Third more. .

Chapter [-]: Thousands of Black Hands, Call Grandpa! (fourth more)

  Outskirts of Konoha, an open area deep in the jungle, this place has not yet been classified as a development zone, so the ground has not been broken for the time being, and it is a relatively quiet place outside Konoha.

  The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, but it is a good place for wild artillery.


  Two broken voices came out, and the figure between Monet and Qianshouzhu suddenly appeared.

  "As expected of my grandson, this Flying Thunder God is much better than Tobirama."

  Dazhuzi looked at Monet in surprise. After his resurrection, he heard a lot of legends about his grandson from Tobirama.

  For example, burying a secret game to let Tobirama see the true colors of his apprentices, and for example, leading Konoha to fight on the battlefield and awakening Mu Dun at a young age, and even the final kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, taking out his experience is enough to write a book Biography, even Konoha has already started to do so.

  For example, Jirai, who just recently got free and started to create with peace of mind, also wrote it, the stories he and Monet had to tell, and so on.

  "Small idea."

  Monet didn't care, "But Grandpa, don't get too excited when you see that old acquaintance of yours."

  "Speaking of which, I haven't asked you who that so-called old acquaintance is? And with your strength, who can bully you?"

  Qianshouzhuma asked with some puzzlement.

  "You'll know then."

  Monet smiled mysteriously, and then heaved a sigh of relief in his chest.

  "Come out! My son!"

  Come out... my son...

  Monet's cry echoed in the jungle, and the domineering cry made the big pillar stunned for a moment.

  "Monet, have you given birth to a son? Why didn't you hear Tobirama talk about it. "?"

  Ignoring his curious grandfather, Monet began to wait.

  This is the way to meet with his son that was negotiated a long time ago. After all, he has thousands of clones, and he wants to come over quickly.


  Five minutes later, Hei Jue, the manipulator of the mayfly technique, emerged from the ground, and then bowed respectfully to Monet, but before he finished greeting Monet, he suddenly swept over to the Senju Hashirama next to him and was stunned. .

  Asura reincarnated?Live?

  The god of the ninja world, Senju Hashirama?

  what's the situation?

  When he came, he didn't dare to use Perception to see the situation here. After all, his father was the Prince of Otsutsugi Yama, who was on an equal footing with Kaguya Otsutsuki. It is very impolite to use Perception to perceive his own father.

  But now, Hei Jue was completely stunned.

  "Is this your son?"

  Hasuma was silent for a while, then patted Monet's shoulder as if trying to comfort his grandson.

  "Maybe you and Tsunade are related by blood. It doesn't matter. If this birth is deformed, I will try my best next time, but it will also be hard on you and Tsunade. In October, I was pregnant and gave birth to such a thing."

  "I'm not from Tsunade!"

  Black Jue is angry, Tsunade?Is she also worthy of giving birth to Otsutsuki Heijue?

  "You can't deny your mother, that's disobedience."

  Putting on the attitude of an elder, Qianshouzhuma said solemnly.

  "Monet, what's your son's name?"

  "Black Absolute..."

  Monet, who had some headaches and didn't know how to explain it, casually leaked his son.

  "In that case."

  "Thousands of hands are black, come and meet your great-grandfather, call me Grandpa Shengzu, after all, although my great-grandson looks a little sloppy, he is also our Qianshou's flesh and blood."

  Lovingly stretched out his hand and pinched Hei Jue's greasy face, Yuma suddenly froze for a while, I didn't expect this to feel really good.

  "I'm not a thousand-handed black master! I'm a big tube..."

  "Cough cough!"

  Just when Hei Jue was about to run away, Monet coughed to wake him up.

  "Well, I am Qianshou Heijue, the son of my father."

  Nodding humiliatingly, Hei Jue did not control Qianshou Zhuma's hand in the end, and he dared to touch him like this and was not under his control, Qianshou Zhuma was the second.

  The first one was his father, King Yama Otsutsuki, also known as Qianshou Monet.

  "¨々Alright Hei Jue, this time I came to you to ask you, did that person leave Yuyin Village? I went there before and didn't perceive his location."

  Originally Monet didn't plan to look for Hei Jue, but when he wanted to give Madara a surprise, he suddenly found that Madara was gone, so he could only ask Hei Jue.

  "He went to the country of water. After all, your strength is too strong, you scared him last time."

  Speaking of this, Hei Jue couldn't help sighing, he felt bitter in his heart, in order to convince Madara not to give up the plan, he tried his best to say that Qianshou Monet was not a threat to the plan, but Madara really didn't believe it, and in the end he even brought an outsider golem. He left Yuyin Village and went to the Land of Water to hide.

  Now that the war between Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village has just ended, they are still in the negotiation stage, and it is most convenient to hide themselves.

  "No wonder."

  Monet nodded (from Zhao).

  "What are you talking about? Who is that person?"

  Hasuma asked with a confused expression, he was a little uncomfortable with the way his grandson talked to his great-grandson.

  "Let's go, Grandpa, you may be a little nauseous this time, but try not to vomit."

  Monet smiled and grabbed the arm between the pillars.

  Flying Thunder God Technique!

  Ultra-long-distance teleportation!

  The figures of the two disappeared in an instant, and Kurojue, who was waiting in the same place, was a little unknown. So, looking at this posture, Father is trying to let Uchiha Madara and Senju Hurama meet?

  But how did this fellow come back to life?

  With all the doubts, Hei Jue fell to the ground.


  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers, give me some....

Chapter [-] Qianshou Hasuma and Uchiha Madara! (fifth more)

  The environment of the Land of Water is complex.

  It is both mountains and waters. It would be good if it was developed. It’s just that the three generations of Shuiying have been engaged in internal affairs, but they have given up their innate advantages.

  Just like this sea, you won't make a lot of money by building a water park?

  It's a natural advantage. It's stupid not to take advantage of it. Only with money can you develop. You have been engaged in internal affairs to stabilize your position. How can your village be strong?It was a waste of his bloodstained clan.

  On a certain hilltop, Monet looked down at the panoramic view and was in a good mood.

  "Monet, is the person who bullied you here?"

  Hashimama looked around suspiciously and asked.

  "Well, if you speak, someone will definitely come out to greet you."

  Monet can't wait to see the scene where Madara Uchiha and Senju Hashima meet, it's exciting, there's something!

  "Okay! Look at me, is it okay to bully my grandson?"

  Hashirama didn't talk nonsense, just turned on the immortal mode and jumped into the air.

  "Wood Dun! The technique of the wooden man!"

  "Wood Dun! The technique of the wood dragon!"

  "Mu Dun! Take back the armor and ask for ten!"

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  As expected of Qianshou Zhujian, the man who claims to be inexhaustible chakras, came up with Mu Dun's quality three, and Qianshou Monet looked very confused.

  Manipulating the wooden man to smash the ground hard, and the mountain shook for a while.

  "The one who bullied my grandson, come out to me! Monet said let me crush your balls with my own hands!"

  At the same time, in the cave at the bottom of the cave, Madara Uchiha was thinking about how to change his strategy to deal with the trouble that Monet would bring.

  The appearance of that kid completely broke his plan. How strong is the combination of Susanoo and Mu Dun?

  Although he didn't want to admit it, that momentum was stronger than before.

  It's tricky.

  Madara took a deep breath and felt that it was very difficult to do. If you want to take back the eyes and fight against Qianshou Monet, he has this idea, but his layout will be completely destroyed, and he has to find someone who inherits the eyes again. come out.

  "The one who bullied my grandson (cdbh) son, come out for me!"

  "Let me crush your balls with my own hands!"

  As the ground shook for a while, the caves in the mountain began to collapse, and Madara Uchiha's expression changed dramatically. He hid here and anyone found him?

  what's the situation?

  Who is calling?

  What's more, when have I ever bullied someone else's grandson!

  And...why is this voice so familiar!

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