Chapter [-] Ambition and strength must be equal! (fourth more)

  Walking down the street, Monet finally understood what was going on.

  Konoha wins!

  The second generation led Konoha's elite to defeat Yunyin Village, and they are discussing negotiations at this time!

  This is good news for everyone in Konoha, but Monet's heart suddenly tightened!

  In fact, the first Ninja World War started when Konoha was established. The border has always been in friction, and wars are fought every year, but this is the largest and the last.

  Except for Kazekage, the rest of the second-generation shadows were killed collectively, and all Ninja villages returned to the development period.

  Second Master, hold on, don't die!

  Monet took a deep breath, he knew it was time to start his plan.

  After half a year of wretched development, Monet's chakra has reached the level of the ninja, and he has fully adapted to the increase in strength. Now his body coordination is excellent, and there will never be a situation where he can't control his body because of too much strength.

  This is the harvest of half a year of precipitation!

  Although the stride is not big, it is very stable.

  When he came to the corner of the Thousand Hands, Monet put his hands together.


  A figure exactly like him appeared out of thin air.

  The wooden avatar, a more advanced avatar than the shadow avatar, can't see the true and false high-quality fakes.

  As the heir of the Thousand Hands Clan, he is not allowed to leave the village without authorization, even if he leaves the clan, someone will follow and protect him.

  A long time ago, Monet discovered that he had been following his figure, but he had not broken it.

  Leaving the Mudun clone can avoid some unnecessary troubles.

  Skilled in coming to the Konoha Logistics Department, Monet, who was wandering around here, quickly found the supplies to be delivered to the front line today.

  He didn't know the road from Konoha Village to the front, and these ninjas delivering supplies would be his best drivers.

  Monet managed to slip in while the guard at the door was gleefully telling the story of the victory at the front.

  He casually climbed to a box containing military rations and lay in. The cramped environment was more like a tailor-made coffin for him.

  The time should be too late. After all, the news has just returned to Konoha. It is estimated that the negotiation has not started on the front line. This time is just right.

  I hope I can catch up, even if I can't catch up, I can see my second master for the last time.

  Monet took a deep breath and calmed down.

  It wasn't long before he noticed that the box was moving and appeared to be loaded into the car.


  "Teacher, could this be Yun Yin's conspiracy?"

  At the front-line command post, the second generation looked at the information in his hand and the letter written by Raikage himself on the desktop without saying a word.

  Below, Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hizan, Uchiha Mirror, and Konoha's two major advisors turned to bed and knelt beside Koharu Mito.

  It was Danzo who was speaking. Suspicious by nature, on the one hand, he was suspicious of Yunyin Village seeking peace.

  "It shouldn't be. Raikage is not a fool. With the remaining power of Yunyin Village, even if we die with our Konoha fish, we will never win."

  Sarutobi Hizan thought for a while and took over.

  "I think so."

  Uchiha Kyou rubbed his eyes and said, half a year of battle, his kaleidoscope has made countless achievements on the battlefield, but the burden on his eyes has become heavier and heavier. Now his eyesight is not as good as before. It seems that at any time will be blind.

  Invariably looking at Senju Tobirama, who was the head coach, everyone fell silent one after another. No matter how they talked, it was the second generation that decided.

  "Having fought with high intensity for half a year, our Konoha ninjas did not die much less than Yunyin Village."

  Knocking on the table, Qianshou Tobirama whispered in a low voice.

  In half a year, Senju Tobirama's face has grown even older, and the strength that he can display in the battle with Raikage is not as good as before.

  After all, his time has passed, and even if he can afford it, the consumption of Konoha will be more severe in the battle, so it is better to stop and gain more benefits in the negotiation.

  In this era, it is still the world of young people.

  From the first sentence, Danzo heard the second generation's intention, and he sighed slightly disappointed.

  "Tanzo, ambition and strength must be equal, you must understand this sentence."

  The second generation, who knew his disciples very well, understood Danzo's thoughts, and uttered a sentence as a guide. Second generation picked up the invitation and the book on the table.

  "Send someone to Yunyin Village and say that I will unify their requests, and then I will go to the negotiation location!"

  With a wave of his hand, the second generation gave an order!

  For some reason, when he was galloping across the battlefield and looking at the corpses around him, Qianshou Tobirama suddenly remembered what his grandson had said to him a long time ago.

  "The wrong direction will inevitably lead to wrong decisions. The village established by the grandfather will only escalate the war. The so-called peace is just an illusion created by comforting his heart..."

  When Monet said this, he also scolded his grandson.

  Monet's words became a fact. During the Warring States Period, hundreds of people died in the war between the two ethnic groups. It was already very tragic, but now...

  Brother, are we doing something wrong?

  With a little confusion in his eyes, Senju Tobirama left the command post.


  New book for maintenance!The fourth is delivered. .

Chapter [-] The lethal fart! (fifth more)


  "Did you hear anything, like someone was hiccupping."

  A certain ninja in charge of escorting the goods suddenly asked his companion next to him in confusion.

  "You heard it wrong, you're still hungry, if you can't, just take two ration pills and take a bite."

  The companion replied suspiciously.

  "Hungry, you didn't eat less in the morning, and you burp when you're hungry?"

  The brother waved his hand as if he was hallucinating.

  "But speaking of it, we are also considered unlucky. Under normal circumstances, it is so troublesome to use sealed scrolls to transport materials."

  The companion said sullenly.

  "Hmph, who knows how the cousin of the Danzo-sama in charge of the logistics department does things, and the seal scroll can't be found!"


  Sealed scroll?

  Monet, who was hid in the box and leisurely nibbled at the ration pills, felt a pain in the ass.

  Damn, I almost forgot about this!

  Fortunately, Tuanzang's cousin helped him out of nowhere, or else he would have to be discovered when the supplies were sealed.


  It's not good to eat too much of the food pills. The bumps along the way and the overturning of the river in the stomach, Monet couldn't bear it anymore and let out a long fart on the spot.

  The two ninjas who were pushing the cart looked at each other with disgust in their eyes.

  "It wasn't you who burped just now, did you? It's okay to burp, you actually fart regardless of your image! What if you stink up this material?"

  "Don't be the wicked person to file a complaint first, it's obviously the thing you let the thief call to catch the thief!"

  "Damn you are so disgusting, you don't even admit it!"

  "Fuck you, you let it go when we went to support the front line last time. I didn't take it seriously. This time, it's shameless to blame me directly!"

  "Hey, why don't you lick your face when I go? Didn't you take me to that snack bar last time so I could have diarrhea?"

  "Ha Ma, are you saying it again? Oh my shit, it's so fucking stinky! Did you eat shit last night?"

  "Fuck you uncle... vomit!"


  Immediately after being attacked by someone's poisonous gas, the two involuntarily let go of the car that was escorting the supplies and squatted on the ground and began to vomit. Judging from the painful expressions, it was no less than being attacked by a powerful ninjutsu.

  Constitution +1!

  Spirit +1!

  Speed ​​+1!


  Quietly crawling out of the box, Monet covered his nose with an unnatural look, and he didn't know that the farts after eating the ration pills were so deadly.

  Brother, I really didn't mean it, I'm sorry, it's so stuffy inside.

  Monet, who was afraid of being smoked to death by himself, ran into the jungle while the two of them vomited.

  Too lazy to look at the two ninjas who had just woken up from vomiting and scuffled together, Monet took small steps to the tree to look in the direction and rushed towards the large army.

  It is not too far from Konoha to the border of the country of thunder, but it takes almost a day's journey to reach the destination after passing through the territory of the country of soup.

  Monet, who was concerned about the second master, took out the map he stole from Hokage's office and glanced at it.

  The next road is easy to walk, and you can reach the destination if you go straight through it, but you don't have to follow the escort team, and he almost vomited blood after being held in the box for several days.


  "Set off."

  At the Konoha Ninja Force Headquarters, Qianshou Tobirama stepped out of the command post with the Thunder God's Sword pinned to his waist, holding his ninja forehead with both hands.

  This day has finally come. In order to gain more benefits in the negotiation, the second generation has not closed his eyes for several days, and all the words in his mind are prepared for the negotiation.

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