Confused, he glanced at the quilt next to him and pulled it away.

  "Ah! Ghost!"

  Under the quilt, there was a face with a blue nose and a swollen face. Monet's original standard Zhengtai appearance completely turned into a pig's head.

  The second master who wanted to teach Monet a lesson was a bit ruthless, and the one who beat him was a miserable one.

  "What are you calling, I don't know your cousin?"

  Monet, who had just slept for a few hours, silently grabbed Tsunade who was about to run.

  "Cousin? Who did this?"

  Tsunade was stunned, then asked angrily.

  "It's okay, I fell while walking."

  Monet waved his hand and obviously didn't want to entangle more on this issue. He was in a bad mood after being beaten by the second master. The second master was playing with him all night. It must be him who was beaten, after all, the second master Fei Lei Shen has used it so well.

  In the end, he just wanted to say a word to the second master, please stop showing off, can't I just admit defeat?

  After getting up and getting dressed and eating in one go, Monet brought Tsunade to school again.

  Kato Dan has completely dropped out of school, and they who want to benefit from the Senju family have committed suicide from the beginning.

  The three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden have a variety of methods to deal with their own people. Anyway, Monet has not seen Kato in Konoha Village for a long time.

  "Boss, this is you?"

  Across the distance, Ji Lai also recognized him for a long time before he realized that this was his boss. He came over and looked at it suspiciously, and immediately began to sigh.

  He also saw the boss get beaten for the first time.

  "Hehe, do you want to laugh?"

  Monet clenched his fists.

  "You, Orochimaru and Tsunade will go to the training ground with me at noon! I will give you special training!"

  Special training?

  Snake brother, Tsunade, and Jirai are also a little confused. They have been very serious in their classes recently. What does this sudden special training mean?

  Monet would never say that he thought of the special training to find an excuse to bully people because he was beaten by the second master and had nowhere to vent his anger.

  "I'm curious about Monet's strength."

  Unlike Tsunade Jirai, Uncle Snake expressed his anticipation, licking his lips and feeling a little excited.

  There is really no fear of death.

  Monet rubbed his fingers and rattled.


  "It hurts!"

  Constitution +1!Speed ​​+1!

  "Kun Monet, I've taken it."

  Physical +1!Chakra capacity +1!

  "Cousin, let go, others are watching."

  Charm +1!Room in the surgery ability +1!


  During the lunch break at noon, Zilai also had a big face and a small face in the training ground. The nosebleed and snot mixed together and flowed into his mouth. He was lying on the ground and twitching.

  Orochimaru didn't have any trauma, but his face became even paler.

  Tsunade was the least injured among them, but the position was very sensitive, and she could feel the burning pain in her chest.

  The young Sanren never expected Qianshou Monet's strength to be so tyrannical, and the three of them didn't hold on to each other.

  Putting down Tsunade's red-eared Tsunade, Monet stretched his body comfortably, and sure enough, beating someone else felt much better.

  But what the heck is that new charm and magic in the room?


  "The host has molested the girl a thousand times in total, activate the scum harem attribute!"

  "The improvement of the charm will make the host more attractive to women, and the ability of the room in the room will make the host more sturdy in that respect! The golden spear does not fail to interpret a wonderful life!"

  Well, scum is standard, Monet gave Tsunade a wretched smile, said earlier that there was such a thing, did he bully Tsunade a few times a day?Still have to wait until now?

  Inexplicably, she felt the eyes of the big cousin, and Tsunade swallowed her saliva with difficulty and stepped back. She always felt that the big cousin today was abnormal and seemed to want to eat her.


  Seventh! emm asking for tickets! .

Chapter [-] The Seven Deadly Sins, The Road to Scumbag Promotion! (first update)

  After the turmoil in the negotiation of the Yunyin Village messenger group, Konoha Village seems to have calmed down.

  Regarding the achievements of Monet's Sarutobi, which is rarely posted, the villagers are amazed that Monet can extort three times the material, and they are also curious about the extremely domineering Patriarch of Senju who has just taken office. .

  Day by day, Konoha relied on the materials of Yunyin Village to return a big blood and develop steadily, and the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Rizan have gradually gained a firm foothold. It seems that the villagers have admitted the fact that he is Hokage.

  On this day, an explosive news came out from the originally peaceful Konoha Village.

  Ninja School students will have their early graduation assessment tomorrow!

  A total of four people participated in the graduation examination.

  Senju Monet, Senju Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru!

  As soon as the news came out, it became a hot topic. It was the first time in the history of Konoha that a student had applied for an early graduation, and everyone was talking about whether they could succeed.

  Before the villagers and ninjas could recover, another piece of exciting news came.

  "Chenju Monet, the patriarch of the Qianshou clan, will face the test of becoming a Jōnin in the graduation examination! If he passes, he will become the youngest Jōnin in Konoha!"

  "At that time, Lord Naruto will call on the Konoha clan and all ninjas to go to the ninja school to observe! Please know!"

  This news is much more exciting than the previous one. At the age of five, he directly applied for the graduation examination at the Shangnin level. There is no reference for such a thing. Everyone is very curious about how the assessment will be carried out.

  Shortly after the news broke, the whole village was talking about it.

  There are those who admire Monet's courage, and those who express disdain for his overreaching.

  However, it is said that the result will be known tomorrow, and everyone is looking forward to it.


  "Danzo, everyone knows what you don't need to do, right?"

  In the Hokage Building, Hizan Sarutobi smoked a cigarette and frowned as he looked at Danzo Shimura, who was extremely calm next to him. He couldn't understand what his old buddy was thinking.

  It's just a graduation assessment. As for raising the influence to this level?

  Sarutobi originally planned to deal with it in a low-key manner. After all, Monet could save face even if he didn't pass, but now, everyone's attention is on this.

  "You said, leave this to me."

  Danzo replied indifferently, that he has been in a good mood recently, and the establishment of his roots has given him instant real power. It is the worthy Konoha second one who is above ten thousand people, um, And those above him still feel ashamed of him.

  The more power in his hand, the less Danzo looked down on Sarutobi Hidden, and he always felt that Hokage's position was specially tailored for him.

  "I said so!"

  "But Danzo, remember, next time you decide to tell me about this kind of thing!"

  "I'm Hokage!"

  It's just that Danzo didn't understand a problem. At this time, Hiruzen Sarutobi was not the old and decadent Hokage. He just took office and he was full of ambition and wanted to prove himself. It would be too much to say that he will take everyone to observe the assessment!

  The face of Danzang, who was taught a lesson, was uncertain, and he found that he seemed to underestimate this idiot.

  "Okay, in short, since the news has spread, there is no way to change it, and the assessment will start according to the original plan."

  After speaking, Hiruzen Sarutobi slammed the door and left, he was beating Danzo, don't take the guilt in your heart to talk about a lifetime, now he is Konoha's third Hokage!

  "Separation technique!"




  At a newly built training ground in Konoha, Qianju Monet is carrying out the final assessment with his two basic friends and his cousin.

  The assessment of Tsunade's three people is not too difficult, and the basic three-body and physical skills tests and the shuriken will be successful.

  For Sannin, who is beaten by Monet with a thousand hands every day these days, those basic things are completely manageable.

  "Not bad, from today onwards you're also a fucking ninja."

  Monet applauded.

  The words are good words, why does it sound so awkward and mocking?

  Brother Snake sighed, afraid that the days after graduation would not be very good. After all, in terms of Monet's character, he would always do some incredible things.


  "It is detected that the great host is about to take the first step on the road of scum promotion!"

  "The system will customize the correct growth path of the scum for the host!"

  "The road to promotion for scumbags will begin with the successful graduation of the host!"


  What the hell?

  Monet, who was frightened by the sudden sound of the system notification, hurriedly hugged him into Tsunade.

  Glancing at the task panel, I suddenly found an unlocked task.

  "As a scum, how can you always be content with the status quo and do things that are only limited to rascals and scoundrels?"

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