The face of the vicissitudes is full of unyielding, even he has to succumb to the power of the years and bend down.


  "Ha ha!"

  The second master Kuangxiao, who could hear the two sounds from a long distance apart, heard it clearly, and without flinching, he went straight up to meet him.

  Monet's words ringed in his ears.

  The resolute second-generation Hokage roared.

  "Glory! Why not die?"

  "Rat! Take your life!"

  A true warrior never fears the challenge of fate?

  In an instant, the No. [-] ninja who galloped in the Warring States came back again!


  "what happened?"

  Thousands of hands Monet suddenly felt a chest tightness a dozen miles away, and the urgent anxiety caused Monet to look around in fear.

  As if something extremely important was about to be lost...

  He had that feeling once, when his grandmother who loved him the most in his previous life died, his heart was twisted like a knife.

  "Second grandpa!"

  "It's the second grandpa!"

  Thousands of hands Monet clenched his fists and looked somewhere, the call in his heart made him confirm the direction at the fastest speed!

  Blood is thicker than water, and when a loved one is about to leave, the pain is simply unbearable!

  "Second grandpa!"

  "wait for me!"

  Looking for the direction, Qianshou Monet rushed over there, but just after a few steps, the ninja team from the nearby Yunyin Village, who seemed to hear a movement, suddenly appeared to block his way.

  "What? After waiting for a long time, it turned out to be a child with no hair."

  The lead captain waved his hand impatiently and signaled his subordinates to kill Monet.

  "Whoever blocks me! Die!"

  How could Monet, who was worried about the second master's safety, stop because of this?

  It's just a garbage team led by Chunin, and you want to stop him?

  "Fire escape! The fire is extinguished!"

  Monet with sufficient chakra is very scary. Thousands of hands already have enough chakra, and relying on the system to grow step by step to today's Monet is not inferior to ordinary Shangnin!

  The scorching flames rose, and the world was dyed with a touch of red.

  Before those people could react, they were swallowed by the flames. The war has never had any kindness at all. Although Monet, who killed the first time, was a little uncomfortable, he had more important things in his heart. Even if he was not, he had to adapt!

  Without looking at the bodies of those people, Monet eagerly continued to charge over there.

  It's not to cause trouble, or to find the golden horn and the silver horn desperately. He probably knows the plot and understands that the second master died of exhaustion and was exploited by the golden horn.

  Rao is an old second master and it is not so easy to mess with. In that battle, the second master faced the two bug characters Jinjiao and Yinjiao alone. After killing Yinjiao, he finally beat Jinjiao with only one breath!

  If Senju Tobirama was younger, it would be impossible for him to be threatened by the golden horn and the silver horn!

  In the original book, the golden horn with residual blood was beaten by the second master, and finally the third-generation Raikage was cheap, and he took the life of the golden horn with just one blow!

  If this is the case, Monet should be able to do the same with that trick!

  Quickly traversing the jungle, Monet increased his speed to the extreme!

  But the headquarters of all things fulfilled their wishes, and the ninjas of Yunyin Village, who had been scattered by Sarutobi and others, would always appear from time to time to hinder Monet.

  The feeling in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, Monet knows that the second master can't last for too long!

  He only has one chance, he must not miss it!

  It's not too far away, but Monet walked for a long time.

  "I, Qianju Monet, swear in the name of the heir to the Qianshou family!"

  "From today, everyone in Yunyin Village will be my enemy!"

  "If something goes wrong with my second grandfather, I, Monet, will take the sword of Thor and make you pay the price in blood!"

  "Anyone from Yunyin Village! Not a single one!"

  The small body didn't know where the murderous aura came from, Monet roared angrily at the ninja whose chest was pierced by his fist.

  With fear, the man closed his eyes and lost his anger. Before dying, he only thought about one question.

  Who is your grandfather...?


  "Hoo! Hoo!"

  In the center of the battlefield, the traces of the chakra eruption on the chaotic ground were clearly visible, and the trees in the jungle just hit by the waves in the distance were cut into two pieces.

  On the ground, Yinjiao was full of scars and died in black blood. He could no longer die.

  The second master panted heavily and looked at the golden horn in front of him, who had become more fierce because of his brother's death.

  Did you kill one?

  Qianshou Tobirama swallowed the blood gushing out of his stomach.

  He is already at the end of the shot, and the Chakra in his body is only enough to activate the Flying Thunder God once.

  Although the golden horn is not much better, but with the nine-tailed chakra, his recovery ability is extremely strong, and the chakra in the golden horn, who is also a seriously injured body, is more abundant, and his physical strength is also more abundant!

  "go to hell!"

  Looking at the approaching sharp blade, the second master forcibly lifted his breath and held the Thor's Sword to resist.

  But the huge force above made his mouth crack instantly.

  Even if you die, you will lose a layer of skin!

  The second master in desperation showed extremely calm reaction ability. The Flying Thunder God, who had only one left, instantly activated, and came behind the golden horn in an instant.


  The Thor's Sword was inserted smoothly, but Qianshou Tobirama also lost his strength because of the exhaustion of chakra.

  Such an injury is not enough to kill the golden horn!

  After all, am I still defeated?

  Feeling the pain caused by the golden horn poking into his lower abdomen, Senju Tobirama's body slowly fell to the ground.

  There is only one thought left in my mind...


  "Second grandpa... I tried my best..."

  "I'm sorry...I can't protect you..."

  Is it an illusion?

  When dying, Qianshou Tobirama seemed to sense a familiar trace of chakra.

  "Golden Horn! I'm fucking your grandma!"

  "Woodun! The tree world is coming!"


  The seventh update...cough, the update I owe has finally been repaid...The milk dog is gone! .

Chapter [-] The tree world that is betting on everything is coming! (Eighth more)

  Ps, so good, so good, milk dog plus a chapter, book friends, don't be angry, don't cut me...


  This chakra...

  Can't go wrong!

  My young grandson!

  He's only five years old, what is he doing here?

  After confirming the direction of the voice, Senju Tobirama turned around with difficulty, clutching the wound on his stomach.

  The young figure folded his hands together and was struggling to face him.

  "What are you doing here!"


  The second master, who was struggling at the gate of hell, gritted his teeth, and blood kept pouring out from his nostrils and the corners of his mouth. He was not reconciled!

  He died at the hands of the Golden Horn. Could it be that his grandson, the hope of the Qianshou family, will also die here?

  As for Monet's tree world coming...

  A ninjutsu that can only release a sapling, do you want to use it to kill the enemy?

  "Monet! Run!"

  I don't know where the strength suddenly appeared, Qianshou Tobirama suddenly bounced off the ground with determination in his eyes, and he wanted to buy time for his grandson to leave!

  "Second grandpa!"

  Looking at the thousand-handed Tobirama covered in blood, and the wound on the lower abdomen is roaring fiercely, Monet roared and accelerated his pace again!

  " unfilial grandson!"

  Qianshou Tobirama spewed out a stream of blood again, and when he turned his head, the second master rushed towards the golden horn without any fear.

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