Sarutobi Hizan and other elites followed closely. According to the negotiation requirements, the two sides could only bring [-] ninjas to show their sincerity.

  There is nothing wrong with this.

  The distance between the place of negotiation is a small canyon between the land of thunder and the land of fire, which is not too far from both sides.

  Looking for the direction, the second master left the base camp with his subordinates.

  As the defeated party, the second Raikage was very conscious and waited here early in the morning.

  "Lord Raikage, will Konoha's people cheat?"

  Just like Danzo's idea, every time this time, the nerves of either side are tense, after all, they still beat you to the death a second ago.

  "No, I understand Senju Tobirama. Since he has agreed, he must have agreed. Konoha Hokage, the leader of the five major ninja villages, will always have a different aura."

  At the front, Ai, who was muscular and dark-skinned, looked old, but his aura remained undiminished.

  Although he doesn't want to admit it, Konoha is indeed very powerful, and even if he loses Madara Uchiha and Chiju Hasuma one after another, it will still be the No. [-] Ninja Village.

  The bloody lesson made him understand that now is not the time to confront Konoha head-on.

  Perhaps, his own disciple could do it, and a figure appeared in Ai's mind.

  The heir to whom he has high hopes and high evaluation is also the next Raikage.

  Whoosh whoosh.

  While thinking about it, the figure of the second master suddenly appeared not far in front of him, and the rest of the ninjas also fell behind the second master.

  The elite of Konoha....

  To be honest, the second-generation Raikage is a little envious of Senju Tobirama. There are not so many talents around him, which is also one of the main reasons for the failure of the expedition of Konoha.

  "As expected of the first speed in the ninja world!"

  There must be a wave of official business bullshit, and the second-generation Raikage took a deep breath and spoke first.


  The fifth update, the new book asks for maintenance....

Chapter [-] The unfulfilled promise in my heart! (Sixth more reward plus more)

  Ps, emmm rewarded and delivered, thank you for your support.

  "Raikage's speed is not slow either."

  This is not the second master complimenting Lei Ying, Yunyin Village's Thunder Body Art is really powerful, and the second generation of eyes has been very clear about this more than once on the battlefield.

  "Okay, stop talking nonsense, you and I know the purpose of Raiying looking for me, so about the issue of compensation, I think Raiking has already prepared?"

  Senju Tobirama is a very straightforward person who likes to get straight to the point in everything he does.

  Well, coincidentally, the second generation Raikage also has this temper.

  He took out a list from his arms with the compensation list written on it.

  But when he just made a move, the expression of the second generation suddenly changed.

  "Raikage! Are you cheating?"

  what's the situation?

  The faces of the two sides suddenly tightened, and they pulled out the kunai shuriken and looked around.

  "Thousands Tobirama, what do you mean?"

  Lei Ying frowned, but he came with sincerity, and even the bottom line for this defeat was written on the list. He was more upright and did not choose to take this opportunity to set up an ambush or something.

  At this time, the second master was also a little puzzled. He had already sensed that before he came, only Raiying and his subordinate Chakra showed up here, but what exactly was that rapidly approaching?

  Being sensitive to chakra, he didn't think his perception was wrong, he gave Sarutobi and others a look and looked behind him.


  "As expected of Senju Tobirama, the younger brother of the god of ninja world! He was able to find us!"

  With a roar of laughter, nearly a hundred ninjas approached the negotiation site from all directions.

  Carrying a gourd, holding a rope and a knife, no matter how you look at it, you don't want to be a good person.

  Especially the extremely evil chakra exuding from the body makes people feel heart palpitations!

  "Golden horns and silver horns?! What are you going to do?"

  The second-generation Raikage was furious, and the person who came was the golden horn and silver horn, who were respected as the two rays of light in Yunyin Village!

  Since swallowing the flesh and blood of the nine tails in the body, the two people are sometimes sober, sometimes tyrannical and committing crimes.

  But his negotiation today did not inform these two people, and it was also the second generation Raikage who deliberately kept it from them.

  Jinjiao Yinjiao is the main battle faction, and is extremely dissatisfied with his request for peace with Konoha.

  From the murderousness in the eyes of the two, he seemed to have a foreboding.

  "What? You coward have the face to ask?"

  The golden horn cruelly stretched out his tongue and licked the Seven Star Sword. As the direct descendants of the Six Path Immortals, they can use the Six Path Ninja Tool at will, and using him and his younger brother with the Nine-Tailed Chakra is an invincible existence.

  The brothers who drank more than two taels of wine showed a fierce look in their eyes.

  If you are invincible, why should you surrender?

  How could such a shameful thing be done by the shadow of Yunyin Village?

  To fight, to fight thoroughly!

  Either they were beaten to death, or they were beaten to death.

  Make peace?Ask Nima!

  "Raikage, it seems that today's negotiations are about to end."

  Looking at the person and Raikage, Qianshou Tobirama already understood what was going on. Raikage wanted to stop the fight, but his subordinates seemed to be restless.

  "It's over, and you have to die!"

  The silver-horned monster screamed, and a terrifying Chakra appeared on his body, and his eyes were devoid of humanity under the tailed beast's coat.

  "Hokage, you go first, leave it to me here!"

  The second-generation Raikage braved the light of thunder and took the initiative to lead his subordinates to rush up, wanting to tear a hole for Qianshou Tobirama and rush out of the encirclement. Until now, he did not want this matter to become a misunderstanding between the two Shinobi villages.


  Taking advantage of this gap, Qianshou Tobirama let out a low voice and led his people to break out.

  Behind him, there were the roars of the Golden Horn and the Silver Horn and Raikage.

  There were countless Yunyin Village ninjas around, but although there were few people coming from Konoha, they were all elites. It would not be difficult to break out of the encirclement if there were no accidents.

  Uchiha Kyo's eyes shed blood and tears, the mature body Susanoo opened the way ahead, and Sarutobi's ninjutsu all over the sky was not to be outdone and controlled the powerful wind escape.

  Everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

  But the second generation finally got one thing wrong. He underestimated the metamorphosis of the golden horn and the silver horn. Under the attack of the six ninja tools and the tail beast, the second generation of Raikage, who is equipped with thunder body art, insisted on not being able to because of his old age. After ten minutes, he gasped in humiliation.

  Feeling the terrifying chakra approaching slowly behind him, the second generation stopped instantly.


  Sarutobi and the others stopped and hurriedly asked.

  "The enemy is coming soon."

  The second master took a deep breath, and at the critical moment, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

  "Then why do we stop?"

  Danzang is puzzled, isn't the dog's life more important at this time?

  If you only analyze it from the perspective of IQ and not ambition, Sarutobi Hiizan is a little higher than Danzo. After a simple analysis of the purpose of the second generation, what the old monkey understands.

  The enemy was about to catch up, and the teacher didn't choose to escape, then his intention...

  "Teacher, you take them to retreat, I'll stop!"

  With a firm look in his eyes, Hiruzen Sarutobi swung the golden cudgel fiercely, with an aura of giving up on me!


  Danzo reacted in a hurry, he was about to say something, but the second generation smiled.

  "Monkey, starting today, you are Konoha's third Hokage!"

  The people around were silent for a while, and the Hokage Seizing the Inheritance, which started when I was a child, has officially come to an end.

  Danzang lost, lost in a moment of hesitation.

  "After I come, monkey, these young people will be handed over to you!"

  "This is the last order of the second Hokage!"

  "Go back and tell Monet that his second grandfather didn't fulfill his promise to him, I hope he can forgive him..."

  Turning around, Senju Tobirama's old figure instantly became incomparably tall...


  New book for support... The sixth one will be delivered. .

Chapter [-] Monet, the second grandfather did his best... (the seventh monthly ticket plus more)

  Ps, the monthly ticket is updated, cough, the milk dog has done what he guys...cute...I don't know how to feel sorry for my old waist.

  On the quiet mountain path, there was only one person, Tobirama, who was holding the Thor's Sword in his hand and looked behind his eyes.

  He has given Konoha the seeds of hope.

  The only regret is that he didn't have the opportunity to take a look at his grandson and granddaughter before that, that was his only concern and miss.

  He doesn't know if he can resist the golden horn and the silver horn, but he will try his best to buy precious time for Konoha's future.

  How could this be the case when he was twenty years younger?

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