"Monet, I think you need to have a good chat with Nine Tails."

  With a smile, the figure of Uzumaki Mito slowly dissipated, leaving only Monet and Kurama looking at each other.

  "You curse."

  The Kurama shook his tail lazily, as if he said that you can scold him at will, and I will lose if I am angry.

  This time, Monet couldn't do it at all, and tentatively threw out a few dirty words such as Kurama, your mother sold a batch, but the fox just looked at him calmly.

  I still don't believe in evil!

  Next, Monet brought into play the professional qualities of a great young man in the [-]st century, and the troll attributes were carried forward perfectly!

  He scolded for an hour without any hesitation.

  Kurama responded with just a few yawns.

  "You took the wrong medicine?"

  Monet asked in surprise, are you a tailed beast, or nine tails, the source of tyranny and darkness.

  "I'm a little bit promising, I'm scolding you, give me some reaction!"

  Shaking his body proudly, Kurama glared at Monet with disdain.

  "Tired of scolding? My uncle is sleepy. If you have nothing to do, get out of here."


  Monet fell into contemplation. Could it be that because of the problem of crossing, his troll attributes could not be fully utilized?

  This is a question worth thinking about.


  New book for support!The second one is delivered! .

Chapter [-] The special bond with the Kurama! (third more)

  What is a tail beast?

  A Chakra complex with its own soul is generally regarded as a life.

  And it's still very simple.

  However, after they were created by the Six Path Immortals, which have always been used as weapons of war, the treatment has not been very good.

  In the long history, it has gradually become a representative of hatred and destruction.

  People misinterpret the meaning of tailed beasts, look at them in an alternative way, and drive tailed beasts to fight for themselves.

  Such an environment treats living creatures unfairly.

  And the tailed beast also saw the essence of human beings, and hatred followed.

  Tailed beasts are also lonely. When they are imprisoned in the human body and become human pillars and lose their freedom, they miss the beautiful time when they were under the knees of the Six Path Immortals.

  Staring at Monet's scolding and frantic appearance, Kurama's heart gradually grew a little bit of interest.

  What is the calculus of this persistent kid who wants to provoke him?

  It will be very tiring to lose your temper all the time, especially if you have nothing to do with the young figure at the door. The more angry you are, the more unpleasant his scolding will be, and it will be a little funny to just watch his model.

  The days are very long and boring. It seems that it is not a bad thing to have more people who scold you every day?

  Kurama narrowed his eyes and thought.

  This thought is terrifying, and if Qianshou Monet hears it, he must be pissed to death.

  No longer silent in the outbreak will be perverted in the silence.

  When the lonely Nine-Tails was buried by Monet's nose, it seemed that his mentality had changed a little.

  It's been scolded for being addictive.

  Monet looked gloomy. Maybe Kurama and Uzumaki Mito didn't understand why he did this, but he knew in his heart that this was a real practice lesson.

  You are not angry, how can I add attributes?

  In the past few days, his attributes, who have been obsessed with swearing, have really increased. This feeling of unearned gain makes people deeply immersed in it. He can clearly feel that the Chakra in his body is developing in the direction of Chatonla.

  Sitting on the iron gate with his back against the edge of the iron gate, Monet sighed in frustration.

  "Boy, aren't you afraid that I will swallow you in one bite?"

  Kurama asked fiercely with his big face close to him.

  "Isn't the golden horn and the silver horn eaten by you? Instead, they got your chakra."

  Monet said disdainfully.


  When a sad thing like Ku Lama is mentioned, it will always make a bad face. The two brothers Jinyinjiao are indeed perverted. After eating its flesh and blood, their strength greatly increased.

  "Don't be so rude, I'll take revenge for you, those two bastards are also my enemies."

  Monet said calmly, he understands the historical process, when Konoha and Yunyin Village signed an armistice agreement, the two would set off a coup and kill the second-generation Raikage on the spot and seriously injured the second master.

  "Just you?"

  Kurama didn't believe it at all.

  Too lazy to pay attention to this sand sculpture fox, Monet already had a premonition that he could control the wood Dun, since he couldn't get the attribute value here in Jiuwei, he had to change his method.

  "Are you going?"

  Inexplicably, seeing Monet stand up, Kurama's heart tightened.

  "Yeah, it's too pitiful to see you, it's probably not a good feeling to be locked here."

  Monet waved his hand and slowly disappeared.

  "My uncle doesn't need your sympathy!"

  Kurama's angry voice hovered inside the cage.


  "Go back so early today?"

  Outside, seeing Monet with his eyes open, Uzumaki Mito patted his head kindly and asked.

  "Well, I'm going to practice."

  Monet nodded, no matter what, having power is the foundation of survival in this world. A qualified scum bullies others to do evil and others only deserve to stare.


  Uzumaki Mito, who was touching his head to kill, was suddenly stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face.

  "Kuwei just asked me to ask you when you will come again, and it said that it will kill you next time you come."


  Monet looked at Uzumaki Mito's belly suspiciously. Wasn't that fox calm just now?

  also killed me?

  I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad!

  Let's talk about it when you can break through the seal of Grandma Mito!

  Shrugging his shoulders, Monet turned and left, looking at Monet's figure and swirling Mito in deep thought.

  As Ren Zhuli, she immediately caught the change in Nine-Tails' emotions. At this time, she was a little puzzled. Could it be that the person her husband said could make the tailed beasts and humans understand each other was her grandson?

  But this way... is too weird, right?

  If it is said that people and people can scold each other to wake up each other, how can it have such an effect on tailed beasts?

  This unscientific.

  Shaking his head Whirlpool Mito continued to water his little garden.


  Time flies, and the atmosphere in the village has changed a lot since the outbreak of the war.

  Konoha's ninjas walked back and forth on the street, supporting the front line to deliver supplies.

  One after another notices filled with the death list were posted outside the Hokage Building. There were worried people, grief people everywhere, and more and more women, children and elderly people were eagerly waiting for their relatives to return home at the entrance of the village...

  The ultimate confrontation between the two big ninja villages is a stance that the fish will die and the net will break. As the challenge of the No. [-] ninja village of Konoha, Yunyin Village's fighting power is beyond everyone's expectations!

  The war entered a white-hot stage at the first contact, and countless ninjas were killed every day by the double-reverse fight at the border.

  This kind of battle is extremely cruel. The elites of the two Shinobi villages have dropped sharply within half a year, but Konoha has never been afraid of anyone in the background of the competition.

  Compared with the second-generation Raikage, Senju Tobirama's strategic vision and means are even more fierce!

  After all, he is a man who has followed the God of Ninja World from the Warring States Period, and his courage and strategy are not comparable to the second generation Raikage!

  Knowing that the tug-of-war is not good for anyone, the second master directly gave an order to attack with all his strength one night. Yunyin Village, who never returned to the gods, was caught by surprise, and the main force suffered heavy losses.

  In such an environment, the second-generation Raikage, who knew that it would be no good for the village to fight again, took the initiative to seek peace!

  The war has entered the final negotiating stage.

  When the news of the victory came back to the village, all the villagers burst into tears of excitement.


  In a thousand-handed clan, Monet, who had just given his cousin a developmental massage, walked out of the room and sneezed fiercely.


  Obscene cousin, physique +5!

  What does this sneeze seem to portend?

  Automatically ignoring the system sound, Monet touched his chin with a thousand hands.


  The new book asks for maintenance, and the third one will be delivered! .

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