The prostitute followed and entered, she found that this child is not simple, not to mention he is very skilled, he is a master who can cheat, maybe he can kill a big one!

  "No, serve me good wine and good food, the uncle will have a drunken break today!"

  Monet said impatiently.

  "Master, it's a little uncomfortable not to find two girls in this kind of place..."

  "If you force me to let my grandfather go to your store again, hurry up!"

  The old man was a little stunned.

  "I take the liberty to ask, who is your grandfather?"

  "Hokage, Senju Tobirama."


  The old man's eyes flashed a green light, and he ran out of the private room without daring to fart.

  my mom!

  Hokage-sama's grandson brought his younger brother to a nightclub?

  I'm not fucking dreaming, am I?


  The new book is asking for flowers and tickets! .

Chapter [-] Bah!Who is savage!


  "Hahahaha! Okay, this uncle will definitely come again next time!"

  "Yeah, yeah, how can I break my word, who is destined to be a great ninja?"

  Zilai, who was blushing and had a match for the monkey's butt, also picked up his steps lightly, with the smell of alcohol in his mouth, saying goodbye to the charming lady next to him while burping.

  That coquettish appearance made Qianshou Monet's crotch shiver uncontrollably.

  My God, Jirai shouldn't be spoiled, right?

  Look at this appearance has been completely caught in it!

  Sure enough, a person's nature can be seen from childhood, no matter what he has experienced, inner desires will also breed and induce his growth path.

  "Well, for example, the great host is essentially a scum, and the existence of this system is even more powerful."

  "Go away! Sand sculpture!"

  Abuse the system, +1 physique!


  Monet stretched his waist and left the entertainment venue with Jirai, who was drunk and confused.

  "Hey, boss, boss, I really love you! This place is really good!"

  After the Sannin lecherous immortal who was pulled into the abyss one step earlier lost the fig leaf, her wretched nature was vividly displayed!

  "Cut, where did this go?"

  Monet pouted and said disdainfully, this kid is really useless, you have not started to swell your youth with a real knife and a gun?

  "That's right, it's definitely not wrong to follow the boss!"

  Breathing out the smell of alcohol, Zi Lai also completely forgot the scene where he was peeped at by his boss before. The typical scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.

  It was already night, and Monet was also a little sleepy. After saying goodbye to Jiraiya, he sneaked into the Qianshou Clan.

  "Bah! Who is savage? My grandfather is Hokage and dare to make trouble?!"

  "Oh my grass!"

  As soon as he entered the door, Monet was grabbed and covered his mouth, and then a gust of wind and lightning whizzed past, and Monet who reacted has appeared in a bedroom.

  Very simple environment, there is a faint smell of urine.

  very familiar!

  Damn, isn't this the second master's bedroom?

  Slowly turning his head, Monet saw the solid figure. At this time, Senju Tobirama was holding his nose and pouring some kind of liquid from the teapot into the cup.

  This taste...

  Can't go wrong!

  Children's urine bubble tea!

  "Cough, second grandfather, I am your grandson anyway. Let's talk about it, even if you want to invite me to drink tea, you don't have to."

  Monet swallowed his saliva and took two steps back unconsciously. Wouldn't this fellow be so frantic to pour tea for himself?

  "You are also afraid? Isn't it cool to pee in your grandfather's teapot?"

  Qianshou Tobirama sneered, he knew better than anyone what it was like.

  Sitting on the ground decadently, Monet sighed, it seemed that this beating was inevitable, but what to say.

  This wave is not bad!Earning so many attribute points should also pay a price.

  "If you are a man, don't slap your face. Your grandson is counting on this face to carry forward the great foundation of the Qianshou Family!"

  What are you thinking about every day?

  Qianshou Tobirama took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, and then flicked his wrist, and a small sapling that looked very unruly appeared out of thin air.

  "You still have weapons?"

  Standing up in grief and indignation, Monet shouted without tears, domestic violence is not like this.

  "No, Monet, you misunderstood."

  The second generation was speechless, playing with the saplings.

  "You feel it, the Chakra here."


  Chakra in the wood?

  Monet was stunned for a while, glanced at the sapling and then at Qianshou Tobirama.

  "Oh my shit! Second Master, have you studied Mudun?"

  "Shut up the fuck!"

  He rushed over and immediately covered Monet's mouth with Qianshou, and the second generation blew his beard and stared, how could this kid not be serious?The situation is so tense now that the major Ninja villages are all mutual intricate work, and if a bad news spreads, it will be over!

  "Woo! Woohoo!"

  The protest seemed to be writhing in the arms of the second generation.

  "I let you go, no yelling!"

  After warning his sand sculpture grandson, Qianshou Tobirama slowly let go.

  "Have you studied Grandpa's corpse?"

  The words were not astonishing, and Monet, who had just recovered his freedom, questioned with disgust on his face.

  "How do you know it?"

  After being provoked by Qianshou Monet, the second generation Mu Shunkou said in surprise and asked, it is true that he is not wary of his grandson, and he would never reveal the top secrets of the village like this or even kill the other party directly.

  He did study his eldest brother's cells, but that was agreed by the eldest brother before he died. It was his last contribution to Konoha, and it was already over. He didn't want to toss with his eldest brother's body.

  Few people knew about this, even the old monkey didn't tell him. It was a project that had been abandoned and the reputation of Qianshou was devastating.

  "Nonsense, that's Mu Dun, who knows except the big grandfather!"

  Monet said disdainfully.

  "Who would? Isn't there a person standing in front of me?"

  There was a smile on Qianshou Tobirama, and this was the reason why he was squatting and guarding his grandson back tonight!

  He saw hope in Monet!

  What does it mean to reproduce Konoha in Mudun?No one knows better than him!


  New book begging for votes!

  The scum has signed a contract! .

Chapter [-] A whole thousand hands are standing behind you!

  "Is it you who is standing in front of me?"

  Monet looked at Qianshou Tobirama suspiciously. Haven't heard of the second generation of Mu Dun?

  "Not in front of you, but in front of me."

  Maybe the child's understanding was wrong, so the second generation explained patiently.

  "Oh, in front of me."

  Monet nodded lightly.

  "So the second master has trained Mu Dun to mock me on purpose? You are so boring."


  "It's your Mudun!"

  Qianshou Tobirama was furious.

  "No, it's your Mu Dun!"

  Fuck you paralyzed!

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