The patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan!

  After the second generation died, isn't the man in front of him the patriarch!

  Even if he is still young, he is still the patriarch!The man who inherited the glory of the Thousand Hands Clan!

  The people were startled and hurriedly handed over.

  "Yes! The patriarch! The subordinates will do it now!"


  Facts have proved that sometimes people are not forced to a certain extent.

  With their lives threatened, the clansmen prepared the original anti-locking ceremony at a very fast speed, and they were all ready in less than three hours!

  In order to avoid revealing the stuffing, Monet did the job of wiping his body and changing clothes for the second master.

  But what he looks like is a filial grandson who is immersed in grief after the death of his grandfather.

  Inexplicably gathered a wave of people's hearts, Qianshou Monet said that he was very comfortable.

  The funeral officially started. Of course, the standard gloomy weather and drizzle were indispensable. Monet finally breathed a sigh of relief after putting the second master into the coffin with his own hands.

  The monument of condolence was erected high, and the next was a moment of grief and nostalgia. After singing the glory of the second master's life, it came to the last link.

  As the third-generation Hokage who just took office, Hiizhan Sarutobi must speak on this occasion!

  "I, Sarutobi Hizan, will be Konoha's third Hokage from today!"


  Holding the crying Tsunade, Qianshou Monet spit out a word coldly.


  The fourth one is delivered! .

Chapter [-] Second Master, will you be able to transform? (fifth more)

  It's not that Qianshou Monet has just become the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, and he has to pick this time to find fault.

  It was Sarutobi Hizan's words that pissed him off. What do you think this place is?

  This is the cemetery, ahhh, this is the place to console the heroes!

  You want to announce that you are Hokage to increase your prestige, can you go to Konoha Plaza?

  The second master is still alive, you are here beeping yourself as a Hokage, are you showing off?

  "Senju Monet! What's your attitude?! Did you talk to Hokage like that?"

  For the first time, when Monet started swearing, Xiaochun jumped out and pointed at Monet's nose and yelled.

  "Three seconds, put your hand down."

  Thousand-handed Monet glared at this shrew coldly, what qualifications would he have to become a Hokage consultant if he had not been fortunate enough to study with the second generation for a few years?

  He even scolded Hokage, would he be afraid of this sand sculpture?

  "Okay Xiaochun."

  It seems that he feels guilty about the death of the second generation. Sarutobi sighed and did not care about Monet. He kept thinking about how to deal with the teacher's orphan in the future. Now, just looking at Monet's attitude, it can be seen that the other party is very annoying. Own.

  Especially after inheriting Hokage.

  "I'll have a good talk with Monet sometime, let's go back."

  At last glanced at the location where the second generation was buried, Sarutobi opened his mouth and turned away without saying anything, and the words that he had prepared to inspire everyone were also buried in his heart.

  He didn't blame Qianshou Monet. He just lost his grandfather. What other way does a five-year-old child have to vent?

  After Monet's trouble, everyone who came to the funeral also found that the atmosphere was not right, and finally bowed to the second master and left one after another.

  Monet and Tsunade were the last ones to leave. Little Loli had already cried into tears and twitched in Monet's arms. When she was tired from crying, she fainted, and when she woke up, she was crying.

  No one could persuade him, even if Monet's third aunt was Tsunade's mother to persuade him.

  He is still familiar with the third uncle and third aunt Monet. It seems that they will make the rope tree in a few years. They are quite good to him.

  That night.

  After finally comforting Tsunade, Monet, who was asleep, crawled up.

  Second grandpa, hold on!

  Putting on his night clothes hastily, Monet jumped up the roof and headed straight for the cemetery.

  The state of suspended animation has exceeded [-] hours, and I am afraid that the second master has already woken up.

  In the middle of the night, a hard-working figure appeared in the terrifying tomb.

  Yes, it can be said that he is now digging up his own ancestral grave.

  Well, such a maddening behavior has been praised by the system elves.


  "As a scum, it is inevitable to dig ancestral graves."

  Constitution +1!

  Speed ​​+1!


  With his movements, a steady stream of attributes were added to him, and the warm feeling made Monet want to howl.


  The shovel touched the hard coffin board, and to Monet's surprise he seemed to hear a cry for help from inside the coffin.

  "Second grandpa, what's wrong with you?!"

  Pushing open the coffin board, Qianshou Tobirama sat up straight from the inside. If Monet hadn't been mentally prepared, he would have thought that his second master had deceived the corpse.

  "Little bastard, if you don't come again, your second grandfather will really die!"

  Breathing the fresh air quickly, the second generation's eyes are red, thanks to the fact that there is still some air in the coffin, otherwise he will be suffocated to death.

  Who knows what it's like to wake up and find yourself in a coffin.

  "Anything to eat?"

  The extremely weak second master looked at his grandson eagerly.

  Touching from his arms, two chicken legs that had been bitten appeared in his hands.


  But I didn't dislike the small bite marks on it. Judging from the scale, it was either my grandson or my granddaughter who bit it.

  Jumping out of the coffin with a chicken leg, two important figures of the Thousand Hands family, one big and one small, sat cross-legged.

  The dark cemetery did not hinder the passion of the two.

  "Tell me, what should I do now?"

  The dignified second-generation Hokage will enter the dark side of Konoha from now on. The change for a while makes the second master a little uncomfortable. The two kill the chicken legs, and the second master looks at his grandson.

  "I have my own arrangements."


  I believe you a ghost, you bad old man is very bad!

  The [-]-character grass-mud horse in the second master's heart was galloping fast, and he really couldn't move his grandson what was he doing.

  Monet rolled his eyes, Monet had already made a decision about the second master's arrangement, and within two days, Danzohui established Konoha's Darkness, Roots on the grounds of establishing an Anbu training institution!

  As the patriarch of Qianshou, it is not a problem for Monet to arrange a legal identity for the second master to be stuffed into the roots.

  This move is enough damage, Monet thought for a long time before thinking of it.

  Where are the roots?

  The darkest place in Konoha, when the second master performs the task, I am afraid it will be more uncomfortable than eating shit, right?

  Staring at the greasy mouth of the second master, Monet smiled slightly.

  As for being seen through by Danzo?Or controlled by spells?

  how can that be!

  Who is the second master? The ten Danzos who study ninjutsu are no match!

  "Second grandpa, will you be able to transform?"

  Monet, who wanted to understand how to arrange Danzo, spoke softly.


  New book for support!The fifth one is delivered! .

Chapter [-] I'm very good at coaxing my cousin! (New Year's Day plus more!)

  Who is this grandson buried?

  Qianshou Tobirama is speechless, is the transformation technique still considered ninjutsu for him?

  At his level, there is no need to perform that kind of ninjutsu seal.

  "Well, since that's the case, I'll arrange a good place for the second grandpa in a few days to ensure your satisfaction."

  Monet coughed and stood up and looked at the messy cemetery.

  "You go back first, and I'll clean up."

  The second master is naturally more proficient than Monet in doing this kind of thing, whether it is experience or cleaning traces, it belongs to the top level.

  After returning from the cemetery, Monet was suddenly hugged by a petite body after taking a shower.

  When he turned around, he saw Tsunade's aggrieved eyes.

  what happened?

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