
  Thank goodness, this sand sculpture is finally eaten...

  Qianshou Tobirama wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He didn't mean that Monet broke him by eating him. The Qianshou family's foundation is really not bad, but this child is too scary to eat.


  Suddenly getting up, Monet wanted to stretch out, but just got up, he staggered and fell into Qianshou Tobirama's arms.


  Blinking at the second master's smooth forehead, Monet stretched out his finger in surprise and touched it.

  "Second grandpa, where are your eyebrows?!"


  How do you have the same virtue as your cousin?

  I had imagined countless possibilities for what Monet said to him after he woke up, but the second generation never expected it to be this sentence anyway.

  With a slap, the boy was fanned to the side, and the second master grabbed the greasy bone stick and took a bite. This boy can't make snacks?

  After such a big problem, you are so awake, why don't you check your physical condition?

  What's the point of making fun of your grandpa!

  Well, Monet finally woke up after being slapped by Tobirama with Qianshou.

  After eating so many things, I feel inexplicably heavy, and it seems that I have gained dozens of pounds for no reason.

  what happened?

  Monet glanced suspiciously at his second grandfather. Could it be that the old man did something wrong to him after he was unconscious yesterday?

  The second master, who was eating angrily, glanced at him and almost laughed angrily. I'm fucking guarding beside you. You look at me like a thief.

  Do you still want a face?

  "Monet, if you weren't my grandson, I promise to kill you."

  The second master threw away the bones and said seriously.


  The two suffocated men finally stared in the room without saying a word.

  It's just that the environment is really bad. There are bones on the floor and a table of meat scraps. It's a disgusting room. The smell of meat and alcohol makes people nauseous.

  The second master, who really couldn't stand it, finally couldn't stand the smell. He grabbed Monet and rushed to the side of the pond in the yard to open his bow. He accelerated with both hands.

  "Nima... gulu gulu..."

  "Hey I fuck...Guru~...Your uncle!"

  "Let go of me... Gollum... Let's fight one-on-one!"


  The great host scolded people so much that he even spared his grandfather. He was the best among scumbags!

  Constitution +5!

  Chakra capacity +5!


  After dozens of laps, Monet's eyes were full of fascination, and the second master let go of his anger.

  The mood is inexplicably relieved!

  Thousands of hands Tobirama can't wait to scream in the sky, with such a grandson, God knows how much pressure it will bear!

  Ten minutes later, after changing the clothes for Qianju Monet, the second generation grabbed him and came to the classic location of Konoha on the Hokage Rock!

  This is the commanding height of the entire Konoha Village, and it is also a very sacred place. The rock below is engraved with the stone statues of the first and second generations.

  "Monet, Konoha, isn't it good?"

  Holding the breeze on his face, the second master proudly said that this is the legacy left by the elder brother. In order to develop and grow this village that had nothing, he spent his life experience.

  "What about you?"

  After a long while, he didn't get a positive answer, and Qianshou Tobirama turned around suspiciously, but found a scene that made him furious.

  The grandson is whistling at this moment, standing on the Hokage Rock to urinate generously, and looking at the water flow, it is very enjoyable!

  What made him grit his teeth even more was that the position was right above his Naruto statue!

  Standing on your grandpa's head to pee?

  Still humming a little song?

  "What are you looking at me for?"

  Seemingly aware of the sight of the second generation, Monet shook his life, put on his pants and asked nervously.

  "I ask you, is Konoha very good?"

  The second generation turned his head to the side, he was afraid that if he was looking at Monet, he couldn't help but beat this kid to death.


  Is this looking at my temperament?Monet pondered for a moment and answered succinctly.

  "You just deny the achievements of your grandfather's life-long struggle?"

  This was a matter of principle, and Senju Tobirama instantly became serious.

  "It's Grandpa and Madara Uchiha together."

  Unlike other Qianshou, although Monet doesn't look down on Uchiha, there are indeed a lot of talents in that family. If it is not used by Lao Yin, it should be carried forward.

  Never deny the merits and strengths of others, this is Monet's own character!

  Affirming others, and then surpassing, that is his way.

  "Yeah, and Madara Uchiha."

  Some decadent sighed, the second generation was a little desolate, if this Konoha was created by a thousand hands.

  "And not only is it not good, but the direction is not right. Even if the second grandfather does not admit it, you should have discovered that the establishment of Shinobi Village did not bring true peace, but escalated the battle!"

  "The villagers are well-dressed under the false coat of seemingly peace, but I can smell the gunpowder of war even as a child."

  "Has this method brought peace?"

  Monet's language was not astonishing, and he opened his mouth to ridicule again.

  "You are awesome! You are Hokage!"

  The second generation became angry with shame.

  "I'm not right, I'm just a great scumbag!"

  "Scumbags never covet a false name! Hokage or something should be left to other sand sculptures!"

  With his little hands behind his back, Monet's tender little face was full of pride, and the expression that seemed to be showing off made Qianshou Tobirama couldn't bear it any longer.

  You show off Nima!

  "Don't slap your face!"



  Eighth more... The milk dog has become a dead dog... Simply, I made up three chapters... It's really not in a state...

  pps, the comment vote is more than [-] more! (Crazy express!).

Chapter [-] Second Grandpa, I won't let you die! (first update)

  The ninja world is still the ninja world after all, no matter how people yearn for peace, war will still come on time under the breeding of interests and contradictions.

  The great storm that had been brewing like this broke out completely.

  Whether Konoha or other Shinobi villages are actively preparing for the war, they strive to gain a favorable situation in this war.

  The first ninja war finally broke out, and Yunyin Village took the lead in attacking the army and immediately pressed against the country of fire, vowing to compete with Konoha for the position of the first ninja village!

  Wuyin Village and Yanyin Village were also involved in the war, and the battle between Ghost Lantern, Huanyue and Wuwu, the two peak shadow levels, formed a different landscape in the war.

  "Second grandpa, are you going to the front line?"

  On this day, Monet, who was accustomed to being woken up by Senju Tobirama in the morning to practice, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

  Suddenly jumped off the bed and ran fast and finally found Senju Tobirama at the door of the Qianshou clan.

  The First Ninja World War was regarded as the most brutal battle, and all the Five Kingdoms and Four Shadows died tragically in this battle.

  Among them, Erye Qianshou Tobirama!

  Monet had a nervous expression on his face, he had long expected that such a day would come, but as it approached, Monet found that his inner panic lingered!

  I don't know when it started, he has already regarded Senju Tobirama as his own relatives!

  "It's Monet. Grandpa will no longer be around in the future. Remember to take care of yourself and Tsunade, and don't always bully your sister."

  The second master picked up his grandson and smiled. Today is the day of the expedition. Thousands of ninjas from Yunyin Village have already fought against Konoha's guards at the border. As Konoha's Hokage, he will lead the team in person at this time. Off to defend the homeland!

  "I thought I didn't call you today, so you could get a good night's sleep."

  Sleep a fart!

  "Second grandpa, listen to me..."

  When he opened his mouth, Mo Nai suddenly felt at a loss for words. How could he tell the second master?

  Said you were going to die?To die in the hands of the golden and silver horns?

  How could anyone say that to the expedition?

  And he knows the second master. Although he is very kind to himself, he has always been extremely confident in being called the fastest speed in the Jagged Naruto world!

  Will he believe what a child says?

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