Just when Senju Tobirama was on the verge of rage, Monet shrugged.

  "Second master, second master, you are too serious, aren't you my Mu Dun? You are so excited."

  "Okay, mine is mine, what's so great about it."

  "Really, you are not really funny."

  Well, Monet felt his own Chakra when he saw the sapling.

  Ding!Making fun of his grandfather is indeed a mad scum!

  Constitution +10!Speed ​​+10!


  So this is life!

  Picking up the sapling from the ground, Monet curiously touched it. He had noticed it when he was in Hokage's office before, but he didn't look carefully when he was in a hurry to run away.

  "This is my tree world coming?"

  Monet was a little embarrassed, afraid that the grandfather Qianshouzhujian couldn't hold down the coffin board when he saw it, right?

  It's finally back to normal!

  Qianshou Tobirama suddenly felt very tired to communicate with his grandson.

  "Monet, when did you awaken Mu Dun? Why didn't you tell me about such a big thing?"

  How do I know?

  Monet rolled his eyes and told the truth, he pretended to be a tree world in the Hokage office, which is to pretend to be easy to escape.

  The system didn't lie to him, with the growth of his physique, Mu Dun has already shown signs of rising.

  With his little hands behind his back, Monet smashed the little sapling with one foot and walked arrogantly to the second master.

  "This kind of thing, isn't our thousand hands awakened at birth?"

  "I thought that as long as we belong to the Qianshou family, the little saplings are just the foundation!"

  "Could it be that none of you know how to escape? No, I think it's very simple."


  He must be pretending, showing off!

  Qianshou Tobirama saw through his grandson's thoughts at a glance, who is disgusting here?

  If everyone in a thousand hands can escape, what would happen to other ninja villages?This troubled world may have calmed down a long time ago!

  Ignoring Monet, the big stone in Qianshou Tobirama's heart was completely put down. Since the death of his eldest brother, there has not been any decent talent in the Qianshou family.

  Moreover, the iconic wooden dung of the eldest brother has not been inherited. This juncture is when the Qianshou family is green and yellow and needs someone to stand up.

  His age is not too young, maybe he will leave that day, but this Konoha and Qianshou, he really can't let go!

  Sitting on a chair and tapping on the table with his fingers, Mu Dun reappears for Konoha and Qianshou is a big deal!

  Qianshou Tobirama was lost in thought.

  After a long time, the second generation stood up and carried Monet into his arms.

  "Monet, starting from today, I will not deliberately discipline you. I will give you the greatest degree of freedom. I know that you cannot be restrained as a child. The more discipline you are, the more counterproductive you will be."

  "Of course, the premise is that you can't embarrass the Senju family, especially Uchiha!"

  "You also know some things in your heart. As a member of Qianshou, you absolutely cannot do things that endanger the village. You must understand this."

  "I won't ask about Mu Dun's affairs anymore, you also have to remember that you can't talk about it to anyone."

  "Second grandpa strives to live a few more years for you, so feel free to fly! Behind you is the entire thousand hands!"


  Standing behind you is a whole thousand hands!

  Wu Yan stretched out his little hand and touched Senju Tobirama's face. Maybe this is a character that is not very popular in anime, but when you really feel the strong family affection, you will always be moved involuntarily.

  This is the second dimension, a very real world.

  Why are you talking to me like this?

  I'm a scumbag!

  Monet wiped his face and did not speak.

  "This is what your eldest grandfather left behind. It should help you. The second grandfather is tired. You should go back first."

  "Remember, don't talk to anyone about Mu Dun for the time being, at least don't do that until you have the ability to protect yourself."

  Putting down Monet, Qianshou Tobirama took out a scroll from his arms and handed it to him. This is all the wooden ninjutsu left by the elder brother. He believes that as long as Monet grows, the legend of Konoha Qianshou will undoubtedly be lost. Continue writing!

  Leaving Senju Tobirama's bedroom, Monet went to the backyard to sit on the swing and stare at the night sky.

  The uncontaminated second-dimensional air at night is very fresh, and the moonlight is extremely dazzling on the ground.

  Silently took out the scroll in his arms, which seemed to still have the temperature of the second grandfather.

  "This kid has really changed a lot."

  The second generation in the corner, who was peeping at his grandson's reaction, showed a hint of satisfaction, but Monet moved again before he could recover.

  "Mu Dun! Take back the armor and ask for ten!"

  With a blushing face, Monet half-squatted on the ground like a poop. It was a force!

  After a long time, a young sapling on the ground drilled out with all its strength, but after it came out, it did not have the strength to grow again and fell to the ground.

  "Cut, Grandpa's stupid ninjutsu! Sure enough, only a one-strand grandpa can practice it?"


  Sure enough, Monet is still the same Monet!

  The second generation sighed and left with his hands behind his back. Can you expect the dog to change the habit of eating shit?

  Maybe, but that's a ninja.


  New book asking for tickets! .

Chapter Ten Thousand Hands and Uchiha!

  The Five Ninja Villages have been established for some time, and a storm seems to be brewing after the quiet period.

  The discordant distribution of interests has led to the mutual hostility between Shinobi Village, and without the existence of Senju Hasuma and Uchiha Madara, Konoha does not seem to be so indestructible.

  Under such circumstances, wars are on the verge of breaking out, and the number of frictions at the border is increasing day by day.

  Konoha's ninjas began to get busy, and information and news came in and out from Naruto's office.

  In a tense atmosphere, a discordant voice came from within Uchiha.

  Uchiha's patriarch's wife gave birth to the young patriarch successfully!

  It seems that he intends to give Uchiha strong momentum to make up for the situation that was suppressed some time ago. The Uchiha chief announced that he would invite all the Konoha ninja clan to celebrate together!

  "Cousin, have you heard? The Uchiha clan elder has given birth to a child."

  The ninja school was at lunch break. Monet and Tsunade, who were too lazy to go home, were eating rice balls in the classroom. Tsunade looked extremely cute with a face full of rice grains.

  "I'm born, it's not your son, what are you worrying about?"

  Monet shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't care. Unsurprisingly, it should have been Uchiha Fugaku's birth, but that's all he cares about.

  "I mean that's Uchiha!"

  Tsunade wiped her little face, revealing a rare trace of sadness, and she was a little resistant to this, who had been instilled by Senju Tobirama for many years that Uchiha was a symbol of evil.

  "What's wrong with Uchiha? He can give birth to our thousand hands, but it's not impossible to give birth. Let's wait until you grow up. Uchiha Fuyue will give birth to two, and we will give birth to four and fuck him!"

  Monet patted Tsunade on the shoulder and comforted.

  What are we living!

  Tsunade's face flushed red and he lowered his head.

  I don't have much idea about Uchiha Fuyue's birth of Monet, but this also sends out a signal.

  The war is about to begin!

  The second grandpa will die in this war!

  Gotta figure out a way.

  Monet touched his chin and started to think.

  At this moment, a sneaky figure entered the door, and when he saw Monet, his eyes lit up and hurriedly trotted over.

  From the vain footsteps of this kid and the faint lip print on his face, Monet could analyze what he was doing.

  Go prostitute at noon?You are so fucking talented!

  Monet raised his middle finger at Jiraiya, expressing his admiration.

  "Brother, what's going on this afternoon?"

  He swallowed and asked in a low voice.

  The past few days have passed, and Monet has allowed Jiraiya to discover the New World!

  What kind of gambling? Going to nightclubs and peeping is a thrill.

  "Can't you focus on your studies as a kid?"

  Monet replied solemnly.

  Is this your boss?

  Jiraiya also took two steps back in horror, impossible!The boss would never say such a thing!

  "It's a surprise to hear this from Monet-kun's mouth."

  Coincidentally, Orochimaru happened to pass by and turned his head when he heard this.

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