After waiting for a long time, Sarutobi couldn't help but want to applaud, but he finally resisted the urge.


  Feeling uneasy for a while, Qianshou Tobirama sat down today and wanted to teach his little grandson a lesson.

  "Mom! Hit someone!"

  "Who can handle this!"

  Monet kept fluttering in the air. Although he looked like an older child, this child's body contained the fully mature soul of a [-]-something-year-old youth!

  It's rumored that the big ass is carried in the air like this, how can the young master mix?

  "Old man, I want to fight you one-on-one!"

  Displeased, Senju Monet does not hesitate to challenge with the samurai's honor guarantee!


  Sarutobi was taken aback, little bastard, do you know who you are talking to?That is your grandfather's second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama!

  "Fine! As expected of the seed of our Qianshou family!"

  The second generation laughed angrily, but he wanted to see what kind of ability this kid could give him before he dared to speak madly after studying at the ninja school for a day.

  "You put me down first!"

  Monet, who was carried in the air, shouted in shame.


  Getting up from the ground, Monet looked solemn.

  "Old man, this is the first time I've used this trick. You'd better prepare yourself mentally! Why don't we go to the training ground. I'm afraid I'll ruin your office."

  Is this for real?

  The second generation who wanted to test the strength of his grandson narrowed his eyes, but he did not think that this kid could do anything harmful to the office under his own eyes.

  "I'm going!"

  Taking a deep breath, Qianshou Monet's young body shrouded a hint of majesty.

  "bring it on!"

  Senju Tobirama clasped his shoulders and stared at his grandson.


  Putting his hands together, a familiar seal appeared in front of Senju Tobirama.

  "This...this is!"

  Qianshou Tobirama, who has witnessed this seal countless times, exclaimed, the figure in his heart, the mountain that cannot be crossed in his life, the man known as the god of the ninja world uses this technique to calm the chaotic world!

  Could it be that? !

  "Woodun! Take back the armor and challenge ten (the tree world is coming)!"


  The turbulent momentum erupted, and the ground shook for a while, as if the entire Hokage building was shaking a little.

  But the change only lasted for a few seconds and it ended. When all the attention was on Sarutobi Hizan and Senju Tobirama who were under his feet, there was no sign of that bastard...

  been played!

  Played again!

  Just when Qianshou Tobirama was furious and wanted to settle accounts with the bastard, he was shocked to find that where the little bastard was just standing, a young tree bud was lying there softly and decadently...

  Wood escape? !

  New book begging for votes! .

Chapter [-] Here Comes Uncle!

  Still fail?

  He ran to the back street in a flash, and Monet looked at his little hand regretfully.

  As expected of the ninjutsu used by the first Naruto to conquer the ninja world, the arrival of Mudun is not so easy to put.

  With his point of view, Chakra's desire to control Mu Dun is a fool's errand.

  So when will my scumbag Mudun be fully activated?

  "Don't worry, Lord Host, as your physique increases, the bloodline of thousands of hands hidden in your body will explode out completely. At that time, whether it's a wooden dungeon or an immortal human body, it will naturally become your ability!"

  The beautiful scum system elves are everywhere, and they will appear every time you encounter confusion in the progress of scum.

  "Well, you said that, the young master has a lot more in his heart!"

  Isn't that just being a scumbag?What's the big deal!

  It is impossible to cultivate well, it is impossible to cultivate well in this life, you can only be a scum to maintain your life like this.

  Monet, who was thinking about the problem, was a little distracted, and accidentally bumped into some unlucky guy.

  "Oh, I'm going!"

  Jirai, who had just been beaten so badly, also fell to the ground as if it had been put on a slate.

  Glancing at the bruised nose and swollen face of the younger brother who had just received today, Monet was suddenly shocked.

  Those old ladies are too ruthless, aren't they?

  Why was it beaten like this?

  It seems that his grievances have been confided in, and his heart has found a place to comfort. Jiraiya endured the pain and grabbed Qianshou Monet's thigh.


  "You are paralyzed! Why did you run away!"


  Seeing that my little brother has been wronged, he can't even speak!

  He slapped Jiraiya hard in the face, and Monet coughed.

  "My stupid little brother, what's wrong with you?"

  Isn't this a well-intentioned question?

  Zilai also looked at Qianshou Monet angrily with his face covered, but this fellow even licked his face and asked himself what was going on!

  Others don't understand that kind of mood at all. When he was immersed in the ocean of body art and full of arrogance, he was suddenly kicked into the bathtub, and then was ravaged by a dozen or so old ladies...


  The young Jiraiya's heart was full of shadows at this time, and he still can't forget the look in the eyes of Lake Sarubi Biwa looking at him.

  "Don't be discouraged. There will be many more opportunities like this in the future. I promise not to kick you in next time."

  What you said is no different from farting, and Jirai kept shaking his head to express his disbelief.

  "Go, come with me!"

  Turning his eyes, Qianshou Monet suddenly showed a wretched smile and pulled Jirai away. There was no way, the younger brother was injured, and as the eldest brother, he had to make up for it.

  Turn left and right at Konoha Village to a hidden alley.

  "This is where?"

  Zilai also asked suspiciously, he had never been to this place before.

  "Red Light District!"

  Red light district?what is that?It sounds exciting!

  Jiraiya swallowed his saliva and was full of anticipation.

  Even in Konoha Village, this invisible industry exists. Ninja is a profession with high mortality and pressure. When there is pressure, there must be a place to release the pressure.

  This is a man's paradise!A place to have fun!

  A secret place that Monet stumbled upon as a child.

  Yes, in order to compensate the younger brother, he plans to bring Zilai to see the world!

  Anyway, Jirai who grew up in the original book of this place is also a regular visitor. He just let him recognize him a few years in advance. Besides, Jirai is still a child now, and he is powerless to do such a foolish thing. The main purpose of coming here is to relax and unwind.

  Monet, who had no guilt, stretched out his little hand and knocked on the closed door.

  dong dong dong.

  "Here, uncle~"


  Unable to stand the nausea, Monet suddenly spit out a mouthful of sour water at Jirai in front of him.

  Constitution +5!Spirit +5!


  Aggrieved, his face was smeared, and Jirai also had the illusion of a dead dog.

  The person who opened the door was a sturdy woman who had experienced many battles. Monet could smell the powdery smell from a distance.

  "Go, wash my brother, and call a few good girls by the way. There is only one point. I understand the arrangement for my brother. I'm not short of money, sir!"

  Throwing out the wallet that was passed from Hizan Sarutobi before, Monet walked in generously and looked more skilled than those regulars.

  "Brother, why are you going?!"

  Seeing that he was carried away by two Fengchen women, Zilai also asked in a panic.

  "Brother, enjoy it slowly, and follow the big brother to have meat to eat."

  Waving his hand without looking back, Monet walked into the private room.

  Constitution +5!

  "Master, do you want to call a few girls?"

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