"How about second grandpa, is it comfortable to stay at the root recently?"

  Sitting next to the second master, Monet asked with a smile.

  "Monet, I never thought Danzo's ambitions would be so big."

  "He didn't build his roots to deal with the darkness of Konoha at all, but for his own selfish desires!"

  "The entire root has been completely controlled except me, and it has become his private soldier! And the first order he issued was to monitor Uchiha and... our Thousand Hands."

  God knows how frustrated the second master is when he finds out what Danzo is really doing. That is the heir who has been tested by him. You can monitor Uchiha. They are loyal to Konoha and will never betray.

  "But he did this and kept saying that it was for Konoha!"

  "Monet, I know Danzo's ambitions are very big, but what is he doing? Monitor Qianshou? Is he going to attack you?"

  "I don't even trust my teacher's grandson. If you didn't tell me not to act rashly, I would have to clear the door!"

  The second master became more and more angry, and his last punch slammed on the boulder next to him, and the ninjutsu burst out in an instant, smashing the stone to pieces.

  At this time, he has a feeling of being deceived and betrayed!

  "The most annoying thing is that he actually asked me to monitor you!"


  The fifth update has arrived, don't leave, there is a plus update today! .

Chapter [-] The so-called forbidden technique! (sixth more)

  I didn't expect Danzo's actions to make the second master so angry.

  Monet shrugged his shoulders to express schadenfreude. He knew that there would be such a day as early as he arranged the second master to the root.

  I just didn't expect that Danzo old dog's movements were quite fast. As soon as he started to build the root, he began to strengthen the control and train the root ninja into private soldiers.

  "What does he want?"

  "Huh? What does he want?"

  "Why didn't Sarubi stop him?"

  The angry second master picked up Monet's collar and glared at his grandson, as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

  Uh, shouldn't the second master become a psychopath after staying at the root for a few days?

  Monet swallowed.

  "Second grandfather, calm down first, okay? I saw early in the morning that the old dog was not a good bird and arranged you in. Now that his conspiracy has not been revealed, he can find him even if you want to fuck him. The reason was prevarication in the past, so I still endure it, and there is a chance to deal with him."

  "What the hell are you doing, kid?"

  Qianshou Tobirama put down Monet in doubt. Now the problem has arisen. There is a fundamental difference between the existence of the root and the Anbu. One is the direct troops of Hokage, and the other is a soldier who has no official rank. .

  As Danzo's ambition grows, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, and it's better to solve it sooner.

  You haven't seen those two good friends cannibalize Qianshou, how boring it is to do it now.

  Monet pouted. In order to completely disappoint the second master to Konoha, he followed him to build his own scum empire. For the time being, the second master still can't move this move. When the brewing is almost done, he will give Danzo and Sarutobi Hibiki a cut. How painful is it?

  "Okay, second master, I left a secret code at the gate of the clan today to find you not because of Danzo's business. Even if you abolish him now, it will not help."

  "Then what are you going to do?"

  Qianshou Tobirama asked suspiciously.

  "I will apply for the graduation assessment in a few days."

  Monet patted his chest with a hint of pride on his face.

  "Alright, after all, you are the patriarch of Qianshou now, and even a ninja can't really justify it. Although you are young, I believe in your ability, and it is not difficult for you to be patient."

  The second master nodded his head in relief.

  "I won't look for you anymore, I will directly manage the Shangnin assessment that Monkey applies for."

  Monet was a little embarrassed. Now his chakra capacity is developing towards Chatonla every day. There is no need to worry about his physique and strength and speed, but he has very little actual combat experience in ninja fighting.

  The system has been a little misfired recently, and it didn't give him some more powerful attributes. I still remember the ninjutsu master he gave him when he used ninjutsu for the first time. Just thinking about it is exciting. It can also be improved, it is really cool.

  After that, he also tried many firsts, such as the first time to peep at Tsunade, who was completely undeveloped, taking a bath, and the first time to feed others to eat shit and have inadvertently done many challenges that he did not dare to complete in previous lives.

  It's just a pity that there is no so-called achievement completion prompt except for adding some attributes.

  Others, like ninjutsu, he doesn't need to study, but the combat experience is completely accumulated. In desperation, he can only ask the second master, and plans to let the second master teach him both skills before the assessment.


  The second master was silent for a while, and it really was his grandson. He never played cards according to the routine. When people were assessed on the lower end, they were terrified.

  But speaking of it, his grandson Chakra is so sturdy, and the tree world can release the ninjutsu he left behind, and it is estimated that he has learned it.

  What can I teach you?

  The second generation touched his chin and suddenly pulled out a kunai.

  "Flying Thunder God!"

  Monet's eyes lit up, his second grandfather's fame stunt!

  "Can you learn?"

  Handing over the kunai and cultivation methods that he carried with him to Monet, the second master looked nervously at his grandson and swallowed. This child with talent like a monster can let it out just by looking at the fire. Fei Lei Shen, it should be difficult for him!

  The difficulty of Fei Lei Shen is not in other places, but the most important thing is to have the space attribute!

  Monet's talent is no problem, as long as the second generation has the space attribute, I believe that Monet can definitely inherit his mantle and carry forward the Flying Thunder God.

  Touching the special kunai, Monet lowered his head and glanced at the principle of the flying thunder god technique.

  Squatting on the ground, Monet scribbled and painted on the ground with Kunai, and his head began to spin uncontrollably.

  Curious about his grandson's actions, the second generation followed and looked at the ground. Although the environment was very dark, he could still see the traces of Kunai on the ground.


  Standing up in shock, Qianshou Tobirama gave himself a slap in the face!

  It's not that the second master is crazy, but he actually found that Qianshou Monet has analyzed his Flying Thunder God principle in depth and even perfected it. The line of symbols is not sure how many times simpler than the Flying Thunder God mark he drew.

  This is not a genius, it is a monster!

  Think back to how many brain cells he spent when he created Fei Lei Shen and how many times did he fail?

  Even so, the Flying Thunder God he developed is still not the final version, and now Monet glanced at it and solved all the problems?

  Some are unacceptable.

  The second master leaned decadently under the big tree next to him. It was something to be proud of to be surpassed by his grandson, but at this time, he felt extremely sad and only had the illusion that he had lived on a dog all these years.

  "It's done!"

  Monet stood up excitedly and dropped the second-generation purpose-made Kunwu like dropping a piece of scrap iron.

  "Forbidden technique! The technique of flying thunder god touching milk!"

  With a search, Monet's body disappeared instantly.

  "What about people?"

  In the forest, the breath of Monet's Thousand Hands was gone, and the second master panicked and quickly opened his perception.

  "Damn it! Monet, you animal! Let me go!"


  Ahem, the sixth one will be delivered.add more. .

Chapter [-] New Attributes! (seventh more)


  Although flat...

  Monet in the room withdrew his hand, glanced at his awakened cousin and swallowed.

  "Cousin, it's not time for a massage yet!"

  Tsunade said dissatisfiedly, waking himself up at night, you are sick.

  "Cough, you continue."

  Monet swallowed and exited the room.

  Sure enough, the modified Fei Lei Shen is much stronger than the original version, and there is no need for the special version. As long as the idea is not too far away, the ability the system can give him is still very cool. The mark is elevated to perception, and it is comparable to Obito's divine power in space movement.

  This kind of advanced flying thunder god is unreasonably strong. When you truly master this powerful ninjutsu, you will understand why the flying thunder god can still exert huge power even in the later stage.

  However, as it can make oneself virtual, this technique of flying thunder and touching milk is not comparable.

  Space ninjutsu is really good, and Kaguya Otsutsuki is relying on Huang Quan to make Erzhuzi and the prince suffer no less than Liangzaka.

  "Boy, take it easy."

  At the door, the second master picked up Monet with a murderous face and said.

  "Can't you start a few years later? Tsunade is a lot! Even if you want to be a scum, do you have that ability now?"

  If you let this kid do whatever he wants, I'm afraid that anyone who develops a little Tsunade will suffer, but it's not to stop him, you are so human, that's your cousin.

  "Am I that kind of person?"

  Monet quibble.

  "What do you think?"

  Qianshou Tobirama sneered and slapped Monet's ass as a warning.

  "Okay, now that you have mastered Fei Lei Shen, you can take the final steps. Don't you want to improve your actual combat experience? I will satisfy you today."

  With a swoosh, the figures of the second master and Monet disappeared again.


  The next morning, Tsunade, who woke up, stretched his waist and glanced at the sunlight outside. Something was wrong. Why didn't his cousin wake him up by massaging him today?

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