"Listen to what you said?"

  Chizuru Tobirama asked curiously.

  "Second grandpa, I won't let you die! You must hold on!"

  What are you!

  The second master's face is black, this grandson is really the best, isn't this cursing himself?

  But when he was about to say something, the boy suddenly wiped his face and rushed towards the back mountain like crazy. The firm pace and swaying body made the second master slightly stunned.

  "Monet what happened?"

  After a second thought, it seemed that he knew the intention of his grandson, and the second generation smiled.

  "Stinky boy, grandpa promises you to live a few more years, and you will definitely do it."

  "How can your grandfather die so easily!"

  "I am Konoha's second-generation Hokage, the younger brother of Senju Hasuma, the god of the ninja world!"

  Turning around, the second master took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance of the village. Konoha's elites have been assembled, and he wants to make the enemy who dares to attack pay a heavy price!

  War has an iron law, blood is needed to protect the homeland!


  "Woodun! The tree world is coming!"

  "Woodun! The tree world is coming!"

  At the back of the mountain, Qianshou Monet practiced the iconic ultimate move of the god of ninja again and again. As a master of ninjutsu, he logically said that as long as he has enough chakra, he can release it.

  But Mudun is different, especially the Mudun between the thousand-handed pillars has a seal from beginning to end, and the manipulation of Mudun's chakra is not that simple.

  Fortunately, there is always progress after each release.

  Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Monet looked at the small saplings and gritted his teeth, he must master this trick before that!

  It's strange that the scum who vowed to bear the infamy of the whole world actually started to train on his own, for the only softness in the scum's heart.

  Qianshou Monet, who has not completely grown into a cold-blooded scum, is also a human being. He is not made of iron, his heart is beating and blood is flowing. Five years of meticulous care is the fetters in Monet's heart!

  After checking his attributes, Monet was slightly determined.

  "The great host: Monet of Thousand Hands!"

  "The road to promotion for scumbags: scumbags force bear children!"

  "Physique: 291!"

  "Power: 184!"

  "Speed: 199!"

  "Spirit: 252!"

  "Chakra Capacity: 384!"

  achieve achievement...

  The attribute classification of the strongest scum development system is very general, but according to the system introduction, physique is the foundation of everything. Increasing physique will increase the toughness of the body. The improvement of physique will not only make Monet's resistance to beatings lasting, It will also increase the vitality, and when the physique reaches a certain level, the immortal human body will also follow!

  Needless to say, strength and speed, Monet's two attributes are very average, but they are enough to overwhelm elite chunin, even more exaggerated than ordinary chunin.

  The level of spiritual attributes is relatively high. He is related to Monet's resistance to illusion and whether he can skillfully manipulate Chakra to release complex ninjutsu.

  The most exaggerated is Monet's chakra capacity. Being a huge chakra with thousands of hands is a point of pride. At this time, Monet's chakra is comparable to an elite chunin. You must know that he is only five years old. The huge chakra is already very perverted.


  The first watch, emmm, today is about [-] watch, thank you sister and brother for the reward!

  This chapter is too much. In the future, there will be no frequent occurrences of attributes such as water characters. The milk dog is not thinking about water, but it is necessary to introduce the concepts of various attributes. The climax is coming soon. .

Chapter [-] You can scold at will, if you are angry, I will lose! (Second more)

  Blindly practicing is very boring. After Monet's three-minute heat passed, he returned to his room with a little interest and yawned, and went back to sleep with his cousin in his arms.

  His decadent appearance was completely different from the man who had sworn not to let the second grandfather die just now. I was afraid that if Qianshou Tobirama knew about it, he would vomit blood.

  So where did all the emotion in your heart go?Was it eaten by a dog?

  Worthy of being a scumbag, it will be humming every day.

  Well, in fact, Monet found that it was better to do bad things by cultivating only on his own. Why did he want to go farther and farther when he had the strongest scum cultivation system?

  When you are a qualified scum, your strength will naturally go up, and you should practice ass.

  It must be due to the diligent problem that the second master has been contaminating all the time, this is not good!

  Conventional cultivation methods are not suitable for him at all.

  After sleeping until the afternoon, Monet got up and came to the small courtyard of Uzumaki Mito.

  "It's Monet..."

  Mito's grandmother still looks peaceful, and she still maintains a good temperament even in her old age.

  She is the woman of the god of ninja world, enough to be proud.

  Only now, Uzumaki Mito expressed that his mentality jumped.

  Looking at Monet's eager eyes, Uzumaki Mito swallowed hard.

  "Are you going to..."


  Nodding quickly, Monet stared eagerly at Grandma Mito's belly.

  "Tell me, what is it for this time? You have long since stopped studying at Ninja School."

  Uzumaki Mito felt that he had to calm down and reason with Monet. If this little bastard came to scold Nine Tails every time he was in a bad mood in the future, how long would his body be able to withstand the toss?

  "just one time."

  Monet swallowed.

  "That's what you said last time."

  Mito shook his head in disbelief.

  "Second grandpa went to the battlefield! Monet is very sad..."

  Monet said pitifully.

  So you're going to bully Kyuubi?

  Uzumaki Mito laughed angrily, he really couldn't do anything about this little bastard.

  Yes, your second grandfather went to the battlefield, you are in a bad mood, so you have to scold Nine Tails to relax and make a fuss about Tobirama, it's really hard to refuse.

  Who made you my grandson?

  Sighing, Uzumaki Mito grabbed Monet's little hand.

  dark cage...

  "Hey! Kurama! It's me again!"



  With red eyes, Kurama, who had just squinted for a while, had red eyes, and he swore that he would never forget the sound.

  Why the fuck are you here again? !

  Constitution +5!

  Just saying a word, Monet felt relieved for a while. Sure enough, bullying a fox is the best way to cultivate!


  it has started.

  The whirlpool Mito, who was behind Monet, sighed, and found a place to sit down and watch the little thing spit feces.

  It shouldn't be, Monet is very good on weekdays, why does it seem like a different person when he sees the nine tails?

  In this way, Monet, accompanied by Uzumaki Mito, scolded Kurama again for a whole day.

  The day is finally over!

  Watching the little bastard leave in a dashing manner, Uzumaki Mito finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  But the next day...

  "Why are you here again?"

  Uzumaki Mito asked in shock.

  "Hey, why did Grandma Mito ask such a question? Isn't it only natural for grandson to visit grandma?"

  Monet asked suspiciously, and handed over the half of the chicken leg that Tsunade snatched from Tsunade's mouth.

  You are really sincere.

  Mito smiled wryly.

  under seal...


  The third day...the fourth day...all the way to the seventh day.

  Unlike a few days ago, the Kurama in the cage was very quiet.

  After seeing him, he didn't growl or say anything, he still lay there and tapped the ground with his claws, looking at Monet coldly.


  With such a start, Monet didn't know how to scold, and looked at Grandma Mito behind him in doubt and expressed his doubts.

  Uzumaki Mito shrugged. In fact, on the third day, Kurama didn't bother much after being scolded, so she didn't waste much effort in strengthening the seal.

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