I still remember the oath I once made, Monet with a thousand hands is trendy, and it seems that he won the war without any obstacles in his smooth journey.

  But who knows how difficult it is to experience?

  He went to Yuyin Village at a young age to develop and stabilize the situation. He led troops to fight the bloody frontier when he was less than ten years old. Although he had a plug-in, he came out of this battle step by step!

  Following the footsteps of the war, Monet also grew up. Sannin and Konoha Baiya are his right-hand men!

  He gave a lot, such as accompany the second master to enjoy family affection, such as the kiln sister in the kiln.


  Zhentian's thorough voice resounded through Konoha, and at this moment they were engrossed in the joy of victory.


  The carnival lasted for three days, and the villagers in Konoha were full of smiles and enthusiasm, but it took Qianshou Monet three days to sort out the harvested materials and how to distribute the benefits to the soldiers. It's over, but there's a lot to do.

  According to the original book, the entire occupation ended in a few years, and Monet of Qianshou forced it so far ahead of schedule, and basically every Ninja village lost a great deal of armament and wanted to break out again. The war at least has to wait for the next batch of ninjas to grow up.

  So this period of time (cdbh) is a very comforting developmental period, and he wants to take this opportunity to make Konoha completely strong!

  Monet rubbed his temples tiredly, and Monet, who was sitting in Hokage's office, shook his head.

  "Mom, and Nara Shikuji and the others have already been born. When they are older, they will be caught as coolies. Grandma's, Hokage really isn't made by humans."

  Throwing away the document in his hand, Monet walked out of the building slowly.

  "Lord Hokage!"

  The villagers respectfully greeted Monet, and Monet enjoyed it for a while with the admiration and love from the heart.

  All the way back to the Qianshou Clan, Monet hesitated for a while at the door, and finally walked in.

  The second master is waiting for him, he also understands.

  The independent hut in the backyard is where the second master cultivates his self-cultivation and self-cultivation. On weekdays, he spends all kinds of flowers and plants reading books, and he has a very comfortable life.

  As soon as he entered the door, Monet looked at the figure with some emotion.

  "Second grandpa."

  "It's Monet."

  There was no element of life in it, the second master came over and patted Monet's head kindly.

  "You're getting old again, second grandpa."

  No one can stand the test of time, and Senju Tobirama is the same. It is a miracle that he can survive until now with the life force bestowed by Monet.

  "Second grandpa, this is already a dead person."

  Qianshou Tobirama shook his head and didn't feel sorry for his life's imminent disappearance. After being pierced by the golden horn, he should have gone to his elder brother. If he hadn't been worried about Monet, he would not have chosen to accept Monet's gift of vitality.

  Now, there is only one thing he doesn't understand.

  That is Monet's writing wheel eye.

  He can use his own life to guarantee that Monet's surname must be Qianshou. Since this kid was born, he has been watching Monet grow up.

  And if it's not Qianshou, how can Mu Dun and the immortal body explain it?

  How could it be Uchiha that only the bloodline of the bloodline of the pure Qianshou can appear?

  "Are you wondering about these eyes?"

  Monet shrugged, what should come always came, and he didn't want to hide.

  With a thought, the writing wheel eye appeared in the pupil and began to rotate rapidly, and then gradually condensed into a kaleidoscope or even an eternal kaleidoscope.



  Ask for flowers wow! .

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Fourth The Heart-to-Heart Talk Between Grandpa and Sun! (first update)

  The pure Qianshou bloodline has awakened Sharonyan.

  It even opened the kaleidoscope and even the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and the height is already equal to the Uchiha Madara in the cognition of Qianshou Tobirama.

  Uchiha has only known Madara, Quanna and Uchiha Mirror that Chishou Tobirama has opened the kaleidoscope~.

  Yes, Uchiha Quanna also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. With those eyes and swordsmanship, even after the second master developed the Flying Thunder God, he could be on a par, but the second master is the second master, constantly exploring the flying. In the advanced stage of Thor, after the second-stage flying Thor came out, a virtual flash severely injured Uchiha Izanna and finally died.

  Qianshou Tobirama can be sure that Monet's eyes were not transplanted from others. He was the originator of Konoha's scientific research, and he once experimented with the transplanting of Sharinyan.

  But he found that due to bloodline reasons, other people had no way to turn off the pupil power and the loss of chakra after transplanting the shackles, and the feeling of rejection would consume a lot of physical strength every time they used it.

  Uchiha Mirror died a few years ago. Before he died, Jing gave his eyes to the second master. Those eyes are still intact, so Monet's eyes are definitely original.

  "Actually, I had these eyes a long time ago."

  Monet sighed and looked at the small garden in the distance with his hands behind his back. Since the second master stopped working, he began to learn how to maintain health. It would be beneficial to come to him for a walk.

  "It's just that I was very puzzled at that time, because the opening process was very smooth. It didn't need to be emotionally stimulated like Uchiha to open it. It was a different kind, and it has even opened the eternal eye with the growth of age."

  "Uchiha Madara's eyes!"

  Monet's pupil strength spreads, his hair is automatic without wind, and he has the spirit of a strong man.

  The second master did not speak. He would rather be an audience at this time. He wanted to understand long ago that no matter what step Monet takes, he is still the grandson who was carried by himself and placed on his shoulder when he was a child. This cannot be changed. .

  "Under normal circumstances, the known evolutionary process of Sharonyan is like this."

  "Single hook jade, double hook jade, three hook jade, and finally the kaleidoscope is the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

  "But after I evolved to Eternal Eye, I found that this is not the end, and the Eternal Kaleidoscope can go further!"

  Monet smiled slightly, and the kaleidoscope in the pupil shattered instantly, and the lines of reincarnation appeared inside to replace it.

  "This is……"

  The second master is not as ignorant as others, and he naturally recognizes the Samsara eyes that he can recognize even if he is born, the eyes of the six immortals in the legend, the eyes of the immortals!

  "Yes, the eternal kaleidoscope is the eye of reincarnation at the next step!"

  Nodding his head, Monet hid the Samsara Eye again. To be honest, he really disliked the Samsara Eye for being too ugly. If it was the Gouyu Samsara Eye, it would be fine. The ordinary Samsara Eye would feel shivering when he looked in the mirror. nice.

  "In fact, whether it is our Thousand Hands or Uchiha, they are descendants of the Six Path Immortals. Qianshou inherited the huge amount of Chakra and even the body of the Immortal, and Uchiha inherited the eyes."

  "But in essence, we all have the same root and the same origin. From this point of view, my phenomenon should be atavistic. Others don't know it, but I also robbed Uchiha's blood."

  Monet shook his head and felt that it was easy to cause problems when he edited it. Grandma's, it's really uncomfortable to fool his relatives, but there is no way, this eye can only explain it like this. , inherited the two powers of the Six Paths Immortal, and after absorbing the white eyes, he will even reach the level of the Six Paths Immortal's mother.

?? ???For flowers? ????????

  The second master is a little confused. If according to Monet's statement, why has he been the only one who has opened the writing wheel for so long?Is his grandson really so arrogant?

  The air was quiet, the second master lowered his head for a moment, and finally raised his head and smiled.

  Everyone has their own little secrets. As long as Monet is still his grandson, what kind of eyes does he have?

  "Okay Monet, in fact, you don't need to explain to me, you are my grandson, the patriarch of Qianshou and Hokage of Konoha, this is something that can't be changed, I'm just worried that Uchiha will trouble you, That's all."

...... 0

  Just like when he was a child, the second master walked over and rubbed Monet's head. Although Monet was taller than him now, this did not prevent a kind grandfather from comforting his grandson.

  I knew it.

  Monet breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. If he were to be false in front of his own relatives, this person would lose the place to relax his mind.

  One old and one young smiled at each other.

  "Oh, almost forgot!"

  After a long while, Monet slapped his head and finally remembered the business.

  In addition to explaining it to the second master, there is one more important thing to do today.

  Taking two steps back, Monet began to seal with a solemn expression.

  The art that can make your powerful grandson seal?

  Qianshou Tobirama also put away his smile, but his expression suddenly changed when he saw the seal clearly.

  "The art of psychic!"

  "The Reincarnation of Dirty Earth!"


  First more. .

Chapter [-] Your grandson digs your grave! (Second more)

  Immediately afterwards, under the dazed eyes of the second master, his eldest brother's coffin slowly rose from the ground.

  With a bang, the lid of the coffin opened, and the shriveled corpse inside looked shocking.

  "Monet, what are you going to do?"

  Qianshou Tobirama was in a hurry. He had researched the reincarnation of dirty earth, but this technique of disturbing the souls of the dead has been classified as a forbidden technique.

  "Uh, didn't I tell the second grandpa a long time ago that I would find you a company?"

  Monet coughed and said.

  "That's what you mean by finding a partner?"

  The second master kept shaking his head. If so, he could do it himself. After all, he developed this technique.

  "Don't worry, it's not over yet."

  Monet "[-]" waved his hand, just being reincarnated from the dirt is too low, otherwise what would he do with this reincarnation eye?Compared with Tenseisen, he prefers the latter, the light blue eyes are not too cool.


  At this moment, Qianshou Zhujian's corpse suddenly opened his eyes, and looked around more bewildered than the second master. When he saw the second master, he suddenly realized.

  "It's you, Tobirama, did Konoha have any difficulties? Otherwise, you wouldn't have resurrected me in this way."

  "Well, but this technique was not perfect at the beginning, you have already completed it."

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