In an instant, two diametrically opposed energies emerged from the body, one was cold and the other was scorching hot, Monet raised his head in relief and wished to let out a long whistle to vent his strength.

  A burst of stinging pain hit, the blue veins around the eyes burst out one by one, and the kaleidoscope spun rapidly and finally burst with a crisp sound.

  Circle after circle of golden lines gradually formed, and a new Samsara eye with a different look from Nagato and Madara Sasuke appeared!

  Feeling the power in his body, Qianshou Monet finally couldn't help roaring.

  He needs to vent the overflowing energy!

  "The power of God! Meteorite falls from the sky!"

  "Heavenly Shocks the Stars!"

  The reincarnation eye spread out ripples, the air fell into silence, and the feeling of depression made people breathless.

  There seems to be something in the air!

  The ninjas of Sand Ninja Village looked at the top of their heads suspiciously, still calm.

  But what was that oppressive feeling?

  Is it a bluff?No, absolutely not!

  Under this kind of oppression, the fear and anxiety in their hearts gave them no strength to move their bodies.

  Sandai Kazekage fell to the ground inexplicably, and the unease in his heart made him unable to maintain his flight.


  The 170 clouds in the air dispersed, and a huge burning meteorite scared the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village!

  Turning around, Monet jumped out of the battlefield.

  His Tianjiquan Xingxing is more compelling than Madara's, it is a burning meteorite!

  "It's really a bit big to describe it as raindrops."

  Controlling Susanoo's pace, Monet turned and left.

  Real men never look back at Meteorite, Sand Ninja Village, it's over!

  Very few of these people can escape!

  When the approaching meteorite smashed down, everyone finally understood what the depressing atmosphere was all about.

  This is not human power, this is divine punishment!

  "Thousand-handed Monet...God's power."

  There is no big wild wood here, and there are no five shadows gathered here. No one can catch this meteorite. The three generations of Fengying are the first to run away, and he is not qualified to pick up this meteorite.

  When the meteorite hit the ground, a strong shock just hit, and another meteorite scraped through the clouds again!

  From a distance, it is a beautiful picture of Mars hitting the earth!


  Fourth more.

Chapter [-] There is only one chance! (fifth more)

  People often feel their own insignificance when facing nature.

  But when people can manipulate nature, they feel that nature is weak and pitiful, and there is nothing wrong with the practitioner. That's all, after all, the Nagato in the original book is just a tool to store the Samsara Eye, so it can't release the stars.

  Two flaming giant meteorites killed two-thirds of the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village who were trying to escape, and the remaining one-third were seriously injured and some were scared.

  The Konoha Allied Forces who followed in the distance happened to see that scene, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be described in words.

  Thousand Hands Monet, the true god!

  Tsunade looked at his cousin with admiration in his eyes.

  Do you see it?

  That's my cousin, my man!

  And Orochimaru next to her looked at the huge Susanoo, with envy and a hint of greed in his eyes, he kept going up, knowing that he saw the Samsara Eye in Qianshou Monet's eyes, and suddenly he was inward.

  The man was looking at him.

  His eyes were flat and regretful, who was he regretting?

  Unconsciously, Snake Brother, who was full of coolness behind him, took a deep breath and regained his senses. He was actually coveting that man who was as strong as a god!

  "There is only one chance. Next time, you are already dead."

  Qianshou Monet is very clear about the character of the snake brother. He just beat Jiraiya some time ago, and this time it is a warning to the snake brother.

  Do you hate that your body is inferior to others?

  If he followed him since he was a child, Snake Brother would still go on the road of immortality and return, Monet would kill him with his own hands, regardless of whether he was a scientist in the ninja world, the big snake pocket was also his training object.

  Hokage is not a real brother, you are mistaken if you treat Hokage as a friend.

  He can support you to engage in scientific research, or he can make you lose everything in an instant.

  When Monet's voice exploded in Brother Snake's mind, Orochimaru sat on the cold ground and panted heavily. With just one look, he thought he would die!

  This man is not something he can covet!

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, ignoring Tsunade's surprised eyes, Brother Snake stood up and bowed.

  He was grateful for everything Monet gave him, from childhood to low. He knew very well that if Monet hadn't become Hokage, all his scientific research would be considered taboo in Konoha, and it would be a matter of time to find out. Get so many resources.

  All this is precious.

  "Target, Sand Ninja Village. "!"

  "Army attack!"

  After hitting Brother Snake, Monet controlled Susanoo to pull out his lightsaber and turned around. Sand Ninja was completely finished. Like Iwayin Village, the rules are the same!

  Grab food, rob money, rob women!

  But Sand Ninja Village was very poor for a while, and the relationship with the name of the country of wind was not good. I don't know if he could get money, but if the number he asked for is not enough, Sand Ninja Village will be destroyed!

  The three generations of Kazekage who fled back to Sandin Village walked out of the village. On the left is Chiyo who took a shortcut and went straight back to the village, and on the right is Hailaozang, two of his generals.

  "Yo, Chiyo, your sassy old lady is also here, so I don't need to repeat the rules?"

  Monet is still standing on Susanoo. At this time, his chakra has completely turned into a chatonla. I believe that even if it is the first generation of Hokage Senju Hashirama, it can compete with a [-]-[-] appearance and maintain a Susano. It was so relaxing, he even thought that if the battle spot in the valley of the end had the kind of chakra with big pillars, the ending might be different.

  The Six Path Immortals are not fair to the two sons, and the power they bestow is not even. Although Indra inherited the eyes, he has given Asura more in other respects.

  So it is normal for Indra to fail Asura.

  Shaking his head Monet didn't bother to think about it, he was waiting for the result of the negotiations between Chiyo and Sandai Kazekage.

  The man known as the strongest Kazekage simply gave in and agreed to let Monet rob, but he told the fact that they had no money, and they lost money in this battle, the ninja's pension There is no money to pay, and it is said that they have to pay indemnities. The purpose of the war in Sand Ninja Village is to obtain benefits.

  Who made them poor?The poorer you get, the more you fight, the poorer you get, and you still come to a cycle.

  "¨々 The annual military expenditures given by the daimyo of the Land of Winds are pitifully low and cannot meet your requirements."

  Chiyo was also a little embarrassed. She didn't want Sand Ninja Village to be destroyed like Iwayin Village, but they really had no money.

  "Kill the big name, it's very simple."

  Monet made a suggestion, and then let his men turn into bandits again and rushed into Sand Ninja Village.

  It's just that the result disappointed him very much (Zhao's), too poor, really too poor.

  As Chiyo said, they didn't even have the money to give pensions to the families of the dead ninjas.

  "Damn, poor!"

  He spat fiercely, Monet stomped his feet, and the entire Sand Ninja Village shuddered.

  "It doesn't matter if you don't have money. From today onwards, the ore in your country of wind belongs to us! And the land of those mines will also be named Konoha from today!"

  The Land of Wind is not without everything. There are many minerals deep in the desert, but it is more difficult to excavate.

  Since there is no money, Qianshou Monet can't just go back like this. It's better to use those mines to offset the debt.

  Fifth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-]: The legendary ninja of the first generation! (sixth more)

  The mine is the last guarantee of the Sand Ninja Village, and it is also their only source of income. Monet robbed the rare mine, and they had to look for it.

  But this has nothing to do with Monet. After taking all the things that Sand Ninja Village can loot, he directly takes Konoha Ninja and starts to retreat.

  The mighty Second Ninja World War, which took nearly ten years from brewing to the end, is over.

  Under the leadership of Qianshou Monet, Konoha Ninja, like a mad dog, first captured the three generations of Raikage Ai to blackmail a huge amount of supplies, then went straight to Yanyin Village to almost slaughter the village, and finally ransacked Sand Ninja Village's few resources.

  The war is officially over, and the second ninja war that ended with Konoha's victory is only the battle between Yunyin Village and Kiriyin Village in the Water Land.

  When the news reached Konoha, the whole village boiled and shouted Qianshou Monet's name, not to mention the benefits that Konoha obtained, Qianshou Monet played Konoha's prestige and calmed down the three-way battlefield. Compared with the hand-to-hand column, there is not much to do.


  When the ninja troops returned to the village, almost all the villagers greeted their heroes at the entrance of the village.

  The soldiers were also excited with tears in their eyes. There were not many people who could come back from the bloody frontier. If Hokage-sama hadn’t defeated the enemy by himself, they would have sacrificed more. Even the ability to summon meteorites that is comparable to the possession of gods is deeply imprinted in their bones.

  This Hokage-sama deserves any of them to follow!

  As for why he came here, those are not important anymore.

  There are no undead in war. Survivors lament the preciousness of life and also have a little joy, but what will never change is the heart to fight for Konoha.

  Still the same spot.

  Thousand-handed Monet stood on top and raised his arms and shouted.

  "Gentlemen! The oath I made a few years ago by Monet with a thousand hands has finally been fulfilled!"

  "This battle! We won!"

  "Konoha, you must win!"

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