Men have power and strength, and it is no big deal to have more confidantes, but Tsunade's position in his heart will never be replaced. The time from childhood to adulthood is his most important memory.

  Men conquer the world with strength, and women conquer the world by conquering men. They are all means, and there is no good explanation.

  Do you care?

  No, from birth to the present, Qianju Monet has only been free of two women, Tsunade and Sheji, and he can't stop with both women, even if there are more in the future.


  Kushina, who was a little proud of defeating the opponent, looked up on the high platform, and wanted to show off with her lecherous master, but the bastard was hugging others to make a bad mood, and suddenly it was not good.

  Coincidentally, the next match will be Uchiha Mikoto, the second eldest disciple of Senju Monet!

  The little girl stood there quietly and waited for her opponent to enter the arena. She didn't have the wild temperament of Kushina, and she looked so soft and weak that she wanted to be protected from behind.

  Uchiha Mikoto!

  Seeing the little girl on the field, Uchiha, who was originally in low spirits, immediately cheered up. Although Uchiha Mikoto has moved out of the Uchiha family and settled in Hokage-sama's mansion, she is still Uchiha's pride.

  "Fuyue, what do you think about that girl? Do you want to talk to Lord Hokage for your father and let you two get along."

  Gang Lie asked with a smile, Mikoto's surname Uchiha is supposed to be the one who has the final say, but after all, the title of Hokage's disciple she hangs on is actually a Hokage person, and he can't be the master.

  "Ugly, lacks masculinity! How could the father of such a woman like her?"

  Fuyue glanced at Mikoto with disgust in his eyes, and even took out a handkerchief and wiped his eyes, as if he was afraid that he would have a needle eye.

  "I'll numb you!"

  This time Gang Lie is really angry. He picked up his son's collar and slapped his face fiercely. If your daughter wants to be masculine, wouldn't it be better for you to give you a slap in the face?He decided that when this was over, he would let his son know what a man was.

  The most important thing is that if Hokage-sama hears this, he is guaranteed to be cleaned up!

  "Sir, it is forbidden to use force in the venue."

  Punching punches to greet his son Baijing's face, his strong hand suddenly stopped in the air and was stopped, and an Anbu wearing a cat-face mask suddenly appeared beside him.

  The new ninja competition, so many ninjas and villagers gathered together, the order must be maintained. The ninjas of Anbu have been hiding themselves and will appear if there are emergencies.

  "Sorry, I'll pay attention."

  Although it is said that Uchiha's patriarch, Anbu has supreme authority in Konoha, and is the direct guard of Hokage. The person in charge of management is Hatake Sakumo. There was once a small family's patriarch who did not know whether to live or die illegal operations, needless to say, end Very miserable.

  Konoha gives the family the right to play fair, but only if you follow Konoha's rules!

  Uchiha has talked with Monet Qianju many times, and he understands that the most important thing for this supreme Hokage-sama is his face. He nodded to the Anbu, and he finally let go of his half-dead son.

  "Please enlighten me!"

  Below, Mikoto's opponent was already on the field. She was lucky, she didn't meet a so-called seed player. The opponent was from a commoner family, and her attributes were not outstanding.

  "Writing round eyes!"

  "Art fire escape ho fireball!"

  "Wind escape! Big 243 breakthrough!"

  It seemed soft, but Mikoto's shot was never ambiguous. She opened her two-hooked jade writing wheel eyes and quickly formed a seal, and sprayed a big fireball directly at her opponent.

  The wind helps the fire, and the ninjutsu combined with the wind and fire will be more powerful!

  "Water escape! Water formation wall!"

  Mikoto's opponent's response was not slow, and the knots of both hands began to release the water to resist the attack, but after holding on for two seconds under the fireball blessed by the wind, he couldn't hold on anymore. Seeing that he was about to be swallowed by the fireball, Anbu on the sidelines Rush up to save him.

  At the end of the battle, a neat combination of two ninjutsu moves is a very conventional means of victory.

  With a burst of cheers, the game ended.

  Monet stood up and stretched his waist. The first half of Mengxin Big Game was played by children, and there was nothing to watch. Monet still had one important thing to do, and he didn't want to waste too much time in the first half.

  "You guys stay here and keep an eye on it. If you have any good seedlings to record, I will go out of the village."

  After leaving a sentence, Monet's figure disappeared instantly.


  First more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] Lord Hokage, I may be a father! (Second more)

  The weather in the Land of Rain is still the same, and there has been no sunshine since the Ascension Spiral Shuriken of Thousand Arms Monet.

  Somewhere high up in the mountains, the figure of Thousand Hands Monet appeared on the commanding heights.

  Skillfully opening the folding umbrella, Monet spit on the ground, just as the saliva fell, a pitch-black head appeared between his eyebrows.

  The welcome of the father is always very special.

  "What's the matter with me? I don't know Konoha's activities recently, I'm very busy."

  Monet yawned. Since a few years ago, Hei Jue will regularly send Monet about the movements of Madara Uchiha and Nagato's trio. In the last information, Hei Jue expressed that he wanted to meet him.

  "It's such a father, I have found the passage to the moon that you asked me to find last time."

  Hei Jue quickly replied that he naturally knew that his father was very busy, but the passage was very important, knowing that his mother was sealed on the moon.

  found it?

  Monet suddenly realized that he really planned to go to the moon. If the huge Tenseisen there was absorbed by him, it would not be difficult for him to open the Tenseisen.

  But Monet has always had a question about that channel.

  Hei Jue, the old man who has lived for thousands of years, can even find the stone tablet left by the Six Path Immortals, and he must have found that passage in the original book, but why didn't he go to the moon to see it?Not to mention that Hei Jue will be afraid of the descendants left by Otsutsuki Yumura, Madara can be fooled, let alone those blackened white-eyed wolves.

  "That, my father, actually I mean can you take me to the moon, I also want to see my mother up close~' ."

  After hesitating again and again, Hei Jue finally spoke his mind, according to his thoughts.

  Father can communicate with mother through moonlight. Although he can't reach that step, if he is closer to the moon, he should be able to communicate with mother, right?

  Even if he can't communicate with his mother, it is the closest position to his mother. He has struggled for so many years to feel a mother's love. There must be nothing wrong with him.

  Recently, Madara has become more and more old, and he often does not speak for several days when he is distracted. He has a lot of time to arrange.

  The Nagato trio and Hanzo had friction when they were in the country of rain, and it was not difficult to arrange some scenes to go out, so he thought it was a good time, but he didn't know if his father had time.

  He knew about the cute new ninja challenge, but it would be no problem to kill those white-eyed wolves with his father's strength, and it wouldn't take too long.

  "Seal that passage first, I don't have time now, I will find you in a few days."

  It is impossible for Monet to leave the Konoha thing and go directly to the moon. Although Otsutsugi Yucun is dead, it is the most important place to seal Kaguya. God knows if the old man Liudao will arrange some killers to come out. He needs to do some preparations before the moon.

  For example, a little blood from the Hyuga clan will open your eyes!Tenseisen is much more beautiful than Samsara Eye, and its lethality is not weak. One can cut through the moon and the other can pierce the moon. They are both extremely lethal moves, but he is very envious.

  Is that really the case?

  Hei Jue sighed and was a little disappointed, but he didn't dare to complain, it was his father after all, and this was a requirement beyond the experience his father gave him.

  "Don't worry, I will find you to go to the moon soon, and I also want to gradually fade into the night."

  Monet comforted Qianshou Heijue with a slight smile. He didn't know if he could communicate with Kaguya on the moon, but it was not so easy to talk to Kaguya. In the original book, Erzhuzi and Naruto teamed up to seal Kaguya again. , The battle that broke out on the moon has already made the moon so tattered, and Kaguya has not come out.

  Six Paths Earth Blast is not just about locking people up with a mass of dirt and stones, after all, ninjutsu with six paths in the prefix is ​​not that simple.

  Putting away the fan, Monet's figure disappeared instantly. Hei Jue's information was very useful. He was determined to win the Tenseigan on the moon. As for the situation when Hei Jue and Kaguya got on the line to communicate with each other to reveal his identity...

  So what?

  Not to mention that Kuro will never be able to communicate with Kaguya Otsutsuki, so what if he could?Does his current strength still need to take into account so much?

  It's a big deal, he also came to send the infinite moon reading and released Kaguya to get a blood on the spot!

  Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to be a black father. Anyway, the blood must be his. If he doesn't (promise money), he will still be his son.

  Continuously teleporting back to Konoha, Monet asked his hurried brother Snake to order Hyuga's blood. His scientific research department basically has everything.

  But as soon as he appeared, he bumped into Hatake Sakumo who was drinking suffocatingly on the side of the road. Judging from his frowning expression, it seemed that something was bothering him.

  "々. Yo, my stupid Anbu Minister, why are you drinking here all alone?"

  Monet poured himself a glass next to him and took a sip.

  "Lord Hokage..."

  Sakumo saluted, and then let out a long sigh.

  "I might... be a father..."

  Second more.

  Ask for flowers. .

The [-]th chapter is known as the man with [-] openings! (third more)

  "That's a good thing."

  Monet suddenly realized that in the thirty-three years of Konoha, many key players will be born, not only Kakashi, Obito and Lin and Hong Asma will be born.

  Moreover, in the original work, Mute Kato was also born with this group of Xiaoqiang, just because he was very evil and killed the Kato family of Konoha. Mute couldn't be born and turned into a poor man who wandered outside and returned to Konoha to find relatives. There are still deviations. , but the problem is not big, anyway, the attribute mute of rbq can't run.


  "Huh? No, I didn't hear that you got married. When did you harm someone's eldest daughter?"

  Monet thought for a long time and felt that something was wrong, and looked at Hatake Sakumo in surprise, this guy is not the kind of person who hides the beauty in a golden house, and he actually made the belly of other girls bigger?

  "It's Sister Yao, her name is Kimura Cuihua..."

  The next second, the air calmed down, Monet opened his mouth and finally chose to remain silent, while Hatake Sakumo poured wine into his mouth cup by cup.

  No wonder there is no description of Hatake Kakashi's mother in the original book.

  Now Qianshou Monet is completely understood.

  450 The great ninja, Kakashi Hatake, who is known as the copy ninja, no matter who he is in the original work, he is strong when he is strong, and weak when he is weak. From Kaguya, the leader of the ninja world, to Naruto. The weak chicken form when he just graduated can make two moves, and the man who was given the honorable title of Hatake Wuwukai was actually born by Yaojie!

  Everything has come to light.

  "Why are you so careless?"

  After holding back for a long time, Monet said this sentence, he didn't know how to comfort Hatake Sakumo, his mother was a kiln sister, this kind of thing is probably difficult for Kai brother to accept.

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