"Cuihua is different! She is a kiln sister who was volunteered to be a kiln sister. If her family hadn't been poor at the time, she wouldn't have done that job, and she loves me very much!"

  Sakumo excitedly took another drink.

  "Marry, you must give the child a name."

  "Sakumo, I'm not looking down on Sister Yao. On the contrary, I respect her career (dbci). They also worked hard and earned some money. This is legal in Konoha, and I set the rules."

  Monet patted his chest. One of the rules of prostitution is legal Konoha. It's also just a transaction, and it can also reduce the chance of crime. What a wonderful profession. How can a business that is willing to fight and be willing to suffer can be called a crime?

  But he understands that others may not understand, especially children.

  Brother Kai is innocent.

  "Let's be born, it's not easy to open a brother."

  Monet coughed and filled himself up again.

  "Who is Kai brother? Are there any other benefactors of Cuihua?"

  Sakumo hurriedly asked that once he had a relationship with Sister Yao, the man couldn't help but wonder what color was on his head.

  "You think too much. Brother Kai is just a nickname I gave to your son. When you look back, you should quickly redeem that girl. It's a lot of trouble to have to pick up guests with Brother Kai."

  Monet shook his head quickly, what kind of thing is this?

  "I will take the responsibility of a man. Cuihua is raising a baby at my house now, but I don't know how to explain it to my child in the future."

  This is the reason why Hatake Sakumo is uncomfortable. The child will grow up sooner or later. How will he face his mother at that time?

  "Explain it, who knows if you don't tell me? Let me say hello from the kiln, just wait for your child to be born. Brother Kai is innocent. There is no need to let Brother Kai bear this kind of pressure."

  Monet waved his hands and stood up. This matter is not too big or too small. As long as Hatake Sakumo doesn't dislike other sister Yao, there is nothing wrong with it. If he dislikes it, it is a matter of character. Booze here.

  "Go ahead and drink, I'll go do something."

  After saying hello to Sakumo, Monet turned to leave, but he didn't forget his business.

  Bloody eyes!

  Although he has the perverted ability of bloodstain fusion, he already has a pair of reincarnation eyes at this time, and he has no idea whether he can open his eyes.

  Konoha's scientific research laboratory, a few days ago, taught his apprentices to drop a lot of experimental subjects. Now that the apprentice passed the first round of assessment, Snake hurriedly returned to the laboratory to continue his research.


  Although the screaming is still a bit twisty, the snake brother finally chose this title. After all, his mother has already been slept by Monet. This is a fact. Originally, the snake brother thought that Monet would have an affair with his mother at most. Yes, in short, he won't give his mother any status, but he was obviously wrong.

  This man, in front of everyone, admitted his relationship with the fuck!

  Such courage is worth his thousand-handed Orochimaru admitting each other!

  Although it caused a great sensation at the beginning, no one dared to point fingers at Qianshou Monet, and the demeanor of a strong man was undoubtedly revealed!

  Not everyone has the means and the courage to say such a thing, and it is not a glorious thing for the mother to be a subordinate, but Monet of Qianshou dared to do what he said and gave his mother a name. Minute!

  In this regard, the snake brother admired very much.

  "Hyuga's blood, give me some."

  Monet nodded.

  Hyuga's blood?

  Brother Snake had some doubts in his heart. He analyzed Hyuga's blood, but he didn't find out why. He took out a small jar of samples from the cabinet next to him and handed it to Monet. He was very curious about what Qianshou Monet was going to do.


  Third more.

  Ask for flowers and tickets. .

Chapter [-] A world without mosaics! (fourth more)

  Ignoring Orochimaru's suspicious eyes, Monet poured the blood from the bottle into his hands.

  One second, two seconds, three seconds!

  After a brief period of calm, the crimson blood still boiled and evaporated, and then slowly flew into the air in Monet's hands, forming a miserable white eyeball that slowly disappeared after a while...

  Roll your eyes!

  Can't go wrong!

  Orochimaru was horrified after watching all this and suddenly became uneasy, what is this ~ why the chemical reaction failed?

  After a brief dizziness, Monet closed his eyes and began to feel the newly acquired ability. After his physique and spirit had risen to this level, he would not faint like he did when he got the wheel eye.

  Standing there calmly without moving, the snake brother next to him flickered in his eyes, but in the end he shook his head, shot at this man?

  There is nothing in the world more stupid than that.

  "Blind eyes!"


  Suddenly, Monet opened his eyes instantly, and the blue veins and white eyes around his eyes were officially activated!

  The sudden opening of his eyes made Brother Snake speechless, but with just a little bit of Hyuga's blood, could he actually open his eyes?What kind of power is this!

  Hyuga's control of white eyes is very strict. Even Snake Brother has only secretly got one so far. He has tried to transplant white eyes, but it is still a problem with white eyes. The effect of white eyes is completely different for different bloodlines, and it is even more wasteful Chakra.

  No one will do it unless it is necessary.

  In the original novel, Qing of Hidden Mist Village got a white eye during the battle. He is a good example. Although he obtained the ability of clairvoyance and clairvoyance, he will eventually limit his own development. After that, there is no progress, and I will not open my eyes unless I have to.

  The world has become different, and just like Sharinyan, white eyes also have the ability to improve vision, and they can see farther and more thoroughly.

  But if it was just like this, it would be fine. Then, in the terrified eyes of Snake Brother, Qianshou Monet's forehead showed a gap, and then the Samsara eyes with a faint golden light actually ripped open a gap!

  Three hook jade reincarnation eye!

  Monet, who activated the white-eyed bloodline limit, once again perfected his bloodline strength, and with the improvement of his physique and spirit, his reincarnation eye has evolved into a three-gou jade!

  After the attributes are increased again, the Asura Indra Chakra is fully activated, and the corpse bone vein is retrieved, the Nine Gou Jade Samsara Eye will definitely be opened!

  Only then will Monet truly reach the level that Kaguya used to be.

  But now he can use Infinite Moon to read, and the three hook jade reincarnation eye on his forehead can barely activate once, but if he releases Kaguya now, he may not necessarily be able to capture the opponent's blood, but it is easy to be killed by Kaguya. The bone was stabbed back.

  It is better to absorb the giant Tenseigan on the moon to improve the strength first.

  Touching his chin, Monet slowly closed the reincarnation eye on his forehead, but he had just gotten it, and he was curious and wanted to play.

  With the help of the system, the perfect fusion of bloodstains made his white eyes completely different from ordinary Sun Xiang. After opening his white eyes, what he saw was a black and white TV, but his color TV!Colored!

  Perspective!A man's dream skill!

  "Yo, Brother Snake, is this year your birth year? You're still wearing red pants, I thought you didn't like that outfit."

  Patting Brother Snake on the shoulder, Monet laughed and left the confused Brother Snake to turn and leave.

  Everyone is often very persistent in new abilities, and so is Monet. He came to the empty Hokage Rock with his white eyes, and Monet opened his white eyes and looked down.

  "Wow! Water drop shape? Ghost, who's wife is this?"

  "Tsk tsk! It's kind of interesting, Yixiantian?"

0 ?For flowers??? ?????

  "Is this... a steamed bun? It's really strong."


  Standing on the Hokage Rock, Monet actually did what the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi in the original book would do, and it's not too cool to peep with his full eyes.

  This transparent world has no mosaics for him at all, and various avis make Monet very comfortable to see. Yes, only the ones with color matching are the real perspective.

  "Jiraiya, Jiraiya, you can't hold on for [-] seconds now."

  After looking around, Monet finally turned his attention to Yaozi. Coincidentally, Zilai was also fighting with Yaojie, but only thirty seconds later Yaojie kicked him out of bed in dissatisfaction.

........ 0 ......

  Not finding anything, Monet shook his head and teleported to Konoha's martial arts field, and obtained the ability of Hyuga in disguise with a white eye. Monet wanted to try the power of the legendary soft fist.

  "Bagua empty palm!"

  Sweeping towards the forest in front, a gust of palm wind directly smashed dozens of big trees.

  "Hey, it's interesting! This power is okay."

  Monet touched his head and analyzed it. Among the three major pupil techniques, only the white eyes of the Hyuga clan were real augmentation techniques, and the others, whether they were writing round eyes or samsara eyes, worked hard on ninjutsu and illusion.

  But the soy sauce family in the original book is still weak until the end, except for Tenseisen's short-lived flash, there is no place to shine.

  It should never be!

  Monet never believed that Baiyan was really that weak. Even if he didn't evolve to Tenseisen, he shouldn't be too weaker than the kaleidoscope. There is only one real reason. Baiyan's various cultivation methods have been lost!

  The truth should be on the moon!

  The real place where the white eye starts is definitely about the cultivation method of the white eye!


  Fourth more.

  Ask for flowers. .

Chapter [-] The grievance between Little Pepper and Little Sun! (fifth more)

  "Gossip! Break the mountain!"

  "Baguazhang! Go back to heaven!"

  "Soft Boxing Technique! Eight Trigrams One Hundred and Twenty Eight Palms!"

  "Eighty Gods Air Strike!"


  There was an earthquake in Konoha.

  The rumbling sound couldn't be stopped, and Mother Earth was panting wildly.

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