"The road to real scum promotion is about to start! Complete the test of the seven deadly sins! The first arrogant (not opened)"

  "Activation condition: Complete the graduation assessment to become a Shangnin!"

  "Every time you complete the seven deadly sins test, you will get a special attribute!"

  "Note: This task is not forcibly completed, the system will not force the great host to do anything, the word scum, do whatever you want is the first!"

  Seven deadly sins?special properties?

  Qianshou Monet swallowed hard, and sure enough, being naughty before was just a small fight, and his real scum career will start completely from graduation.

  As for Monet, who is forced or not, he is too lazy to think about it. This is the way for him to become stronger. Why detours when he can take shortcuts?A fool doesn't do it.

  But that special attribute... Monet's eyes flashed a ray of light, and he already knew the strength of the master of ninjutsu.

  All in all, the system that has been silent for a long time has given benefits, and the scum system is very proud to tell the host, if you love it so much, do you want to force it...


  The first!Love you so much! .

Chapter [-] The assessment begins! (Second more)

  The next day, the Konoha Ninja Village, which had been sunny for many days, suddenly turned gloomy. The drizzle fell on them, and many pedestrians folded their umbrellas. What could not be extinguished was the enthusiasm of the villagers to watch the graduation exam.

  "I hate rain."

  Tsunade twitched her little nose and frowned, and hurriedly hid in the arms of her eldest cousin.

  "I really like the weather."

  Monet raised his head and greeted the drizzle with a big face. In such weather, he remembered his first love, that beautiful memory. After enjoying it for a while, Monet slapped himself fiercely. Thinking about your mother?

  The corner of Qianshou Jugen, who was responsible for escorting the two ancestors to the school next to him, twitched, and he could not see through the actions of the patriarch.

  As expected of the heir appointed by the second generation!

  Rainy days can't stop people from watching Konoha's first-ever early graduation assessment.

  Early in the morning at the gate of the ninja school, a lot of people who eat melons for unknown reasons gathered.

  Qianshou Monet dressed up very well today, and the patriarch of Qianshou, which was customized by Uncle Jugen, was finally delivered.

  Qianshou Monet, who inherited the beauty of his mother, the whirlpool family, who he had never met, originally had a handsome face, matched with a coquettish cape, a tight shirt that highlighted muscles, and floral pants. Nice guy, um, though he's less muscular now.

  Of course, the most coquettish thing is the two big characters in gold foil on the back of the cloak, which is also what he is most satisfied with.



  Uncle Jugen sighed wearily.

  Fortunately, the distance from Qianshou to the school is not too far, Uncle Jugen finally completed the task and ran away like a thief.

  "Cousin, I think it's more appropriate for you to change the two words on the back."

  Tsunade also felt a little embarrassed and arched out of Monet's arms.

  "Which two words?"

  "It's the two letters you painted on Ziraiya's face yesterday. By the way, the abbreviation you said is SB."


  For today's assessment, the ninja school has suspended classes, and people watch the battle under the guise of letting the younger generation learn, but Danzo's original intention is very easy to analyze, not just to make Qianju Monet feel ashamed in front of more people. To combat the prestige of the Senju family in Konoha.

  The idea is good, but after being exercised overtime by the second master for so long, Monet's actual combat skills are already unbelievably strong, and he has already thought about it today. If we want to play, let's play a big one.

  He wants to make the whole Konoha shake three times by the name of Qianshou!

  The people have almost arrived, and several big bosses of Konoha are led by the three generations of Hokage to the most prominent position in the square.

  The dog head military division Danzo, the advisor and elder of Mito Gate Yan and the transitional sleeper Koharu, and the almost blind Uchiha mirror not far from death.

  In fact, Monet is a little bit puzzled. In the original book, with the end of the first ninja war, Uchiha Jing would have died on the battlefield together. I didn't expect that this person's life was so tough this time that he persisted until now.

  Well, it is estimated that Hatake Sakumo is about to enter the ninja school. At that time, the three-ninja Konoha who has grown up will enter a heyday and gallop in the second ninja war.

  "Cough, today, the purpose of letting everyone come, you must already know!"

  On such occasions, Sarutobi Hiizhan naturally felt a sense of presence, standing up straight and reaching out his hand, which was not a tall body.

  "We, Konoha, have produced four amazing geniuses!"

  "Today is the day to test whether the geniuses are worthy of their name!"

  "Let everyone witness their growth with me, and the green leaves that have turned into Konoha will become nutrients for the younger generation to show."

  Yo, you're a bit skinny, so you've learned from the little master?

  Monet pouted and grabbed Jiraiya's clothes next to him and wiped his face.

  "Boss, I bought this new dress. I've been saving money for a long time, and I'm not willing to go to Sister Yao."

  Zilai also stepped back and said in a crying voice, "Didn't you wash your face this morning?"The clothes are half black, how can I wear them?

  Seeing Jiraiya's tragic situation, Brother Snake, who originally wanted to get close to Monet, hesitated for a while and finally chose to move two steps to the side.

  His mother stayed up late to make new clothes for him. Thinking of his mother, Brother Snake had a soft look on his face. Mom and Dad sent him to school today and went on a mission. Originally, he wanted to give them graduation as a gift, but now he can only Wait until they come back.

  "Okay! I won't talk about the extra, I hope the four little days can achieve good results today!"

  After a long while of ink, Sarutobi Hizan finally stopped his speech, even if it was a rainy day, he saw many people below falling asleep because of it.

  "Assessment begins!"

  "Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru is out!"

  The Shimonin assessment is not troublesome, but a series of tests are inevitable, and the person in charge of the tests is their head teacher, Yamazaki Ryuji.

  "The first test! Printing speed!"

  "Within the specified time, it is qualified to make a random order of my dictation!"

  "The first Thousand Hands Tsunade!"

  Under the tense environment, Tsunade glanced at his eldest cousin, and then bravely walked up!

  My cousin said that there would be no problem if it was just the way we usually discuss!

  Don't be nervous, you're done!


  Ps, um, Uncle Snake has parents, and it was during the last mission of the first ninja war this year that he died, which caused Uncle Snake to doubt his life. You can see this by carefully looking at Uncle Naruto Snake's memoir. The Chronicle of Ye also said that the picture is attached with a photo of Uncle Snake's parents and him!

  The second one is delivered, and the new book is for support!Milk dog asks for dog food! .

Chapter [-] We refuse! (third more)


  Yamazaki Ryuji's face was full of awe and he waved his hand.

  "Yin, Si, Chen, Wu."

  Whoosh whoosh!

  Tsunade pricked up his ears and began to form seals like a conditioned reflex, his hands turned into phantoms on his chest, and the four seals were perfectly formed in the blink of an eye.

  "Good speed and standard!"

  Yamazaki Ryuji nodded in encouragement.

  "Hai, Shen, Xu, Mao, Zi."

  This time, the speed of Yamazaki Ryuji's speech has been improved by a level, and Tsunade's expression tightened and quickly formed seals. Fortunately, her muscle memory is very good, and it is very standard to form five seals.

  "Not bad! Next group!"

  A series of ten sets of knot seals were finally completed under the witness of Yamazaki Ryuji and the ninjas.

  Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief and nervously waited for the final result.

  After a while of discussion, Tsunade's results were finally listed.

  "The printing speed is perfect!"

  “The standard is perfect!”

  "You will advance to the next round of assessment if you pass the test!"


  Although he was already mentally prepared, Monet was not only proud of Tsunade. Although this girl was very short-tempered and had a tendency to violence, after being bullied by herself for so long, she finally learned a lot of her advantages!

  Not realizing that he was shameless, Monet gave his cousin a thumbs up.

  "As expected of my Qianshou Monet's cousin! There is something!"

  Amid the cheers, Tsunade proudly returned to Monet's side to wait for the next round of assessment.

  "Next Jiraiya!"

  Yamazaki Ryuji stretched his neck and shouted. Unlike Tsunade, Jiraiya has always been a problem student at school, but he was a little worried about whether Jirai would also meet the qualification standards.

  It's just that Zilai, who has undergone Monet's special training, is much stronger than usual. Both speed and posture are very good. Although there are some minor flaws and a mistake, overall it is still excellent and successfully promoted.

  As for the uncle Snake who finally appeared, not to mention that Yuyin is the foundation of the ninja school, and he is also a student who is very eager to learn.

  Soon the first round of the test was over, and the young Sannin did not disappoint and began the second round of the test with the envy of the students.


  As a result, needless to say, the three of them performed beautifully except for Jiraiya who let go once.

  The last part is the most exciting part, the release of ninjutsu!

  The assessment method is not difficult, the release of the three-body technique, the completion of the three-body technique within the specified time means that they are qualified and awarded a successful graduation!

  Maybe it was because he saw the ninja forehead guard close at hand, and Jirai was a little overwhelmed. He was so happy that he forgot how to release it. In the end, Monet gave him two slaps and finally passed the test.

  Sannin successfully graduated!

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