And our three leaders, the future Payne, and the current Yahiko started charging hard against a huge stone!

  Brutal collision?

  Monet breathed a sigh of relief regularly. Isn't this the physique he taught him when he was a kid?

  The normal version of the savage collision requires a tyrannical muscle, and the collision also uses his own shoulders, but this...

  "Oh my god! My head!"

  Under the collision, Yahiko's head suddenly blossomed, and a round, bag-shaped mysterious object instantly grew out.

  Well, the second dimension is sometimes so exaggerated, but you can't explain it.

  "You don't know how to be light, after all, Master Jiraiya has practiced for more than ten years before breaking stones with his head. Now that you are still young, you should start with wood."

  Careful Xiaonan took out the bandage and handed it to Yahiko, and then continued to talk about his origami.

  "Drink! The art of making paper planes!"


  Monet couldn't help it at all, and glanced at Jiraiya next to him complaining. These moves were used when he was bored and engaged in Jiraiya when he was a child.

  Sure enough, just as he imagined, Xiao Nan threw out the paper plane and picked up a rock and smashed it into the paper plane, and the detonating talisman hidden inside exploded instantly.

  "This plane is really amazing!"

  Xiao Nan shouted excitedly, although she didn't know what the plane was, the ninjutsu given by Master Jiraiya finally completed 167.

  "How many detonators did you give her?"

  Monet asked Jiraiya with a sullen face, this training is very expensive. With the money for the detonating talisman, can you invite them to eat something good?

  "A dozen."

  Zilai also looked at it with relish, and even kept nodding.

  On the contrary, Nagato's training method is quite satisfactory, holding the shuriken and shooting outwards, with the blessing of Samsara, his shuriken shoots accurately.

  This allocation is really reasonable. When he was a child, he told Jiraiya that a team should have an MT, which is a meat shield, and a stable C-position output. This guy has learned well!

  "Cough! Children! Let me introduce someone to you!"

  When Monet had a headache, Jiraiya no longer hid his body and jumped out.

  "Hey! My stupid master! Eat me with a savage charge!"

  As soon as he saw Jiraiya, a golden light flashed in Yahiko's eyes and slammed into him.

  "Where the fuck is this! Jiraiya, what the hell did you teach me!"


  Sixth more.

Chapter [-] The sunshine of the rain country is a gift! (first update)

  This Naruto world is not normal. Where did the pure Yahiko run off to in Lao Tzu's impression that the blood is full of amusing, and pure Yahiko?

  Monet covered his face and sighed, very speechless.

  "What's the matter, boss? I taught them according to the routines you taught me when I was a child, but I can't teach Xiaonan. Her origami is very good and can be developed, and Nagato and Yahiko are still young. I brought them with me a few days ago. When they go to the kiln, they finish drinking two glasses."

  "These are basic things. As a disciple of Jiraiya, this is a must know."

  Jiraiya shook his head and gave Yahiko a slap to calm him down, and then said arrogantly.

  Visit the kiln, drink flower wine...

  Indeed, this is how he taught Jiraiya before, not to mention that, when he was a child, he even licked the Tathagata Buddha stick for Jiraiya.

  Monet rubbed his temples. According to this trend, Yahiko and Nagato are completely useless, and Xiaonan will learn badly with them sooner or later.

  Looking at the three curious babies, Monet really didn't know what to say. He never expected the butterfly effect to be so powerful. The group is going bad, but he still thinks this is the most correct way of education.

  Even if this kid is the real son of prophecy, leading his way in this way will have to destroy the world in the future.

  But...that's kind of interesting!

  After being so tossed by Jiraiya, will these three people still develop the same trajectory as in the original work?

  Created Akatsuki, developed Akatsuki, and then was targeted by Hanzo. In the end, Yahiko died in Nagato's hands and was completely blackened. He followed Obito to collect tailed beasts and finally died in Naruto's mouth...

  "Who are you."?"

  Just when Monet was thinking, Nagato asked Monet arrogantly, staring at Samsara.

  "Why are you talking to my boss?"

  Jirai didn't get used to him either, and also slapped him in the face.

  "Oh, it's the boss of Teacher Jiraiya! Disrespectful!"

  Nagato is not angry, it seems that this kind of slap is used to it on weekdays.

  Monet didn't have any interest in Yahiko and Nagato, he walked over to Xiaonan without looking at them.

  Only Xiao Nan, who was not influenced by Jiraiya, stood quietly beside him. Although he was still young, he was the only sensible one among the three.

  "When we first met, I didn't have much to offer."

  Touching Xiao Nan's head, Monet took out a special kunai from his arms.

  "Do you like paper cranes?"

  Monet asked.

  Xiao Nan didn't know why, looked at the sharp Kunai and finally nodded.

  "That's good."

  Monet smiled slightly, and when he used his hands, Kunai began to change shape in his hands. In terms of his strength, it was no different from paper.

  After a while, Kuwu turned into a paper crane, with the four characters of Monet in Thousand Hands engraved on it.

  "For you, if one day you are in danger, this paper crane will become my appearance to protect you."

  So amazing?

  Xiao Nan was delighted with the result, and then carefully placed Zhi He in his arms.

  "Cut, he's still transformed. The boss of Teacher Jiraiya also likes to brag. Besides, it looks like he's not as good as Teacher Jiraiya..."

  Yahiko, who was ignored, said sourly and bluntly, as if he had doubts about Qianshou Monet's strength.

  "Immortal! Wind escape! Spiral Shuriken Ascension Style!"

  Without ink marks with Yahiko, Qianshou Monet understands that the only way to deal with this kind of arrogant child is to let him understand how terrifying the man in front of him is!

  Rub the ball with one hand, inject the immortal chakra and wind escape attribute changes, the harsh cutting sound slowly hits, and the sharp wind wings seem to be able to shatter everything!

  The Prince's signature move is ready!

  But... there is a reason why it is called the ascending style, can his balls be the same as the prince?That's so outrageous.

  Neither the rotation speed nor the chakra contained in it can be compared by the prince, and... his balls can fly!

  In the shuddering eyes of several people, the balls slowly lifted into the air, and the rapidly rotating posture silently began to stir the air.

  "¨々 uh... that's the end? You lied to the child?"

  After a while, Yahiko asked suspiciously, who found that there seemed to be no change.

  "Look carefully! Shut up!"

  Jirai also seriously stopped his desire to continue talking. Unlike these children, his perception was too strong. He faintly found that the thing was about to explode!

  A few seconds later, with a snap of Monet's fingers, the spiral shuriken that rose into the air officially exploded, and the scale expanded more than a hundred times in an instant!

  The sky in the country of rain is always dark, and the sun has never been seen under the dark clouds, but when the spiral shuriken was spinning rapidly, the surrounding dark clouds began to slowly gather, and it formed five seconds later. A jet-black tornado churned in the air!

  The rapidly cutting spiral pills intersected with the thunder and lightning in the clouds, and it turned into a huge thunder and lightning tornado like a world-destroying punishment!

(Wang Zhao) Even Monet himself did not expect that under the influence of the weather in the Land of Rain, this trick Spiral Pill turned out to be so terrifying!

  Of course, this is just a coincidence, looking scary does not mean it is really lethal, but even so, the shocking effect on these three little ghosts has already been reflected.

  I don't know how long it took, the chakra of the balls was exhausted, and one meter of sunlight shone on the earth. Xiaonan stretched out his hand to meet the warmth that he had seen before, and they who were born in the country of rain had never seen the so-called sunshine.

  In just a few seconds, the dark clouds slowly dissipated, and the light rain began to fall again, and everything was calm except for the dark clouds rolled up in the air.

  "The sunshine in this country of rain is a gift for you. Work hard."

  "Goodbye, lovely Xiaonan."


  First more. .

Chapter [-] The beginning of the decisive battle! (Second more)

  "Remember, if you are in danger, the iron crane that I gave you can help you get through it."

  "I believe it won't be long before we meet again."

  "Jilai, you come with me."

  After giving Xiao Nan a look, Monet said goodbye to the three ignorant little devils and dragged Zi Lai to the distance.

  "Boss, you really are the coolest."

  Jiraiya has just recovered, that vast ninjutsu can actually cause changes in the environment, this is the first time he has seen that the boss is getting stronger and stronger, this has never changed, and he can improve a grade after not seeing him for a few days. , really scary.

  "Stop flattering, since you regard that kid as the son of prophecy, teach it according to your ideas."

  "I'll give you a vacation recently. You don't have to be sneaky in the future, but when the war is settled, don't forget to go back to Konoha."

  Monet thought about it and said.

  "The war is settled? Uh, boss, I don't understand what you mean. According to this progress, I'm afraid this war will continue for a long time, right?"

 240 Jiraiya asked suspiciously.

  "That's your understanding of war. After staying here for so long, I'm a little tired of the environment in the Land of Rain. Now I think it's better to be at home."

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