"Brother, are you still worried about Madara Uchiha?"

  Madara Uchiha is still alive!The second master was also shocked when he got the news, but thinking about the fact that Konoha now has a big brother and Monet, Madara Uchiha didn't want to do anything so easily, so he was relieved.

  "I have always promised Monet to squeeze the ball of the explosion, but I have searched all over the ninja world, but I still can't find his location, and my great grandson Qianshou Heijue is also gone."

  Hasuma sighed a little melancholy. If Madara watched this scene, maybe he would return to Konoha?

  The second master naturally knows what the big brother is thinking, but it is too much thinking to let Uchiha Madara return to Konoha. How could such an arrogant person go back.

  "I announce!"

  "The first new ninja competition officially begins!"

  "First of all, welcome our new generation to enter!"


  Ninth more.

  Beg Huahuahua! .

Chapter [-] I like to rub my cousin's balls! (Tenth more)

  Following Qianshou Monet's order, the new generation of Konoha who were at the entrance walked in with their heads held high.

  The first generation of Pork Butterfly, Hyuga Brothers, Uchiha Mikoto and Kushina, the following Inuzuka Claw Oil Girl Shimi, etc., these are the elites of Konoha, and Konoha Invincible Ninja World will stand at the top of this world in the future The basics!

  Needless to say, Monet never liked inkblots. After introducing the participating ninjas, the lottery ceremony started directly.

  There are many players in the first round of play-in, but for the sake of fairness, select some good seedlings and divide them into winners and losers.

  There are three rounds in total, and those with the most wins are selected in turn.

  In a very fair way, Monet copied it with reference to the schedule of sports events in his previous life.

  The drawing ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the first round of selection officially began.

  Monet didn't even bother to watch "Five Nine Zeros", but the first Xiaoqiang to play turned out to be Minato Nami.

  When he finished rubbing the balls, the opposite Naminin just threw a shuriken, easily dodged the attack Minato, and came to the opponent at a very fast speed.

  "I surrender."

  The ninja simply conceded defeat. So far, he has only been stronger except for the three-body technique, and he is a serious player.

  "Hahaha, as expected of my disciple! Did you see that, he has learned the complex ninjutsu like Spiral Pill!"

  Monet and Jiraiya, who had already returned to the auditorium, waited to do it together, Tsunade was naturally lying in his arms, and Jiraiya next to him cheered for Minato's victory.

  "It's just a play-in, so what?"

  Tsunade rolled her eyes in disdain, she didn't think there was anything special about the yellow-haired boy.

  "It's just rubbing a ball. It's the ninjutsu developed by my cousin. I'll make you happy."

  "That's right, I like rolling balls, especially yours."

  Monet took over the words and whispered in front of Tsunade, the soft feeling made Tsunade reddened and leaned against Monet completely.

  Jiraiya Orochimaru and Hatake Sakumo, who had been forcibly fed dog food by coincidence, leaned to the side. The bachelors couldn't stand it.

  "Don't make trouble, it's Kushina, I'm curious what you taught her, seal art? Or some other ninjutsu?"

  Some Tsunade who couldn't stand it hurriedly got up, she was really afraid that her cousin would drag her to the rest area and slap her. Now, she still wants to see the battle situation of the apprentice she taught.

  Sadly letting go of Tsunade, Monet looked at the field.

  Kushina, who was wearing Monet's scum cape, was looking coldly at the ninja in front of her.

  "Uh, let me introduce myself, my name is Hyuga Nishiyama."

  Hyuga Nishiyama swallowed. For some reason, his first impression of this girl was that she was very strong. Although the other party didn't do anything, he was already empty.

  "Uzumaki Kushina! Disciple of Hokage!"

  Uzumaki Kushina!

  Disciple of Hokage!

  The loud voice made the field silent, and everyone looked at the petite ninja on the field. Is she one of Hokage's disciples?

  Everyone knows that their Hokage-sama has accepted two disciples this year, but they rarely show up for so long, and no one knows that she is a disciple of Hokage except for the person who saw them at the barbecue shop that day.

  "Cut, what are you arrogant about!"

  Sun Xiang Xishan suddenly felt a little sour. No wonder he had such a momentum. It turned out to be a disciple of Hokage-sama. Following Hokage-sama, even a waste can become a genius, right?

  But as a separated family, he can only lament the bad luck of fate.

  "Okay! I want to see if you will embarrass Hokage-sama! Whether you are worthy of this name!"

  After regaining his composure, the originally anxious emotions inexplicably calmed down, and Hyuga Nishiyama took a deep breath.

  "Blind eyes!"


  Hyuga Nishiyama gave a low drink, and the blood vessels around the eye sockets suddenly burst out!

  Roll your eyes!

  Hyuga clan's unique bloodline limit!

  Just a year after graduating, he can skillfully use white eyes, which is already considered a talent.

  "Battle begins!"

  Following the courtside referee's order, Hyuga Nishiyama suddenly became vigilant and did not rush to attack, but used his white eyes to find the weakness in Kushina's body.

  Slowly approaching, Hyuga Nishiyama finally lost his breath.

  Pull back suddenly with one hand!

  Having entered the field of gossip, he can launch an attack!

  "Bagua empty palm!"

  Using the hand to hit the target with a chakra shock wave is one of the few long-range moves of Hyuga... .


  Something unexpected happened to everyone, Kushina didn't even dodge, and took the blow abruptly!

  "Only to this extent?"

  Without moving, Kushina looked at the dust on her shoulders and said expressionlessly.

  "how is this possible?!"

  The surrounding people, including Sun Xiang Xishan, were all shocked. They resisted the Eight Trigrams Empty Palm. Although it is a stubborn gossip palm, you are also a stubborn person. Anyway, can you give me some reaction?

  "Uh, cousin, you didn't teach her that trick, did you?"

  Tsunade asked suspiciously.

  "Well, she learns quickly, and Chakra's control is as subtle as yours."

  Monet nodded proudly.

  Monet, who was inspired to make Kushina into a bulldozer in the front row of the team game, was completely assured of Kushina.

  It's just a gossip and empty palm. If it can hurt her, she's been practicing in vain in the past three months.



  With a bang, as the ground under Kushina's feet shattered, the tyrannical momentum soared into the sky!

  Ninjutsu!The monster explodes!

  Monet used the same physical technique in the early days!

  Looking at Kushina who was sprinting forward, Hyuga 3.5 Nishiyama instinctively panicked. He hadn't learned to return to the sky, so how could he resist this blow? !

  "I surrender!"

  Very decisively gave up the game, Hyuga Nishiyama did not want to be injured, otherwise the next battle in the loser group would be very difficult to fight.


  The earth trembled, and the punch finally hit the side. Looking at the big pit on the ground, Sun Xiangxishan was extremely happy, especially if he was caught, he would have half a tube of blood.

  This wave of admitting defeat is totally worth it!


  Tenth more.

  Well, although the book friends are very supportive, the flowers still haven't reached [-], but the milk dog still sent the ten changes to the code, this wave is not a loss!

  Thanks for the great support!

  Ask for flowers and tickets!Many thanks! .

Chapter [-] Ugly, lacks masculinity! (first update)

  The ninjas at the scene were all stunned by this punch. You must know that this is just a genin who has just graduated for a year, but the speed, endurance and strength shown by Kushina are definitely not weak or chunin. , and just by looking at it, you can tell that she must not use all her strength to keep a lot of trump cards.


  Hokage-sama's three-month teaching can be so improved!

  Vaguely, everyone is full of expectations for this new ninja competition, which is already full of enthusiasm. These children will eventually develop their potential to become bigger, and they are eager to see it.

  It's all Konoha's future. Winning or losing is not so important. It's the most important thing to get involved and let the villagers and Konoha's ninjas see their performance.


  Inexplicably jealous, Tsunade squeezed the soft flesh around Monet's waist, not because he didn't admit that Kushina was excellent, but from the degree of his own cousin's fascination, since he cultivated Kushina, then It will definitely be pulled into his 31 harem, and there will be one more person to share her feelings with. This feeling makes her worry about gains and losses.

  Love is selfish, and no one expects that the love she gets will decrease, but for this man's willingness to endure such a gap, it must be because he loves him to the extreme.

  Tight Tsunade in his arms, Monet didn't explain anything.

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