Carrying the "dead" second master on his back, Monet smiled coldly.

  When you were running, each of you was faster than the other, how do you know now that you are back?

  In the original book, the second generation of Meto orphan belonged to a bug, and there was one thing he couldn't figure out.

  The second master fought with the golden horn and the silver horn. In the end, he died of exhaustion. The silver horn was directly killed by the second master. The golden horn was seriously injured and left with half his life.

  So the question is, if Sarutobi and the others did not retreat, but ducked and waited for a sneak attack on the Golden Horn at the last moment, can this also be done?

  The answer is yes, the Golden Horn, who was almost killed by the second generation, could not withstand the onslaught of Sarutobi Danzo and others.

  Surely the second generation could be saved, but they ran away!

  The run was very straightforward, and it was only when he returned to the base camp that he brought a large army and came back to support.

  After careful analysis of the tricks, the result can be obtained. Is it someone who is in a hurry to take the position or is it that they care too much about the second master's order to retreat before they die?

  Monet didn't know.

  Squinting his eyes, Monet ran over with the second master with a heavy expression on his back, holding his breath and holding back two lines of tears to represent sadness, he is about to start acting!


  "Thousand-handed Monet?!"

  The ninjas stopped and finally saw the small body in front of him and the person behind him.

  Thousand-handed Monet is actually carrying a second-generation eye covered in blood!

  what happened?

  How is he here?

  How is the second generation?

  The hearts of the Konoha ninjas reached their throats.


  Sarutobi ran over and opened his mouth in surprise, but as soon as he said a word, he saw the tears and murderous eyes on Qianshou Monet's face.

  Staring at the second-generation Hokage on the back of his small body, Sarutobi's heart trembled.

  No breath, covered in blood...

  teacher him?

  "Second grandpa is asleep!"

  Qianshou Monet's eyes were red, and a few words popped out of his throat!

  Is that really the case?

  What are you sleeping, it looks like this Hokage who fought for Konoha all his life really died.

  Sarutobi Hiizan clenched his fists in his heart.

  "Then why are you here?"

  The surprised Danzo suddenly asked, this is the battlefield at the border between the land of fire and the land of thunder. He couldn't figure out why Qianshou Monet was here, and he even carried the corpse of the second generation back on his back.

  In the end what happened?

  Almost everyone has this question in their minds.

  "I don't have anything to say about running away and leaving my grandpa's rubbish for his life!"

  "Leave Hokage and run for your own life, it's a shame you can figure it out!"

  "My second grandfather's death was caused by your own hands!"

  "Trash! Get out of the way! I'm going to take my second grandpa home!"

  It seems that the grief and anger over the death of the second grandfather broke out completely, and Qianshou Monet roared and questioned the person in front of him.

  In an instant, it was as if the Oscar-winning actor was possessed, as if the second master had really died, and the tears could not be controlled, and the not-so-tall figure was rushing towards the Konoha Ninja Army.

  Sarutobi Hizan and a few other people who had retreated before looked ashamed, and they couldn't find any reason to refute Qianshou Monet's words.

  Yes, they left Hokage... Although it was the second generation's own request, and it was an order, but...

  Being preached like this by a child less than six years old... Sarutobi Hiizaki bowed his head.

  "Thousand-handed Monet! Who gave you the power to talk to me like this?"

  Who is Danzo?

  How can he tolerate being preached by a five-year-old child who has never put anyone in his eyes?

  He has always been preaching to others, how can anyone tell him?

  After being eliminated by Qianshou Monet, he was in a bad mood because of the failure of the Hokage position competition.

  "Then what are you? A dog that was guarded by my second grandfather? After my second grandfather died, he ran out and barked at his grandson?"

  Senju Monet was not afraid to glare at Shimura Danzo in the slightest.

  This sentence directly scolded all the people present.

  Turning to bed, Koharu Mito Menyan and Uchiha Kagami Sarutobi Hiizhan's faces were not very good-looking.


  The third one!New book for support! .

Chapter [-] The patriarch of a thousand-handed clan! (fourth more)

  "Thousand-handed Monet!"

  Four words popped out of his throat with gnashing teeth, Danzo was already on the verge of eruption.

  At this time, he is not a real Ninja Turtles, and his tolerance for Monet is limited!

  "Go away!"

  "Otherwise, I will declare war on you as the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan!"

  Like a heavy bomb exploded from the spot, Qianshou Monet said coldly to Danzo, and anyone could hear the murderous aura in his tone!

  The patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan!

  Yes, what they are standing in front of now is not as simple as a child. He is the heir appointed by Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage!

  Even if he's young, that's true!

  Sarutobi Hizan looked solemn, and from now on they must never look at him with the eyes of a child.

  Although the Qianshou clan at this time is not as prosperous as when the first generation was alive, it definitely has a pivotal position in Konoha!

  Especially the prestige left by the first and second generations should not be underestimated!

  "Humph! Ants!"

  Looking at Danzang's gloomy eyes, Qianshou Monet threw out a sentence coldly, and took the second master's body behind his back and strode forward.

  "Second grandpa, let's go home!"

  Stepping on a heavy pace, the ninja army spontaneously gave way to wait until Monet of Thousand Arms followed silently.

  Not to mention Senju Tobirama's character and other things, he is definitely a competent and good Hokage. During his reign, Konoha's power was extremely prosperous, and he was a well-deserved first ninja village.

  The second master's contribution to Konoha is undoubted, except for his attitude towards Uchiha, there is nothing to be picky about.

  A good Naruto is worthy of respect. From the sad eyes of the ninjas, it can be seen how high the prestige of this second generation is.

  The team marched straight, Qianshou Monet kept walking at the forefront with his second grandfather on his back, not letting anyone help.


  The First Ninja World War was over, and it lasted for several years after the friction from the construction of the village to the final battle.

  In this battle, all five villages and four shadows died in battle, which can be regarded as tragic.

  When the news of Thousand Hand Tobirama's death in order to cover the retreat of his men came back to Konoha, the whole Konoha fell into great sadness.

  The atmosphere that couldn't help crying was extremely depressing, and the Qianshou clan burst into tears. When Tsunade got the news, he rushed to the room of Mo Naiying's clone and hugged his brother's little face full of sadness.

  But as soon as she exerted her strength, the Mu Dun clone who had completed her mission could no longer hold on and turned into wood.


  Grandpa died, but brother turned into wood!

  The grief-stricken Tsunade rolled his eyes and fainted.

  The death of Senju Tobirama represents the end of an era. From the Warring States period to the present, one legend after another has been written.

  Where the leaves are flying, the fire is still alive.

  The fire will continue to illuminate the village and allow new leaves to sprout.

  The end of the legend represents the rise of the new generation!

  It was not the will of fire that was wrong, but that the heir did not choose the right one.

  At the end of the trip, Monet was panting with a thousand hands on his back. Such a long trip without resting in the middle was a huge torment for him.

  It can be said that the latter half is all going by will.

  Another reason is that the state of suspended animation cannot last for too long. After a while, Senju Tobirama will wake up, and he will definitely wear a gang at that time.

  "I don't have time to explain, bury my second grandfather!"

  At the door of Konoha, the thousand-hand ninjas who came out to welcome the second master home were a little stunned. Isn't their young master staying well at home?

  How would it appear here?Still carrying the remains of the second-generation purpose?

  What happened in the end?

  The young master's first sentence made Qianshou even more puzzled.

  Even if you want the second generation to be safe, you should choose a good day and auspicious day. How can you be so anxious?

  "I order you as the patriarch of the Thousand Hands! Immediately prepare a funeral for my second grandfather! After three hours, the patriarch will kill me if he can't see the cards that the second grandfather should have!"

  Looking at the bewildered clansmen, Monet became anxious. Is this the time for you to be confused?

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