.

  After a night of silence, after the morning exercise with Tsunade the next day, the two lay on the bed and enjoyed the afterglow.

  "Cousin, do you think I will have a baby?"

  Tsunade blushed, hugged the man who had tossed him awake and asked.

  "Probably... not."

  Monet swallowed, safety measures?What is that, the Naruto world is not good.

  "Nonsense, I asked Grandma Mito..."

  Damn, this girl is really honest, you still tell Grandma Mito about this kind of thing?

  Monet had a headache and was thinking about whether he was teaching his little cousin a lesson when a message suddenly came to his mind.

  "what happened?"

  Tsunade seemed to sense something was wrong and asked.

  "1.7 trivial matter, the clone committed suicide, and Zilai is also waiting for me."

  Monet sighed. Yesterday and Jirai also agreed to find the trio today. How could he know that he got up so early, and his Mudun clone was getting more and more angry. Are you too lazy to go?

  After washing up, Monet put on an elegant robe with an umbrella and appeared in front of Jiraiya.

  "Boss, in this rainy day, you are not afraid of getting dirty."

  Every time I see the boss being so arrogant, Jiraiya can't stand it. Shouldn't ninjas be integrated into the environment?

  You are far away and you can see how to hide yourself.


  Fifth more.

  (Patting the table) Where are the flowers? .

Chapter [-] My stupid master! (sixth more)

  "Your so-called anti-tracking means nothing to me."

  Monet pouted and released Fei Lei Shen directly with Jirai.

  In the blink of an eye, the two of them landed not far from the cave where Xiao Nan and the others were located, and Fei Lei Shen didn't say anything else.


  Jirai, who obviously couldn't bear the feeling of teleportation, also spit it out. It was fine before, the distance of the transfer was relatively short, and he could still adapt, but this time he really couldn't adapt.

  "Are you disgusting, I haven't eaten my fucking breakfast yet."

  Monet kicked him into the mud pit with one foot at his ass. This guy is really useless, no wonder he doesn't have a special space attribute.

  It is said that Jirai is also a talent. It is not easy to learn from the original work of his apprentice's spiral pills and to play flowers.

  "Boss, it's too boring, give me a run."

  Due to the angle, there was some animal excrement in the mud pit he was just shoved into. Not to mention Monet, he felt disgusting himself.

  "Water escape! The technique of taking a bath!"

  Resisting the desire to vomit, Monet started to squirt wildly at Jirai, and directly swept him away.

  "Boil! The art of drying clothes!"

  "Physique! The technique of spinning the top of the human body!"

  As soon as he stepped down, Jiraiya began to spin rapidly, and his face was red and his ears were red from Monet's hot chakra.

  After a few minutes, Jiraiya stopped spinning, with more circles in his eyes than Samsara eyes.


  He couldn't help it, and Jiraiya's stomach began to churn, but just as he was about to vomit, Monet shoved the smelly sock that the kid had just thrown out into his mouth.

  This time Jiraiya's face turned completely green, with tears in his eyes, he looked at his boss in confusion, what happened to the boss today?Although he is still handsome, why is he so murderous?

  "Look at the fart, this is to punish you, boy, you don't have to believe others, but how many years have passed, don't you know what your boss is like?"

  "Don't you dare to believe that I still doubt what I will do to these three little devils. Do you think too much? Although your hesitation is only for a moment, it shouldn't be."

  Monet turned around and left such a sentence.

  Jirai, who had been churning in his stomach, finally understood something, he silently pulled out the socks in his mouth and put them on again, bowing to Monet's back.

  This is his boss, he has never used Hokage's frame to oppress himself, and even regarded him as a brother.

  Help yourself to practice, and even laboriously improve his immortal mode.

  This love will never end in his life.

  "Let's go and see those three little devils."

  Monet waved his hand without looking back. The younger brother needs to be disciplined. Zilai can be considered a peace of mind. I believe he will understand after this time.

  "Drink! Taishu! Brutal collision!"

  Approaching the cave, in front of it is a naturally formed training ground. The sturdy trees act as stakes, and several children are diligently practicing something.

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