When it was Tsunade's turn, Little Loli slapped the table and shouted so loudly that the glass on the window hummed.

  "I want to be the most powerful female Hokage!"


  Monet took the lead in chirping, and shamelessly denied what he had just thought.

  "My name is Qianshou Monet, it's Monet, not Mo Nai!"

  "My dream is to be a great scumbag!"


  There was silence, and the teacher was stunned. What kind of ideal is this?

  "Big brother, you are the young master of the Qianshou family, and the man who will inherit the Qianshou family business in the future..."

  Jiraiya reminded in a low voice that the dream of Monet's boss would definitely reach the ears of Hokage-sama.

  "So what? There's nothing stopping me from being a scumbag!"

  Monet is righteous.

  "How can I become stronger without becoming a scum? This is my ninja way!"

  Fuck you paralyzed!

  Yamazaki Ryuji is as uncomfortable as eating shit, and he's holding back, waiting for you to go home and be beaten to death by your Hokage grandpa!

  After a while, the storm passed, and Yamazaki Ryuji, who had stabilized after the first link, began to brainwash everyone and spread Hokage's thoughts.

  Monet, who was dazed and sleepy, couldn't sit still.

  Secretly whispered a few words in Jiraiya's ear.

  "Brother, what do you mean, peeping?"

  As expected of it!Will be looking for inspiration to say so straight to the man!

  "No, no, we are appreciating body art. People at your level don't understand it."

  Monet patted Jiraiya hard on the shoulder, and he was very interested from the way the kid's eyes were shining.

  "But brother, how do we get out? It's not school yet."

  Zilai also swallowed.

  "It's simple."

  Standing up, Monet took Jirai and walked outside. When he came to the door, he shouted at the doubtful Yamazaki Ryuji.

  "Teacher, I skipped class!"

  Constitution +5!


  that is!How can scum not skip class?Is that still called scumbag?

  His actions frightened Jiraiya, Qianshou Monet had the support of Lord Hokage, but he didn't!After finally entering the key class, if you get kicked out, it will be over!

  But when the two of them sneaked out of the female soup and looked in through the gap, all his hesitations disappeared!

  Really fucking worth the trip!

  "Brother, I think that's good!"

  "Brother, that one is not bad, tsk tsk, that ass."

  "Wow, big brother this and this!"


  What the fuck are your tastes?

  Monet felt a chill, this kid was referring to Sarubi Lake Biwa, right?Can you see that woman too?

  Rolling his eyes, Monet smiled and touched behind Jiraiya.

  "I'm sorry little brother, I'm a scumbag!"


  With one foot hard, Jiraiya screamed and smashed directly into the center of the female soup, followed by a burst of chicken flying and dog jumping.

  As the initiator, Monet walked into the distance with his hands behind his back and waved his sleeves without taking away a cloud...

  Constitution +20!

  Speed ​​+20!

  Strength +20!


  I'm a scum, a happy scum!

  Humming a little tune, Monet left this place of right and wrong.

  On the same day, explosive news came out of the ninja school.

  As the young master of the Senju family and the precious grandson of the Senju Tobirama, Senju Monet beat up his classmates on the first day of class, causing Duan Kato to fall into a coma.

  Immediately afterwards, his dream of becoming a scum was also spread, and he even kidnapped his classmates and skipped class just after class!

  No matter which one is enough to thunder the ears of everyone.

  In the Uchiha clan, the current Uchiha patriarch, who is also Fuyue's father, laughed heartily at the information!

  "Thousands Tobirama, Senshou Tobirama, you are a person, but it's a pity that your Qianshou family has no successor!"

  In Hokage's office, Tobirama Qianshou sat calmly on a chair, and Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't dare to breathe for fear of disturbing the iron-blooded Hokage.

  "Go, get that little bastard for me."

  Lightly clicking on the table, Senju Tobirama's face could not tell what he was thinking.

  Sarutobi nodded and left the office with a flash.


  He sneezed fiercely at the poor ice bully in the hands of a little boy on the side of the road, announcing that the ice cream paid off and the little boy's heart was broken.

  Constitution +1!

  Why have an ominous premonition?

  Monet touched his nose and thought to himself.


  Five more on the first day!Ask for flowers! .

Chapter [-] I'm also very embarrassed!

  My name is Monet, and I'm panicking right now.

  Squatting in the corner of Hokage's office, Monet looked at the second Hokage with a livid face. If he remembered correctly, this seemed to be the first time he remembered that the second grandpa had lost such a big temper.

  There are three people in the office, besides Monet and Senju Tobirama, there is also Hizuchi Sarutobi who was in charge of arresting Monet and bringing him to justice.

  At this time, the appearance of the old monkey was a bit miserable. Tian Linggai's hair in the middle was forcibly grabbed off a large piece, and the original beard was completely wiped out.

  The slap print on the left face and the blood print that was caught are incomparably indicative of the hardships this Xiongtai had experienced before.

  Where did this little bastard get so much energy? !

  Looking angrily at the young master of the Senju family, Sarutobi recalled the scene on the street.

  He just patted the kid from behind, and then the kid shouted like a madman with murderous intent, and it was a torrential attack on himself.

  Heaven and earth conscience, this is the treasure of the second generation, and he dare not take too much.

  If you are not surnamed Qianshou, try it!See if the old man beats you up!

  "Why do that."

  Senju Tobirama's tone was very calm, but both Monet and Sarutobi Hizan could hear the anger inside. If he didn't give him a reasonable explanation, he wouldn't be able to run away by beating the young master today.


  The old monkey smiled slightly and felt relieved. The wicked have their own grind, and only those surnamed Qianshou can clean up with the same surname.

  Beat him up, teacher!

  Beat to death, don't give me face!

  This question is not easy to answer.

  Monet knew that there would be such a scene as early as after the school went wild, and he could understand it from another angle.

  For the time being, he is the only seedling of the orthodox Qianshou family. Before the Qianshou rope tree was born, he was the heir of the Qianshou family!

  There are many children of the Senju family of the same age, but he and Tsunade are the only ones who are directly related. Senju Tobirama naturally gave him great hope, and even instilled some Hokage concepts from childhood to cultivate.

  "Second grandpa..."

  Although it is shameful to be cute, this is also Monet's most advantageous disguise. In order to avoid being beaten, Monet stepped pitifully to the foot of Qianshou Tobirama.

  Of course, this is just to give Qianshou Tobirama a step down, and it is estimated that the anger of the Hokage-sama has disappeared a lot after scolding for so long.

  "Second grandpa, I also want to save face, this matter is over! Come back and make tea for you!"

  Climbing onto Senju Tobirama's shoulder, Monet immediately changed his face and underestimated it in a low voice.

  "You still want face! Do you know how much this old man has lost?"

  It's okay not to mention the tea, but when I think of the tea and the smell of urine, Lord Hokage can't stop getting sick.

  All over the place claiming to be scum, beating up classmates, instigating and peeping...

  Is this what one should do as the heir to the Senju family?

  The more I think about it, the more I get angry, the more I think about it, Senju Tobirama grabs his grandson and lifts him into the air, slaps that tender little ass!

  Finally hit!

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