This is the motto of the three generations of Hokage!

  Yes, for the village!

  Just when he was about to leave the conference room, Raikage finally couldn't bear the pressure and stood up.

  "Hokage, I want to know if the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan can represent you Konoha! He said to start a war, do you Konoha really want to fight with our Yunyin Village to the end?"

  After stopping, Sarutobi Hizan's expression gradually calmed down.

  "Raiking, I just said that he is in charge of this negotiation, and he has the final say in the outcome. This is not a joke."

  Holding back his smile, Monet was speechless as he looked at Sarutobi Hizan's trembling shoulders.

  The typical seemingly stable and skinny is actually panicked.

  As far as?You old boy has no confidence in my lord.

  Since he dared to say war, that means that Yunyin Village could not accept this result!

  Even if they pay a higher price, they want to temporarily truce their wretched development!

  The current three-generation Raikage is not the big guy who fought against the ten thousand ninjas in Iwayin Village alone. He also needs to stabilize his dominance in Yunyin Village. How can he be in the mood to fight with you.


  Second more!Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-] Let the horses come over! (third more)

  Really want to go to war?

  Raiying was anxious, he came here to show sincerity this time, in order to ease the relationship with Konoha!

  You open your mouth to start a war, so what will you talk about next?Does your grandfather pretend to be so dead?

  "Lord Hokage, let's go back, there's nothing left to talk about."

  Monet shrugged his shoulders, intending to continue to add fire, the majesty that comes with being a winner was vividly displayed.

  "This thousand-handed patriarch, please stop!"

  The three generations of Raikage recovered and glared at his secretary as a warning, and then coughed and said to Monet.

  He could also see that, as Hizan Sarutobi said, the negotiation is indeed the final decision of Qianshou Monet, although I don't know why the three generations of Hokage are so brainless, they will leave such an important thing to a person. Little devil, but for the development and interests of Yunyin Village, even if the other party sends a dog, they have to bite the bullet and talk.

  "I don't know what else Raikage has to say. After today, we are enemies. It's useless to say more."

  Monet sneered and said very rudely.

  "What's the point of the Thousand Hands Patriarch? It's just a trivial matter. There's no need to let the two villages fall into the flames of war again, right?"

  Raikage took a deep breath and looked directly at Senju Monet. In fact, when he saw Hiruzen Sarutobi, he thought the negotiation would go well this time, but it wasn't that he looked down on Hiruzen Sarutobi. Since he could be a top actor, it was natural , things, but whether it is temperament or courage, Sarutobi Hiizan and Senju Tobirari are worlds different.

  He also had the confidence to fight for Yunyin Village in the best interests of Hiruzen Sarutobi, but Ai never thought that Konoha would send such an idiot as a representative.

  "A trivial matter? Is it a trivial matter to insult my Qianshou clan?"

  Monet rushed to the table and slapped it hard to express his anger.

  Look at you like this, why don't you get mad if you don't have a high table?

  Raikage swallowed and was speechless.

  "Then, what do you want to do according to the wishes of the Thousand Hands Patriarch?"

  "Good to say."

  Monet jumped on the table again and hooked his fingers at the unknown secretary Raikage.

  The boy was also a stunned young man, and walked straight to Monet.

  Squinting his eyes, Monet raised his hand, and then, under Rai Ying's furious eyes, he threw it out with more than [-] points of strength!


  The sudden slap made Secretary Lei Ying spin wildly in the same place. Apart from the pain on his face, his dizzy head had only one problem, where did this boy get so much energy?

  After more than ten laps, Secretary Raiking, who finally stopped, spewed out half of his shattered teeth and looked at Monet with a terrified look in his eyes.

  "Look at you paralyzed!"

  "Say good fight!"

  Monet held his shoulders with a cold expression.


  Raikage shouted in anger.

  "Qianju Monet, is this the sincerity of your Konoha?"

  Monet turned around, his face full of grimness.

  "Do you want sincerity? As the defeated party, you want your mother's sincerity! I won't let you come in on your knees, it will give you Yun Yin face! Calling you uncle, show your voice!"

  "The grass mud horse refuses to accept the war! If I don't fight, your mother doesn't know you and I don't have a mother's surname Qianshou! The second grandfather has never been afraid of you Yunyin, so would I be afraid?"

  "If you don't talk about it, fuck off! If you start a war, I'm afraid of you!"

  "Fuck, take the tailed beast that my grandfather gave you, don't you dare to take the initiative to start a war, and I have to teach you a rubbish, is it okay to disrespect your ancestors?"

  Looking at this mouth full of feces, Lei Ying couldn't take it any longer, and the lightning flashed on his body as if he wanted to do it!

  He has never been insulted like this since he was a child, and the key point is that the other party is still a kid without a table!

  Grass-mud horses, when Lao Tzu is made of mud?

  "Raikage! Do you want to do it in our Konoha Village?"

  Sarutobi Hiizhan, who was immersed in Monet's swearing words just now, instantly recovered his senses, and stood in front of Monet and looked coldly at Raikage and his messenger group.

  In any case, this is Konoha Village, and no one else is allowed to run wild here!

  "Lord Raikage, it's not good for us to do anything here."

  Behind him, a certain ninja from Yunyin Village walked over to Raikage and reminded him in a low voice.

  Here is Konoha, if it's bad, they all have to explain it here!

  He patted his chest, and the thunder light on Lei Ying flashed by and slowly disappeared. With his IQ, it was impossible not to know that he would suffer from doing it here, but the way that kid cursed people was unbearable!

  "What the hell, old dog, you do it!"

  Watching the fun is never too big of a deal, Monet scolded with a look of disdain.

  "Do you think the old man dare not?"

  Raikage, whose mentality was completely blown up, was furious again, showing his arms and rolling his sleeves, intending to fight Monet, but the envoy behind him pulled him desperately to stop it.

  "Lord Raikage, calm down!"

  "Yeah, Raikage-sama! Don't go to war with Konoha now! The land of water and the land of earth are watching!"

  "The bigger picture is the most important thing!"

  Jumping on Sarutobi's shoulders and riding on it was like riding an old dog, and Monet stretched out his middle finger with no regard for Raikage's furious demeanor.

  "Come here!"


  The third one is more!Ask for a ticket! .

Chapter [-]: Wild Dogs! (fourth more)

  "Monet, next time you're going to pretend not to ride on my neck, anyway, I'm Hokage and I have to give me some face. Besides, you can deal with the trouble you've caused yourself. What's your ability to hide behind me."

  So disregarding the image, Sarutobi Hizan plans to talk to Monet.

  "Sorry, I'm a troll."

  He straightened his body on Sarutobi Hizan's neck and chose a good sitting posture, Monet said lightly.

  As a troll, how can you charge into the front line?

  He just scolds people, and doesn't count the doubtful life that Raikage scolds as his loss.

  You are a jerk, do you have any reason?

  Sarutobi Hiizhan has some headaches, how to clean up this mess now?

  Seeing that the negotiations had reached a deadlock, Secretary Lei Ying, who was slapped hard by Monet with a thousand hands, suddenly stood up.

  He understands the current situation of Yunyin Village very well. As a confidant of the third generation of Raikage, he understands that he should do something to stabilize the situation.

  "Thousand-hand patriarch!"

  Walking to the front, the secretary spat out a mouthful of blood and shattered teeth, and shouted vaguely.

  "You played well!"



  Seeing this scene, the third generation of Raikage was shocked. This young ninja just took office as his secretary, and he has such courage!

  For the sake of the village, he was willing to sacrifice his dignity!

  Not cheating?

  Not arrogant?

  Monet was stunned, brother, your name is very self-aware!

  But this kid looks a little familiar, eh?Buribi?

  That Chirabi's predecessor, the eight-tailed man Zhuri?The brother who was bitten by Snake Brother?But it seems that there are no eight tails in this brother's body now.

  It looks quite young now, and he can be Raiying's assistant at the age of teens. From this, it can be seen that Yunyin Village is currently short of manpower.

  Touching his chin, Monet showed a smile on his face.

  "Since you admit your mistake, then I won't say anything, and we will continue to negotiate."

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