"Sarutobi, absolutely can't agree! If this precedent is established, the patriarchs of those families will have to apply directly for the Jōnin assessment in the future, which is not easy to handle!"

  To catch his good friends, Danzo expresses his thoughts.

  Sarutobi Hizan didn't answer in a hurry, but started thinking while smoking a cigarette. He didn't need Danzo to remind him that he was taking advantage of the fire.

  But the key point is that you have refused now. What should you do if you negotiate with Yunyin Village for a while and don't work hard?

  Moreover, he is not yet six years old!

  Shangnin examination?Are you sure he's not joking?

  Even if he were to be tested, would he be able to pass it?At that time, the failure will lose the face of Qianshou.

  Touching his chin, Sarutobi has come to a conclusion.

  "I agree for the time being. Let's talk about it after the negotiation. Think about how old he is? Even if the teacher is five years old, it is impossible for him to pass the Shangnin assessment."

  This makes sense!

  Danzo's eyes, who were originally stimulated by Monet, reacted instantly. He rolled his eyes and suddenly had a plan. This seemed to be an opportunity to suppress the prestige of the Qianshou family!

  "Since you agree, then I have nothing to say, but I will arrange the ninja in charge of the assessment."

  The two of them didn't even think about what kind of turmoil would be caused if Monet succeeded in passing.

  Well, after all, it is unprecedented even in the Ninja world to be assessed at the age of less than six years old.

  When the news came back to the Qianshou Clan, Monet, who was already mentally prepared, stretched his waist and stood up.

  "Go, meet the muscular man in Yunyin Village!"


  The matter of Qianshou Monet's negotiation with Yunyin Village has been rumored in the village, and the level of attention is even higher than that of the Hokage succession ceremony.

  After all, Yunyin Village was the culprit after the death of the second generation. When the grandson of the second generation went into battle in person, what benefits could be squeezed out of Yunyin Village?

  "The people of Konoha are too outrageous!"

  Secretary Lei Ying, the escort who came to Konoha with Ai this time didn't look very good in the conference room. He agreed to come and arrange negotiations immediately. Damn, he has waited for two hours and no one is seen.

  On purpose?

  The third Raikage did not speak, but he tapped the table with force between his fingers. It can be said that he came to Konoha this time to give the third Hokage enough face, and even expressed his condolences and a heavy apology to the second as a shadow.

  But Konoha's way of hospitality is really unsightly.

  "Cough cough!"

  Just when the passing time was wearing their patience, a cough suddenly came from the door of the conference room, and then the door opened a strange crack.


  Everyone looked at the door in unison, but no one came in after waiting for a long time.


  The muscular man snorted loudly.

  "You look down."

  Monet's face turned ashen and kicked the table. Are all the people in Yunyin Village stupid?What are you looking at one by one?I've been in for a long time, haven't you noticed?


  Suddenly bowing his head, the three generations of Raikage and his messengers looked at Qianshou Monet in horror, when did this kid come in!

  Well, although Monet's physique is amazing, he is still a child after all. How tall can he be less than six years old?

  For the time being, his size is about the same as the desk in the conference room, so it's understandable that these big stupid guys didn't see it.

  With a cough, Monet simply jumped to the desk.

  This time it was much more comfortable. Looking down at the big face of Raikage who was close at hand, Monet patted his chest.

  "I, Thousand Hands Monet!"

  "The person in charge of this Konoha negotiation!"


  The first!Please support the new book! .

Chapter [-] Let's go to war! (Second more)

  There are many big differences from what I expected, and I didn't feel any surprised eyes.

  After just glancing at him, the third generation of Raikage turned his head away and continued to discuss the negotiation with his secretary for a while, completely ignoring this Konoha's ancestor!

  Thousand-handed Monet's face is ashen, why doesn't he take me seriously!

  It is typical not to use beanbags as dry food, I am a little small, but not to the point of being ignored, right?

  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Qianshou Monet's small face twisted and stomped fiercely.

  "Raikage! I'm fucking you..."


  Just when Qianshou Monet was about to greet Raikage's mother with a typical national scolding, a figure rushed in at the door and quickly covered his mouth.


  Ai looked at the three generations of Hokage who suddenly appeared in confusion, and how he looked at his actions just now was no different from that of a monkey.

  "Cough, sorry to keep you waiting."

  Smiling apologetically at Ai, Hiruzen Sarutobi pulled Senju Monet off the desk.

  The most worrying thing still happened, this ancestor is going to greet other parents when he comes up, what does it look like negotiating?

  "It's okay, since you're here, let's get started."

  Lei Ying took a deep breath to calm down his mind, but just glanced at Qianshou Monet, who had just been let go, with some doubts in his heart.

  "By the way, what did this kid just want to say?"

  "I said I fuck... woohoo!"

  Not surprisingly, Monet was gagged again.


  Ai's mouth twitched for a while, and she glanced at the crotch of the little boy with disdain and shook her head vigorously. Do you understand the meaning of this word at a young age?

  Standing up and shaking his crotch, the third Raikage seemed to be showing off something.

  Monet struggled to break free from Sarutobi's restraint.

  "You wait for me, when I grow up, I will never leave you a beautiful girl in Yunyin Village!"

  "The big eagle goes on an expedition! Not an inch of grass will grow!"

  Who do you look down on?Show off your mom?

  Isn't it the age that limits his growth from caterpillar to dragon?

  You're so fucking good about it!

  Does Yunyin Village not leave a girl?

  Raiying raised his eyebrows, not knowing what to say.

  "Hokage, who is this kid? I don't want outsiders to interfere with our negotiations."

  This is really not a good introduction.

  Sarutobi Hiizan's face turned red, and the whole village even found a kid to negotiate. There was really no place to put his face, and he didn't intend to come out, but seeing Qianshou Monet's mouth was about to swear and he had to come out.

  On the one hand, he was afraid that this kid would anger Raikage, and on the other hand, he was afraid that this little ancestor would be hurt.

  However, as a politician, his face is naturally very thick.

  Sarutobi coughed and pointed at Senpa Monet.

  "Senju Monet, the person in charge of this negotiation, is also the patriarch of the thousand-hand clan, the grandson of the second Hokage!"

  "This negotiation is entirely in charge of Qianju Monet, and he has the final say in the final result!"


  The entire conference room fell silent, and everyone looked at Qianshou Monet's slightly sullen face.

  That's right, this way of introduction is enough!Match your deck!

  "Thousands of hands... is there no one?"

  After a long while, Lei Ying's secretary still couldn't help spitting out these words, Qianshou Monet, who was immersed in the shocking gaze of others, changed his face.

  "No need to negotiate, Konoha officially declares war with Yunyin Village from today!"

  Go to war, be forced!With this quality, what about the messenger group?

  With a sullen face, Qianshou Monet gave Sarutobi Hiizhan a wink, the meaning is obvious, since he is the negotiator, then you must cooperate with him.

  Looking at Monet Qianshou who turned and left, Hiru Sarutobi swallowed, he really didn't dare to gamble!

  He knew that Monet in a thousand hands never played cards according to common sense, and the two sides didn't shoot the talk. This guy directly came to fight!

  Did you fucking play the house as a kid?

  But the words have already been said, the kid who Sarutobi Hizan personally said is the person in charge of the negotiation, and now to stop his behavior is to slap himself in the face!

  Raikage... should be able to stop it, right?

  With difficulty standing up to keep up with Monet's footsteps, Sarutobi Hizan prayed in his heart.

  "I'm afraid, negotiation should pay attention to the momentum. If you take a step back, the other party will go further. Since you let me be responsible for the negotiation, you have to cooperate with me. I will strive for the best interests of the village!"

  "Being Hokage, you have to learn to trust others! I'm here for the village!"

  While hesitating, Sarutobi heard Monet whispering in front of him.

  For the village!

  Whenever the great three-generation Hokage is confused and doesn't know what to do, these four words will always pop up, even if he is doing the act of framing loyal ministers and eradicating dissidents, these four words will be pulled out!

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