"Tsk tsk, how long have I been dead? Why are you getting old like this?"

  Big brother is still as rough as always, the second master rubbed his temples, and then pointed to Monet who opened his Samsara eyes again.

  "Big brother, although I really want to have a good chat with you, I'm not used to this method, and I didn't do it. Well, your grandson digs your grave."

  My grandson dug up my grave?

  The big pillar scratched his head and looked to the side.

  "Are you Monet? Hahaha! They've grown so big."

  "Well, it seems that I have been dead for a long time, but Monet is much more handsome than me and Tobirama."

  "As expected of my grandson!"

  Nima, big brother, if you don't bring this, I want you to teach Monet a lesson!

  The second master is speechless. According to the process, shouldn't he be angry when his grave is dug up?why are you so happy?

  "This body is a little uncomfortable."

  Qianshou Zhujian walked out of the coffin and twisted his body. Although the body of filthy earth reincarnated, although Chakra is known to be infinite and immortal, it is still different from the real body, and it will be finished after a sealing technique, and the advantages and disadvantages are mixed.

  "The specifics will be discussed later."

  Monet swallowed his saliva. This is the character of Senju Hakuma. When he should be serious, he is not ambiguous at all, but when he relaxes, his optimistic attitude makes it easy to be infected.

  After all, it is the reincarnation of Asura, and this irresistible rendering power is innate.

  Opening the system panel, Monet glanced at the powerful pupil technique on Samsara Eye.

  An improved version of the outsider, the art of reincarnation!

  A resurrection technique activated at the cost of one's own [-] physique attributes! (Release will consume a huge amount of Chakra)

  After checking Monet, it's not a lie. His Chatonla is not bad at all, and it is many times stronger than when Nagato attacked Konoha.

  However, five hundred points of physique?

  Monet glanced at his physique, which was six thousand four hundred and seventy-two.

  Monet didn't know if his samsara eyes would degenerate if his physique dropped below [-], so he had to get [-] physiques out for the insurance period.

  Touching his chin, Monet smiled lewdly and walked to Senju Hashirama, who was sighing with the second master.

  "Uh, what's wrong Monet?"

  Dazhu asked suspiciously.

  "No, Grandpa, please bear with me."

  After swallowing, Monet got into his fist, and all the power of more than [-] gathered at one point and smashed it against his own grandfather's chest.

  What a trick to the black tiger!

  Under the dazed gazes of Senshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama, Monet's fist pierced through the chest of the big pillar, and directly broke more than half of his body...

  "It's useless, the reincarnation of dirty soil is an immortal body."

  I was beaten half of my body, although I was shocked by the strength of my grandson, but the big pillar said that you are not good, I am not dead and even winked a little proudly.


  Beating up your grandfather angrily is really scumbag behavior!

  Constitution +10!

  Strength +10!


  Not enough.


  In front of the second master, Monet beat up the grandfather he respected with physical techniques, the method was so cruel that Qianshou Tobirama couldn't help pinching his legs, this boy... won't come here for me in a while A set of punches, right?

  Involuntarily, he stepped back and let Monet out of the field. The second master thought that Monet had been stimulated and had to beat his grandfather to vent.

  "Finally enough."

  In the end, Monet stopped his beastly behavior and stood beside him.

  "Well, how can I put it, although I can't feel the pain, it doesn't feel good to be beaten, and... I'm still my grandson."

 1.7 "But Monet, did you research the boxing technique you just did yourself? It feels very sharp."

  Yawning, Da Zhuzi shook his head and made a very pertinent comment.

  "Can you shut up first?"

  Monet gave himself a slap in the face. When he was very young, he felt that his grandfather was such a talker, and he was forced to talk endlessly. It was really hard that the second master could stand him.

  "Outlaw! The art of reincarnation!"


  The emerald green life force radiated from Monet's body, and then flew to the body of Qianshouzhuma...

  Second more.

  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn .

Chapter [-] The family must be neat and tidy! (third more)

  Outsiders, the art of reincarnation!

  If it wasn't for Qianshou Monet who threw out two giant meteorites after he inspired the Samsara Eye, he would not have reached a physique of more than [-], so he could be released smoothly, in addition to thanking the grandfather for giving his life and being beaten. The thousands of lives in the sand ninja village.

  In this world, human life is not valuable. Unless you are from Konoha Village, Qianju Monet has no need to pity you. The kindness to the enemy is cruelty to his own people. Monet understands this very well.

  When the soft green light gradually disappeared on Senju Hashirama's body, the cracks on the original body gradually disappeared, and it turned into a new and young body.

  At this moment, the real Shinobi world god of Senju Hashirama, who made the ninja world tremble, came to the ninja world again!

  Big brother really resurrected?

  Qianshou Tobirama rushed over and carefully inspected the body of the big pillar. The real body is countless times stronger than the inferior quality of the reincarnation of the dirt.

  "Bang! 23"

  Just when the two of them stared at each other with big eyes, Monet with Qianshou couldn't bear it and smashed his head into the soil.

  He finally understood the meaning of the parentheses behind the Outer Dao Reincarnation of Innate Reincarnation.

  The release needs to consume a huge amount of chakra. It is nothing else. Maybe the resurrection of an ordinary person will not make Monet feel so uncomfortable. The big pillar is really too special.

  Asura is reincarnated, and the immortal body's chakra volume that is more abnormal than Monet's is enough to explain the problem.


  "Sun Thief!"

  In the two exclamations, Monet went to sleep directly. After many years, he finally felt the feeling of chakra being consumed again, which is really not easy.


  "So, after I died, so many things happened, and Monet was actually with Tsunade."

  "Hahaha, I remember when Monet was young, Tsunade almost cut him with scissors. It's really interesting to think about it now."

  In Monet's bedroom, a lot of people gathered at this time. Monet lay there on the bed, his breath was calm and peaceful, like a dead dog. Tsunade's face at the head of the bed was reddish, and he pinched Monet's arm tightly. Nai seemed to frown.

  The two brothers, Senshou Hasuma and Senshou Tobirama, are sitting side by side, and behind them are Uzumaki Mito, Senshou Salted Fish and Senshou Jugen, two high-ranking members of the Senshou family. Sit at the back.

  The family should be neat and tidy!

  Everyone was shocked by the resurrection of Senju Hashirama!

  This is not the same as Senju Tobirama's comeback, but a real resurrection. Qianshou Tobirama hid himself and came out at the right time to save the situation. This is really crawling out of the coffin. a concept.

  Dazhuzi was still talking heartlessly, but when he looked at Mito's grandmother, there was a trace of guilt in his eyes. He regarded his wife as a human pillar and guarded Konoha Village. It was really hard for her these years.

  The family gathers together, but everyone focuses on the same position.

  Thousand hands Monet!

  A man with the ability to revive others!

  Finally, Monet, who was really hurt by Tsunade, still woke up. His immortal body was still one step away from reaching the perfect level, that is, the level of Hashima, but his resilience was already extremely abnormal, and his chakra was exhausted. That's all, it's not a big deal, but it doesn't hurt him, and he will return to a complete victory state in one day at most.

  "Sister, do you dare to be gentle?"

  Opening his eyes, Mo Nai silently looked at his blue hands, and it was your strength that made me twist like this.

  "Cousin, you are awake!"

  Tsunade was overjoyed and picked Monet up against the bed and asked hastily.

  You can't get hurt in the future, it's really that Tsunade's level of caring needs to be improved.

  "How about second grandpa, I said I'll find you a partner, are you satisfied?"

  Monet, who had recovered a little, began to shiver.

  Can that be dissatisfied?

  Qianshou Tobirama rolled his eyes, he had always hoped to have a good chat with his eldest brother, since the death of the eldest brother has happened too much, and such a strong Konoha can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the eldest brother, he really wants to let the eldest brother see Look.

  "Uh, Monet, can I keep the matter of my resurrection a secret first? After all, if your ability is leaked out, it will cause you trouble." 170

  Senju Hakuma's way of thinking about problems is very thoughtful, which is completely different from his carefree personality.

  "You have been resurrected. You can live as you wish, even if you want to be Hokage again."

  Monet shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

  "No, no, I'm tired of being a Hokage, and it doesn't make any sense at all. Besides, the village is much stronger in your hands than me. Neither I nor Tobirama can do this, but if the village encounters If it is dangerous or if you need it, I will definitely take action, after all, I am your grandfather."

  Dazhuzi shook his head and had no desire to be Hokage at all. He had neither the intention nor the feeling. The position seemed to be terribly tiring. Besides, he was already dead. Room is good.

  Monet, who had known this for a long time, nodded, and then suddenly suddenly remembered something.

  "So, Grandpa, I'll take you to see an old acquaintance tomorrow! That old guy used to bully me!"


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